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Oh look, its Habitual. Mah fetishes must be nearby...
Well that cover art certainly takes me back.
That's likely more "want to have kids" than "want to be pregnant".
And... uh... one of the big points of the argument were that any embarrassment and the consequences of their actions would be fine because they'd just outlive the generations. So why not just wait? Alicorn of Love or not, if Cadance tries to continually surround herself with children she's gonna flood the world with immortals. Adopt--consider it practice, if you want.
I noticed some of my fetish in there. Hopefully you can sneak in some more cum inflation later.
Another pregnancy story by Habitual?
This is gonna be good. Can't wait for "Aegis" to start loving her pregnancy.
If you're adding this to a group list does that ,ean you're updating it?
6387738 While she'd undoubtedly love and care for any foal she adopted, Cadence wants a foal of her own blood.
And what's wrong with having plenty of immortals? Go see RealityCheck's The Great Alicorn Hunt if you wanna see my views on immortality.
Yes. YES! I'm so gonna have to read this when I get back from class.
Commenting to register my continuing disappointment that this wasn't titled "Impregnable Armor"
Oh, my goodness. This was both hilarious and sexy in the same time. The perfect 'romantic' (read as 'porn') comedy with an actual and pretty deep story! Well done, well done, I salute you Sir!
Oh, I found a tiny mistake: in the last chapter you used 'Cadence' instead of 'Eros' at one point, fix it quickly. (Use Ctrl+F to find it.)
Insta fav and upvote!
I have a feeling that this is going to result in a lot more of Aegis to love in the coming eleven months.
6388612 I'm pretty sure Future-Cadance turned herself into a male before coming back to the past because they only had a limited amount of time. At least, that's what I understood.
6389119 It's stated that the curse is kind of ingrained into her very cells. And messing with anatomy on that level without really knowing what you're doing is way too risky.
It sticks with her through gender transformations, yeah.
Ok that was interesting
You have my attention now
Is me or this will be spiraling out of control sometime soon
Also when they change Shining back how will the kid react.
If that is alright with you. 
Swapped gender pronouns at this part for a bit, otherwise, hawt
6389889 I was merely confused as to why a gender switch wouldn't fix it, is all.
Oh for one simple reason.... it's pointless. After all, since the author made the mistake of saying that Shining is ALREADY immortal. It means that he's still there in 100 years to give Future Cadance new kids.
I think that "Present Shining" SHOULDN'T have been made immortal as then, this whole threesome actually would have had a reason to exist. AKA, Cadence wants to have a foal with Shining before his demise which is no longer possible in 100 years. And to avoid tragedy, just have "Future Shining" become immortal at some point in the future, heck maybe as a side-effect of the Crystal Heart pumping tons of magic in him.... That way, you still make Shining immortal and pregnant, you give a good reason for the shameless fetish.
And.... I feel like I know where this story is gonna end.... With all the magics going on, I'm gonna go and say that Shining will stay Aegis... at least for the century till Cadence becomes fertile again and they'll have LOTS AND LOTS more foals. Or time magic fucks with logic and stuff actually happens making the possible story interesting... but I doubt that....
Personally, Gleaming Shield is my go-to for Shining Armor r63, because Aegis reminds me too much of someone who I'd rather not think about while fapping... ech.
But damn, that shit was hot. Can't wait for the marvelous adventure to continue!
Aegis and Eros... Did you really enjoy Kinds of Love?
I do hope you intend to update this soon. (Not that I'm one to talk)
I disagree. The point is she doesn't want to wait a century to have a real family, and no adopting isn't what she's looking for. She wants a foal of her own flesh and blood, and this is the only option for that.
I can perfectly understand not wanting to wait 100 years to be a parent with your loved one.
This is gonna be very enjoying indeed
6392432 Remember that time travel spells like what we've seen so far are temporary. It's even stated in the story that they had to use the crystal heart to get rid of any temporal screwups that would be on the sperm.
...Huh, I have a notboner.
6393814 Because atm Cadance is essentially sterile and they want a foal now. Did you not catch the R63 Shining and all the explanation why in the chapter itself?
why did you choose fecundity for the title?
good story so far.
don't know if i can post pregnant images of her.
aegis shield look like to me
[fee-kuhnd, -kuh nd, fek-uhnd, -uh nd]
1. producing or capable of producing offspring, fruit, vegetation, etc., in abundance; prolific; fruitful:
fecund parents; fecund farmland.
2. very productive or creative intellectually:
the fecund years of the Italian Renaissance.
The curse is attached to cells of past Cadence/Eros. Isn't it dangerous to let Aegis touch cursed semen of Past-Eros?
6394088 Bow chicka bow wow!
6394379 Because one hundred years is still one hundred years. Immortal or not, that's a hell of a long time.
Love it, and can't wait to see more!
Yeah, IMO, the whole "Shining Armour is immortal" thing pretty much shot this story's premise in the foot. If there's no race against time to get this done before Shining passes on, the only reason we're left with is "Cadance wants foals RIGHT NOW", which honestly does come across as pretty selfish.
6394768 Indeed.
I feel like the people who call Cadence selfish for what's going on are missing the point of why she's doing it. Like, yeah she and Shining Armor are immortal and the way for them to have kids as them would be in 100 years isn't horrible, but that doesn't change the fact that 100 years isn't 100 years. So, in reality, Shining and Future-Cadence being gender swapped and Future-Eros impregnating Aegis was a more feasible solution. I know it was a big thing for Shining, but it was the more easier and simpler thing to do. Get Aegis pregnant, have her deliver foals, and then be a happy family, which would take like a year two. This, to me, seems like a MUCH better solution than waiting a CENTURY just for Cadence to be able to be fertilized.
6395517 But what gets me is how Cadance is carrying on with the whole "it's the only way" shtick, when it patently is not the only way, and then she actually gets angry with Shining for being reluctant to go along with it. Like I said, if Shining wasn't immortal, then Cadance's argument would have a leg to stand on, since her way really would be the only way for them to have kids. As it stands, all I'm getting from this is essentially Cadance repeating "I want foals right now" over and over again. That just comes across as self-centred.
Also, if she's that bloody desperate to have foals, what the hell is wrong with adoption? That was never even mentioned as an option! Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if Sombra corrupted more than just Cadance's womb...
6395517 I swear people don't exactly think it through. What about showing Shining's parents their grandchildren? And 100 years doesn't magically pass by fast because you're immortal. They're still late 20's at least.
Yeah, it's not like they have any other offspring to make them some grandkids, is it?
There's still no practical reason why they can't wait. If their marriage is going to fall apart because one of them refused to go along with a convoluted time travel/genderswap Get-Kids-Quick scheme, then it couldn't have been a very happy marriage to begin with.
6395558 I see where you're coming from and it's a great point. Like, changes that people (or ponies in this case) need time for adjustment and like to get ready for it. Cadence more or less just kinda was like "I want em' now, so let's do this now" barely giving Shining any time to mentally prepare himself to be a mare and have a child when the only time they were gender swapped was to entice their sex. If she gave Shining time to prepare himself, maybe have him be a mare for a few weeks or months just to adjust to being a mare before getting 'her' pregnant, then this would have been a bit more easier rather than her pinning him in a corner giving him only a few choice options that didn't seem all too great. As for the adoption part, I like to think that they would want a kid who is 100% theirs. (I'm bad, but I'd be on the boat with them on that).
6395561 I honestly didn't think of them. That puts another point why it's the best idea. Cadence could've approached Shining Armor with the idea a bit better, though.
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
this is going to be unbirth isn't it?
Nah. That'll be a different story.
very well
I hope Cadence returns now that Gleaming is preg
well , this turned out to be something completely different than i thought it was , which saddens me :/ .....
6394315 It's alright, stomach acid destroys evil curses. 'S a proven fact.
In most cases, you'd be right. However, hate curses (like most gypsy curses and entropy curses) are especially hard to break down. They'll likely be destroyed not by stomach acid, but the bacteria in Gleaming's gut. This has the unfortunate side effect of evil flatulence, but it's mostly harmless, and ultimately the curse will be destroyed.
Furthermore, you have to consider the motivation behind the curse. This is a curse motivated by vengeance, as opposed to simple spite or bad luck. This also means that there may be some nausea from the karmic imbalance righting itself. Given that the individual who placed the curse in the first place was Sombra, she should be just fine. That guy was a dick.
Trust me on this. This is all 100% factual. In fact, I wrote my doctoral thesis on the relationship between thaumaturgy and gastroenterology, so I'm a certified expert.
6400876 Old comment, but...
You know what? No. I'm sick of people who are willing to write off gaping plot holes and errors in a fic because "muh fetishes". That's the kind of nonsense I left to get away from.
"It's cute and sexy! Who cares about the plot?"
No. Screw that.
OMG that was awesome.
6392936 one thing y'all need help from a time expert aka. The doctor or doctor whoves