Six ponies and one dragon meet in a clearing. One botched spell sends them whirling through time and space to a land they'd never have dreamed of. Can they find out where and what they are?
Six ponies and one dragon meet in a clearing. One botched spell sends them whirling through time and space to a land they'd never have dreamed of. Can they find out where and what they are?
anime is shit
Your face is shit. Don't insult one of the many decent thing to come out of Japan
Japan is a horrible fucking country, and Anime is an abomination that distracts people from actual quality animation.
356394 Oh, hey, it's that guy again. You should really change your avatar to a trollface, dude. You might offend someone.
Would you mind naming some of that quality animation then?
Reasons why anime is shit
I Like both
I see nothing wrong with both, each has it's own kind of beauty.
P.S. to anyone who says that anime is realistic.........GTFO! Both american and Anime are both Equaly unrealistic! And that's the beauty of it!
Amusing and informative, but not what I was asking
Hardly. My request was for you to give the title to a few of those quality american cartoons being overshadowed by anime, not why anime was bad. I was simply looking for a list of shows I could look into and see if I would enjoy.
why is there a comment war about anime going on here..?
oh well.. ok about the story.. not bad.. i'll track it to see what happens next
Alright then, *cracks fingers*
Blue's Clues.
Heh, I remember that one. Nice combination of live action and animation. Do you happen to know of any with a bit older target audience though? The problem with that age level of target audience is most of the shows are a bit too episodic. I was hoping for something with a loger overall plot. Along the lines of Pirates of Dark Water or Gargoyles.
Spike is penis
Steven The Lesbian
Well...that certainly isn't targeted for kids Not quite filling the longer plotline requirement though Cool, new Skyrim vids on his page too...
plot is for fags
ROFL, then alas, we have reached an impass in this conversation.
*Sigh* Anime is more appealing.
(I made the fatal descision to join the war, even if I AM a bit late...)
I think the anime war subsided.. great work so far! oh and FIRST!!
Thanks much!
I need another anime war to chew on as I wait for my parents to make me go to sleep. Soooooo... which is better, american cartoons or anime?
HHHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmm... American comic books tend to be less awkward... (As in, they don't have the main characters in comic books show their breasts every two seconds...)
that just depends what your reading
Hehehehe, good point...
something just occurred to me.
was Wisconsin an arbitrary choice or was it a 'a live here/like this state, so might as well' thing?
Live there.
Oh Rainbow Dash you just publicly humiliated yourself! Good job!
Yea buddy!
Any suggestions?????
Perhaps have different scenarios, where it fits, of each of the mane 6's weaknesses. Ie, have a chapter where they pass by a clothes store and Rarity goes apeshit over it. Stuff like that could be fun.
Also, after a couple more chapters, I would love to see an intermission of different ponies back in Ponyville reacting to the missing girls. Perspectives from Celestia(having not received a letter), Sweetie Belle and the Apple family all probably wouldn't be amiss to write in that chapter.
Other than that, the pacing feels a little slow so maybe kick up the "resolving the issue while not being caught but exposure is happening left and right" factor just a little bit.
I have a suggestion.
Write more.
For next chapter... less fighting, moar explination, MOAR writing and a freaking moar of FREAKING OUT
ps: the first reason was because of the kind of fic your writing, the fighting sould wait for a little longer
I am not sure if they were on purpose but I did notice some grammar mistake in Zecora's speech.
Also, not to sound rude but this did seem a bit rushed and of low-quality. While I am a bit turned off by it, don't worry. I will stay around. :D
Zanmatsuken, thanks for the tip. I fixed the grammar mistakes, and I have to admit that you have a lot of the truth in your comment. I really had trouble with this chapter, don't ask me why. I think it might be the fact that I threw this chapter in because of the lack of explanation. The next chapter will also be centered in Ponyville. I should combine them together, seeing as this one is so short, and the next one is probably going to be all I can muster up. I simply don't know what to say on the whole explanation part, because it doesn't seem plausible for somepony to know how this stuff happened and how to solve all of their problems, but then again, this story isn't one that is considered plausible. Heh, listen to me... I keep on disagreeing with myself on this story.
One thing: Pinkie is effin adorable in this picture!
.... not to say the others aren't of course...
This comment put me in tears!
Can Twilight and Rarity still use magic? And Spike breath fire? And shouldn't RD be freaking out about having no wings?
363147 does it really matter? But if I had to answer, I'd say anime is better, BUT America has better Live-Action TV.