• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 13th, 2023

Andy Grey

I'll never be as suave as I want to be.


Sometimes it isn't simple to satisfy a ponies values. Sometimes (like in Summer Star's case) you need to beat them up a little, in order to teach them how to satisfy themselves.

Summer wasn't always afraid of social interaction, but long years of amazing adventures among snowcovered mountains, and on fantastical shores, has limited her ability to interact with other ponies. Princess Celestia realizes that Summer Star, though her values are being satisfied, needs more friends, if she is to uphold her prime directive.

Summer star needs to be conditioned!

(note that:
- This story is undoubtedly sucky compared to professional prose.
- Won't be updated terribly often.
- May or may not end up being completed.

Despite these discouraging factors, I still appreciate any and all readers + feedback)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 27 )


Oh, good catch. Appreciate that, friend.

You have no idea how confused I was to see no tags. :applejackconfused:

I'm guessing... moderately? Thanks for pointing that out so fast, though. I really do appreciate that. I must have gone through the motions of editing the information a little too quickly.

My Little ADOM: Roguelikes are Magic?

Wow, thank you. I do love me some recognition ^_^.

I probably won't indent however. I know some people are crazy about that stuff, but since this is web format, and indenting won't actually save any paper or anything, I find the whole thing sort of redundant.

(please don't swap me. I really don't need to be piledroven back into that teamfight. Also if you would be so kind as to keep armor debuffs to yourself, that would be great)

O my god, someone got it. You are my favorite person of the month. Please accept something random from my reaction image folder. You deserve it!


You know, I didn't even realize that this was an optimalverse story until I started reading it. How did I miss that in the title?

You might want to add this to a few groups to get more recognition, when I was low on views, I added it to some groups and my views increased greatly.

This is really intriguing, looking forward to seeing this story grow.

It's a good start. It'll be interesting were you go with this. There were a few flubs here and there, however.
"I glibbed my eyes a few times." Glibbed? Even my spell-checker couldn't help me here.
Later on the word "eminating" popped up. It's spelled "emanating". Further along, the word "adventurers" showed up without the proper punctuation of "adventurer's".
This is minor stuff, though. Just keep an eye out for the little details.
Good luck with this story. I'll give it an upvote because I'm nice.

First off, I think this is going to turn into a good story. OC stories aren't my thing and I'm unfamiliar with the ADOM setting/system, and whatever the Optimalverse is, but I read Venge's blog post so I gave it a read. It's well written and (in my opinion) interesting, so far, and I feel like it will only get more interesting. I don't know if I will continue to read more (assuming you continue the story, which I hope you do) but at the very least you get an upvote and encouragement to keep it up! Cheers, mate!

Oh my good gosh this is amazing instia like and fav!!!!

Damn, aj, that's some fucked up shoulder work right there.

Thanks for pointing these out. As few people as do read my stories, it can sometimes be hard being /too/ thourough when I go through them. I will fix what you mentioned here, and check for instances where the same mistakes are
made in the futúre.

Greatest part about that is that it's actually a direct screencap.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was going to do that, I think, but only once I was confident that I could keep the ball rolling, so to speak. I always feel sort of conscious promoting things that aren't longer than a certain amount of words, since it can be hard to find much enjoyment in an adventure story that has just started.

I came here on Vengeful Spirit's recommendation. I'm quite glad that I did.

I like this. :twilightblush:

And I like you. :trollestia:. Unfortunately it will probably never really be finished, though, and neither will privileged. I'm happy you were able to somewhat enjoy my broken halfway made works, though.

Sad to see it won't be finished... -casually email updates in case- :ajsleepy:

I don't mean to nitpick, especially so late, but:

the princess hadn’t specified the color of coat, mane color, or even gender of the pony in question, when she instructed me to meet them at the Stormhound’s bar.

I doubt Summer was really paying attention, since CelestAI stated that the pony in question was a male in the first chapter:

There is a new arrival in the Evergreen, and I think he could use an adventurer’s help."

Besides that, I enjoyed this story immensely.

You enjoyed this junk?

Well, that's something :rainbowderp:. Tell you what, if I wrote a new chapter, do you think you'd read that? I've been thinking of maybe getting back into this writing business.

Oh, and thanks for the comment. I agree, that part was pretty bad.

Yeah, it seems to flow nicely. Yeah, I'd read another chapter if you wrote one. The Optimalverse is probably my favorite universe.

Alright, I'll see if I can't churn a couple out. Keep an eye out for it in the future ^_^. And thanks for your feedback.

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