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Cute story
why wasn't the idea of knock out my future self normally idea put forth?
Wait, so Shining Armour is immortal now? How does that work?
I want to read this so much more than what I am reading right now. Not that this is bad, but...
6388375 artistic license I think
I would have argued a LOT more, but I suppose there's only so much bitching the audience in general wants to read about.
Wait. so Cadance is a dide in the future? did i miss something?
No I think they missed a step about turning Future!Cadance into a stallion. ...That or she and Shining were planning on going gay in a century or so for a while...
sorry, but no, lost me at the bringing future verisions of ponies in on this. two Its past my susspense of belief that twilight (princiess of MAGIC, who has welded dark magic. cannot break the spell. it just doesn't jive with me.
Wait, if they've already switched genders before, why do they need to pull Eros in from the future? Unless, of course, the sterility sticks with Cadence through gender transformations...
If this was a real thing, women would be lining up to get pregnant.
Rather interesting to see Shinning is actually immortal. Like he should be!!!
The sterility was to wear off in 100 years anyways. That's why they'd summon him from the future.
Well, now I'm even more confused. Like I've missed something.
Shining's immortal? What? And if that's the case then this-
shouldn't be a problem, since he'll still be alive by the time it wears off. It's not like the need to race to have kids. I could understand if he wasn't immortal. But he apparently is.
Why would her future self be a stallion?
6391389 If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. They want to have foals, and a century is a long time to wait. A really long time, immortal or not. Clearly Cadance is not the patient sort. As for her sterility, it carries over through the gender swap, evidenced by her very essence being cursed. The future Cadance that she plans to get will use the gender swap spell on herself and Shining, thus making her a stallion and him a mare. This way all Future Cadance has to do is get Shining pregnant and return to her own time, while Shining in the current timeline carries the pregnancy to term with Current-Sterile-Cadance.
Really, you all make time travel seem so confusing when it's plainly simple.
Waaaait a minute.
If they can just bring back a version of Cadance that isn't corrupted by the curse, why not bring back the female version, and do the surrogate idea with a willing volunteer?
It doesn't seem like there should be any problem with that...
Also, Cadance and Shining Armor are selfish bastards.
Plenty of orphans they could adopt, and have a healthy, loving family with, and they decide the only solution is an overly convoluted time lapse scenerio.
Insert 'Scootaloo is an orphan' joke here.
Why future cadence has to be a guy to knock up shining? Im confused
To have it as their genetic child? I really dont know. Im just hear for the ride
6393814 Think about that question and get back to me.
So this line right here manages to destroy any sympathy whatsoever I could possibly have had for Cadence's position. If she's already made her partner immortal, what's so wrong with just waiting out the curse? Like I could understand if he was still mortal, there's a race against time after all. But now? You're going to force your partner into a convoluted time travel/gender swap scenario just cause you want a foal? That seems.... pretty selfish to me.
And for that matter? There's probably dozens, if not hundreds of foals in the Crystal Empire who's parents were killed by Sombra, why not adopt one or several of them? They get a better life, and you get babies.
6394379 because she wants to have a baby now, when all of her not immortal friends can enjoy the child
Did I miss something? A prequel, maybe? When was this a thing?
What are dafflewarks?
Ehh, I kind of lost interest. Cadence seems almost devoid of compassion or patience for her husband's rather reasonable reaction to being told that the only way he'll have a child within any reasonable amount of time is to be a mare and bear it. Yes, she and Twilight have done months of research on this, so what's an hour or two spent calmly dispelling his fears and questions?
Especially if they're both immortal. Yes, neither one wants to wait a hundred years for kids, but I highly doubt she has everything prepared for the escapade at that instant. Then again, this portrayal of Cadence might be disrespectful enough to do that...
I've read a few like that, the most memorable so far being Oh, The Things we do For Love by The Abyss.
6440209 They were very similar to the Noodle Incident. While being completely different, of course.
6514681 hey, Calvin said he was framed for the "Noodle" Incident and he really doesnt like to talk about it
this was a awesome and funny read
Damn, why's Cady gotta get all mad? "Hey honey we can't have kids" is usually something that takes a little while to work through together for couples, but then she just drops "No it's okay! We just need you to change a fundamental part of who you are and have a male version of me from the future knock you up. Oh yeah you'll be carrying the foal, something that your entire life told you would never be a thing".
Not saying Cadance didn't do her homework, just saying it's not like this is just an emotional ordeal for her.
Supportive Twilight is cute, but i still want to know how much tea went aerial when she was told the actual plan outline.
I was looking forward to some pregnant gender swap shenanigans, but jesus, Cadance is being such an asshole to her husband here. It's not just her impatience to get him pregnant by her future self, making him rush into what she be a well thought out choice, it's her complete unsympathetic attitude towards his reservation. She's not trying to ease his justifiable worries, she's saying they don't even matter because she did her homework. Marriage and pregnancy is a two-way street, a give and take affair. Cadance is being so entitled and selfish here, only worrying about her own desires and wants and completely ignoring Shining's. Then she starts shouting at him to make him be a mare and get pregnant or they will never have children. If this is a habit, this is a borderline abusive marriage here.
I'm not so certain about making it so painfree. I think the story would have been somewhat stronger if you had made him have to suffer that pain. It's just something he'll have to deal with if they ever want a child.
Also them eliminating all the unpleasant parts of pregnancy weakens the story as well. Shining should go through all those pains and embarrassments that come with pregnancy.
my math is probably wrong but...wouldn't it take a good 200 years for the curse to dissipate at a mere half-percent per year?
Shining didn't ask when the curse would dissipate. He asked when conception would be possible, because he had a feeling conception might be possible (albeit at a very, very slim chance) as the magic weakens.
that is all
Cadence is unlikable in this, and multiple other people have brought this up. Instead of being patient, loving, sympathetic, understanding, and supportive, she's completely uncaring about his feelings and discomfort and is actually angry at him for not wanting to turn himself into a joke, a world-wide laughingstock, and the way she mentally approaches this is "How can I disarm every single one of his reservations so he has no choice but to do what I want?" She cares more about getting the kid than she does about him, and she gets angry at him because she thinks of him as a roadblock in the way of what she wants, and she guilt-trips, browbeats, and belittles him into doing it. If she's sterile, and he's this reluctant to go through with it (and rightfully so), why doesn't she respect his feelings and not have the kid? Why does she absolutely feel she needs to have one? Imagine the reverse. Imagine a story where a man wants to get a woman pregnant, and she doesn't want to, so instead of respecting her, he persists and starts browbeating and belittling her into giving in. How would that look? Not only that, but she actually teases him about it in this chapter and future parts I've read. It's in this way to where she also thinks of this as humiliating him and actually finds it funny. "Ha ha, Shining Armor, a man, has to be pregnant and give birth! Let's all laugh at his expense!" She doesn't love him. It's actually unpleasant to read. If multiple other characters are going to also tease him about this, it actually puts me off from reading the rest of it, and I have the feeling that if they make fun of him in her presence, she doesn't stick up for him and is probably sitting there smiling during it.
Oh, yeah, and in chapter 3, Cadence just slips him a chemical that'll probably make him have multiple foals without letting him know beforehand and then springs it on him that she did that. Shows just how much she cares about him.
Also, I feel like all the spells to nullify all the discomfort severely weaken this narratively. The point of Shining Armor getting pregnant is so he, and by extension, males, can finally go through what females have to go through, but if he just breezes through the pregnancy and is protected from all ill effects, then he doesn't have to go through what they went through. It defeats the point of the story. It might be fine for a clop/wish fulfillment story, but we're actually supposed to get invested in this and take it seriously.
Either two dashes, or two commas. Matchy-matchy.
The closing inner quote wants to move to the other side of ‘thing’.
up in the air
Extra space after the exclamation point.
supposed it would be worth it
Why the timespell wouldn't it be enough that Cadance turn into a stallion, after this explanation the Sperms wouldn't be effected by the curse. You got inspired by the Genophage in Mass Effect don't you?
Ancient relics don’t exactly grow on trees.
The tree of harmony would like to have a word with you Cadance...
well the tree of harmony was created by the pillars. granted they didn't mean for it to be so powerful/alive. then the tree created the elements as a means for others to harness its power.