• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 1,690 Views, 41 Comments

Holy Celestia! - UnderCover

A gathering of six ponies and a dragon meet in a clearing. One botched spell sends them whirling....

  • ...

Chapter Three: You Know My Name?

Chapter Three: You Know My Name?

Pinkie Pie bounced right side up, upside down, left side right, and right side left as she waited for six bleary humans to fully awaken. “So what we doin today guys?!” she asked, in her trademark high pitch voice.

“Ugh, PINKIE PIE, what TIME is it?” Twilight groaned as she pulled herself upright.

“Oh, it’s only six in the morning!”

“SIX IN THE MORNIG!? Holy Celestia Pinkie, are you TRYING to kill us?” Rainbow Dash complained lazily.

“Ah, it’s not THAT bad everypony! Why, ah wake up at 6:30 anyway,” Applejack reasoned. It had little effect.

“Afendurgenfurgen…” Spike rubbed his eyes, accompanying that with a large yawn. “So what exactly is happening?”

“Well dear Spike, Pinkie Pie saw fit to wake us at this unsightly hour to…” Rarity paused, “well, I haven’t the foggiest idea as to what she is planning.”

Spike nodded and accepted his rude awakening. “Okay then, I’m used to this stuff. Twilight tends to do it a bit more than I’d like,” he explained. No one testified – they knew Twilight.

“Spike!” she said with a scowl.

“Well it’s true…”

“Okay guys, can we please stop fighting, Pinkie Pie is about to burst,” Fluttershy whispered with a blush. Twilight held her tongue, but gave a peevish glare to her previously dragon companion. Pinkie Pie stole the show once everyone had calmed down.

“Welliwasthinkingthatwecouldlikeexplorethisawersomeplacewithallothesehoomansandwecouldbeall-HUAH!” she took a pause for air. “So yeah! Waddya think?”

“Wait, what?” was the collective question among girls and guy alike.

“Well what I was SAYING was –“

“Okaaayyyy, hold it right there Pinkie Pie. You need a second to cool your fajitas if you know what I mean,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “How ‘bout we just go for a walk?” Many nods followed her short speech, and the group decided that that was most likely the easiest – and least annoying – way to go.

“It seems a bit less noisy at this time,” Fluttershy commented quietly to Twilight.

“I agree Fluttershy, it’s a lot more enjoyable when there’s less people around to shout and make noise,” Twilight said conversationally. They were slightly set back from the others as they chatted and looked at the illuminated buildings and trees. They heard voices from an alleyway as they walked, and Twilight held up a hand to listen.

“Ugh, I can’t believe you dragged me out here at SIX IN THE MORNING!” someone whined.

“Oh shut up. It’s worth it, okay. Better than stayin’ in your bed ‘till twelve and messing with the computer for two more hours!”

“Oh you be quiet foo!”

“It’s true…”


“Are you pulling a –“

“Oh come ON I – Moon? Hellooooo, anybody there?”

“Ug ub dud yubnuk efya…”



“Oh my gosh! They’re PONIES! AHHHH!” the one named Skye eeped. Twilight stopped in her tracks.

“Fluttershy, did you just hear what they said? They called us ponies!” she looked down at her arms. Nope, the same. Her legs remained pale and upright. Those things – she forgot the name of them – were still hanging oddly from her chest. “I’m still human.” The two girls from the alley rushed towards them.

“Oh my god, I LOVE your Twilight Sparkle outfit! You even have the perfect hair and everything!” Skye gushed in front of a stunned Twilight.

“Uh, wait, how did you know we’re ponies?” she asked. Skye laughed.

“Well we watch the SHOW! How else?” she said sarcastically. Moon smiled and looked at them and the five ahead of them who had now stopped to see what the holdup was.

“Oh, and there’s a Rainbow Dash too?! Gabby would go crazy!” Skye said blissfully. “If only she wasn’t so pessimist all the time, then maybe she could have had the chance to see you guys!”

“Wait a sec, you know my name?” Rainbow Dash asked, holding up her hands. Skye gave her a withering glance.

“Of COURSE I know who you are. See, you’re Twilight Sparkle, you’re Fluttershy, you’re Pinkie Pie, you’re Rarity, you’re Applejack, you’re Rainbow Dash, and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be Spike!” she said cheerily. Applejack gave her a glare and charged her, throwing her against a wall with hard muscles. Moon, the second girl, sprung to action and joined the fight, landing hard punches in Applejack’s gut.

“What’s your problem!?” she screamed as she dodged an oncoming punch from Rainbow Dash. Within seconds, a horn sprung from Twilight’s head and a purple glow held the four fighters suspended and well out of each other’s reach.

“Okay, stop right there! What’s up with you Applejack? Starting a fight like that!” she scolded. Applejack hung her head.

“Ah’m sorry Twilight, I just didn’t know if that stranger was addled in the head or a stalker. ‘Ow could she’ve known ‘bout us here from Ponyville?” Applejack apologized. She glanced over at her opponents. “Ah’m sor – are you okay?!” she asked worriedly. One of the girls was twitching in a midair faint, and the other couldn’t shrink her eyes down to normal size, or get her mouth to work. “Twilight, did you cast a spell on ‘em?” Applejack scolded. Twilight looked hurt.

“Of course not Applejack! Hay, I just pulled YOU out of a fight with them!” she said defensively. Pinkie Pie started bouncing.

“Oh it’s okay! They’re just surprised! I LOVE surprising people, do YOU love surprising people?!” she rambled excitedly.

“Sure Pinkie. I think you can let us down now Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said with an annoyed hair flip. They were soon lowered to the sidewalk, and thankfully, neither side launched into another assault. Twilight breathed her relief.

“Uh, guys, I think we should get this one to a doctor,” said Fluttershy after poking the fainted form of what could only be a pony fanatic.

Author’s Note:
I hoped you liked this chapter. It was very… eventful… The last sentence was more of a human reader conclusion than a pony conclusion. I’m pretty sure you can tell that these two loosely based characters are fanatics. Have fun waiting on the edge of your seats for the next chapter (I hope.)
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