• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 2,605 Views, 106 Comments

The two Potters and the Three Princesses - Vladimir

A story that retains to the Harry Potter Universe, as well as MLP, an my own Imagination. MLP is owned by Hasbro, Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling, OC's are my own. Inspired by "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess" - Harry Leferts

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Chapter 21

Griphyx opens his eyes, to see that he is back in his 'house' on the couch. He coughs softly as he sits up and looks around, he sees Nightmare is next to him, sleeping with a worried look on her face. He looks at the small table and see's a pink card with a "Get Well Griphyx" on the front. He picks it up, an opens it. It reads:

"Dear Griphyx,

We know that you have been asleep for a while, but much has happened. Harry had won another Quidditch game, but he broke his arm(which is healed now! Don't worry little brother!) and had to rest, by the way, that was Harry. As you were sleeping, we had gotten our hands on a book about the Sorcerers Stone. Sounds pretty cool, huh? The stone creator was someone named a something Melville, or something along those lines. Malfoy has been acting meaner than usual, took all of my willpower to not ram my horn into his chest, but I managed (yeah, after we had to coax her into staying next to you!) Shut up! Sorry, that was Celestia, the trickster, she is currently laughing her plot off.

Anyways, we managed to do some extra training. Hermione's magic energy spirit is a Unicorn, funny huh? Ron's is a wolf, while Ruby's is a Dragon, also pretty interesting. We also found out about her Half-Blood side, it was actually VERY scary. See, we were in the 'Forbidden Forest' to look for something's with Hagrid, but then all these wolves attacked, and as they went to attack us, Ruby spews fire out of her mouth and cooks them! It was really scary when she kept breathing fire, so far, we believe she is part dragon, somehow.

Today is Sunday, it's been two weeks since you blacked out, we've...I've been scared that you might not wake up, yeah I know you were out for a month before, but that was from those nightmares, this was from physical pain, the nurses deduced that when Lucius kicked your side, he broke some ribs, I was scared stiff, but I know you'll be okay, your always okay. Well, when you read this, be sure to wake us up! Otherwise I'LL be the one to put you under for two weeks!

Love, Nightmare Moon/Nyx."

Griphyx chuckled softly, The date was today, Sunday. He looks back down at Nightmare, he can see tear streaks going down her face and cheeks, a few tears still slowly rolling down her cheeks. He kneels down next to her, and hugs her tightly.

"Harry...I don't want to be bothered right now." She says weakly, she must have been watching over Griphyx for these two weeks, pour mare. Griphyx leans in and nuzzles his face into her neck and mane gently, and softly speaks into her ear.

"I'm home, Nyx." He says softly. Nightmare's body freezes up, as she opens her eyes, she looks up at Griphyx, who smiles softly down at her. More tears form in her eyes and she presses her face into his chest, her wings wrap around him and bring him in a close 'hug'. He hugs her back tightly as her body trembles a few times, and he can feel his shirt getting more and more damp. He rubs the back of her head and neck gently, telling her everything is alright.

"Griphyx, how...when!?" She exclaims loudly, this causes the others to rush down the stairs and see Griphyx is up. He nuzzles Nightmare once more.

"Just now, when did you get to sleep?" He says. Nightmare blushes slightly.

"Um...a...a few hours ago..." She mumbles softly. Griphyx nods his head softly, as the others pounce the two and are overjoyed that Griphyx is awake, finally.

"Easy, easy! I just woke up! Give me a moment to adjust alright?!" He yelps out. The others -save for Nightmare and Luna- back and move or smile sheepishly. Griphyx holds the two goddesses of the night close to himself, after two weeks of nightmares of them being taken away from him, he has been feeling more and more attached to them, maybe it was fate, or maybe it was something else, he didn't know. He held the two tighter and tighter, making them blush, they all remembered what they saw in the mirror.

"Um...G...Griphyx?" Luna squeaks out. Griphyx snaps out of his trance and looks what is happening. He blushes before smiling down at the two and nuzzling them affectionately, making the two blush more.

"Sorry, I just...I missed you two so much. I don't mean to make anyone jealous or mad or anything but....after those nightmares...I..." He chokes up and closes his eyes tightly as he remembers them all, his arms tremble and he bites his lip so hard blood trickles down his chin.

"Griphyx! It's fine, we're safe, alright?" Nightmare says. "Just please, PLEASE! Calm down!!" She begs him. Griphyx nods his head as he cams down slightly. Nightmare nuzzles him gently and smiles. "Don't worry, we'll be by your side always, Griphyx. I promise." She tells him, as Luna nods and smiles up at him as well. Griphyx smiles and holds them closer and they nuzzle him gently back.

"Right, anyways...I woke up a few hours after Nyx headed to sleep, apparently. This card was made today, so that means we have to find this Stone thingy before Voldemort does." He says.

"How...when did you learn about him?" Harry asks. Griphyx sighs sadly.

"I saw many things in my nightmares...I had talks with my monsters and they tend to help me from what's on the outside world. So far, you have this Nicolas Flamel and his kin in a book right?" He asks. The others give Griphyx a dumbstruck look, before all their heads nod. "Good, because I think I know where the stone is." He says.

"Under Fluffy, right?" Hermione asks. Griphyx nods his head as he gets to his feet and gets his cloths on -apparently he has been in his boxers for two weeks, he starts to wonder how that went unnoticed- and looks at the group. He smirks.

"We're going after it, because whatever it was that came after me, might need more power, and if this Philosopher's Stone is as great as it claims to be, then we're gonna need it." He explains and turns around, walking to the door, until Nightmare stops him.

"You can't! You lost too much magic and physical strength, even endurance, how can you even- " She is cut off, when Griphyx's claws, wings ad newly accustomed tail forms, his eyes hold a fire that can't be extinguished, and his body radiates strength and confidence.

"If that man tries to hurt us, I can go all out if I want, no, need to. And who will believe him? He's a murderer! So there is nothing to worry about!" He exclaims with a confident smirk. Nightmare sighs and smiles down at him.

"Fine but if you get hurt, I swear I will give you nightmares for a month." She teases, but when she see's Griphyx wince away, her ears fall to the back of her head. "Sorry...." She mumbles sadly. He hugs her tightly.

"It's fine, just...don't do that, okay?" He asks. Nightmare nods her head and the group heads out of the 'house' and into the halls. They walk past the moving portraits and doors, under Griphyx's shadow cloak, they pass by Filch and his cat and get into the room with Fluffy, they are expecting to see three snarling heads directed at them, but are greeted by Fluffy being asleep, which is rather odd.

"Oh no, he must have charmed the lyre over there! This is not good." Hermione says softly. The hear a "THUMP" from next to her and they see Griphyx is passed out, then a second "THUMP" and they see that Ruby is also passed out. "Oh my....It looks like whoever did this also made the lyre force Half-Bloods to sleep as well, but how can that even be possible!?" Hermione hisses out.

The others nod their heads, not sure as to how that could be possible, but then as the lyre stops playing, they freeze up but then see that Fluffy and the two Half-Blood's are all still passed out. But freeze up when they see Griphyx awaken and walk over to Fluffy, growling rather loudly.

He lifts Fluffy's paw and kicks the trapdoor in, waking up the Cerberus. Fluffy looks around the room, until he spots the others trying to hide, but then see's Griphyx holding his paw in the air. He goes to bark, but seems to stop as Griphyx growls at him, making Fluffy whimper and move back slightly and lower his heads submissively.

"Pays to have me, doesn't it?" Griphyx teases as he pets Fluffy's left had gently, causing him to lick Griphyx three times. "Ew...." Is all he says before he ad the group jumps down the now missing door of the trap door. They land in plant like floor, and they struggle.

"STAY CALM!!" Hermione yells.

"STAY CALM!? HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO WE DO THAT WHILE THIS PLANT SQUEEZES US TO DEATH!?!?" Ron screams out like a baby. This cases Hermione to kick him in the right shin, making him yelp in pain and glare at her. Hermione has a rather large grin, before she gets a serious look

"If you stay calm, you'll be able to get through faster, alright? See you on the other side." She says as she sinks down. Griphyx watches as everyone -save the princesses, who simply fly through it- sink down. Griphyx sighs and calms himself, but the vines get tighter and tighter before he cries out in pain.

"Griphyx! What's wrong!?!?" Harry yells out.

"IT'S GETTNG TOO TIGHT! ANDI AM COMPLETELY CALM!!" Griphyx yells back calmly, but pain evident in his tone of voice.

"HOLD ON!!" Hermione yells up. "BELLBLUE FIRE!!" She yells as the Devil's Snare ignites into blue flames, Griphyx summons a shield around himself to block out the flames, before he falls onto his back, and coughs.

"That was bucking intense..." Griphyx coughs out. "Thanks Hermione." He says to the brunet headed witch as she helps him to his feet.

"No problem, but it was a good think I studied Herbology, huh?" Hermione says. They all nod their heads as they continue walking down a hallway, where they reach a chess room and freeze. Harry, Griphyx and the Princesses look at their friends, who tell the brothers to go and get to the stone.

"Right, we'll see you all soon then." Harry states. Hermione, Ruby and Ron nod their heads and smile. The three of them run out onto the chessboard where they play against large stone pieces. The five run down a staircase, looking for the stone.


The five of them are greeted by two large doors with torches set before them. Griphyx walks over to the right, while Harry to the left. The two brothers push with all their might and push/bash the doors open. As they look around the room, they see it's as large as the mess hall is, which all on it's own is the size of a football field. The walls are lined with columns that bare torches with blue and red flames, as the torch's wooden stake is coal black.

They see that the ceiling is maybe around 20 to maybe 30 feet tall, making them 'awe' at the sight. They walk down this red-ish carpet that leads to an altar made of marble, it looks like a large rectangle table, of sorts. The five of them get ready to move towards it, but stops as the room shakes and dust and dirt fall from the ceiling as an explosion of sorts sounds off, making the two brothers to kneel down on their hands and knee's.

Griphyx steadies himself, feeling Hermione's, Ruby's magical energy is still active, while Ron's is weaker than usual, did something happen? He goes to turn, be see's Luna teleport back before him and smile sadly.

"He is fine, just took a hit from a knight's rubble, he's just fine, but will need to b bedridden for a few days." She tells the group. They nod their heads and turn back to the altar. "Where is the stone?" She asks. Griphyx appears on the altar and looks at the wall behind it, and then roars in what appears to be anger as he appears at a far wall and cracks it with a fist.

"Oh what the BUCK!!" Griphyx roars out. Griphyx kicks the wall as hard as he can and causes it to shatter, making the rest of the multiple walls to shutter and crack slightly. "We came all this way to find this dang mirror!?!? BUCK!!!" Griphyx keeps roaring out. Harry and the Princesses look at the wall and see that it IS that mirror, but why was it taken down here? And more importantly WHO or WHAT brought it down here? Those were the questions the four friends were thinking at the moment.

"Maybe...it IS the stone?" Harry says in a hopeful manner. This earns him a snort of ignorance from his younger brother, who sits on the broken wall.

"Buck no, that mirror is just one that shows our deepest desires, whatever THAT means." Griphyx growls out. He then appears before the group with his wand out held in a dagger like motion. The four of them give him confused looks, until the sound of clapping is heard, and Harry whips his wand out as well.

"Very well done. Now then." A raspy voice says as a man with a turban says as he walks out from behind the mirror with a strange smirk and then scowls at Griphyx. "I have you both, where I want you." He says as he walks towards the brothers, he smiles once more. "And it seems that this...Half-Blood is maturing quicker than many have in the past." He says as he grabs Griphyx's chin with a hand, his fingers are longer than most for some strange reason.

"What the hay do you want from me?" Griphyx hisses out with clenched teeth. The man chuckles as he rubs his fingers over Griphyx's chin ad lips, Harry and the Princesses see a ward around Griphyx's form, keeping him from moving, the Princesses see that the same thing has happened to Harry. The three of them move and start to take off Harry's ward, but listens as to what this freak job wants from their Potters.

"Why my dear young man, I want your lives, and your power." He hisses out with a thin and menacing smile at the end. The man grins as Griphyx tries to struggle, but then watches as Griphyx's eyes widen when he takes his wand away. "This will be a problem. I can tell that I can't break it, yet." He says sinisterly and tosses the wand away. "However, I an break you." He states with a grin as he grab Griphyx by the throat and starts to strangle him.

Out of nowhere, Harry punches the man in the side, making him let go of Griphyx and cough in pain. The princesses work on freeing Griphyx from the wards now. The man staggers and growls as he reaches for Harry, only to be stopped by Harry firing a magic bolt at his chest. The man makes a raspy chuckle and smiles at Harry venomously.

"That won't save you now, not by a long shot." He hisses out. Harry smirks as he puts his wand in a dagger like motion and opens a hand to where his palm is facing the man, who laughs raspy. "What exactly with that do?" He laughs out, but soon stops as he watches Harry's hand ignite into white flames. As Harry swings his arm back, the flames form and spin into a spinning white flaming sphere and points it at him. "How are you..." The man starts, but moves to the side, dodging a white beam that cuts deeply into the wall behind him and next to the mirror.

"Don't underestimate us, or you'll regret it!" Harry yells out as he swings his wand upwards and fires a bolt of magic that hits the man in the leg, or should have. Harry blinks, until the man grabs the side of his head and throws him into a pillar, making him cry out in pain, and drop his wand. His scar starts to burn and he looks up to see in the reflection of the mirror, is another face on the back of the man's bald head.

"Don't underestimate US you say....?" A lighter, more raspier voice says. Harry is frozen in fear, as the man grabs him and forces him to look into the mirror.

"What do you see?" The man asks, the second face staying quiet, for some reason. When Harry doesn't answer, the man growls an yells into Harry's ear. "WHAT DO YOU SEE!?" He roars, making Harry wince.

"I see myself, holding the Quidditch Cup, and next to the girl of my dreams." When really he see's something similar to what Griphyx had seen. He reaches into his pocket to feel the stone, before moving his hand out discretely.

"He's lying!" The second face says. The man growls but then howls in pain as Griphyx stabs his claws into the man's shoulder. The man pushes Harry down and kicks Griphyx away. The man grabs Griphyx by the throat and slams him into a wall as hard as he can, which surprisingly made Griphyx cry out in immense pain, as the wall cracked around his form.

"You STUPID BOY!!" He roars. He keeps slamming Griphyx against the wall, cracking it more and more, making Griphyx cough, before he summons his tail and whips the man into the far wall. Griphyx drops to his knees as he coughs and grabs his throat gently, his wings show and his right eye changes as his fangs grow longer.

"My, that is certainly interesting. It would seem you are still metamorphosing, boy." The second voice breaths out. Harry rushes to his bothers side, as Luna and Nightmare make repairs on the walls as Celestia heals Griphyx. "KILL THEM!!" The face hisses out. The man rushes at the two with his hands out, and grabs their throats, but the both Harry and Griphyx grab the man's face, causing him to scream in pain.

They all watch as the man staggers back, going to grab his face as his form looks like dirt. He looks back at them and goes to reach out at them, before he collapses and becomes brown colored ash. The two sigh in relief, before the ash turns into a face that lunges at the two, only to be stopped by the Princesses, who all stomp onto it, making the whole ground crack an shatter, the walls groan, as if in pain.

"NO ONE HURTS WHAT'S OURS!!!" The three of them roar out as they beat the ever living crap out of this spirit. Griphyx's vision wavers for a moment, before he leans against his brother, his side and lower back burning like hay and forcing him to pant, while Harry's scar burns, it doesn't hurt him too badly.

"Remind me to NEVER make them mad at us, eh, Griphyx?" Harry jokes with a tired smile. Griphyx nods his head as he pants heavily.

"Y....Yeah." He stutters out. The spirit somehow dodges the Princesses and vanishes with a scream and a puff of dust. The doors open up to reveal Ron, Ruby and Hermione, who gape at the destruction. Behind them, Snape, Hagrid, McGonagall gape at Griphyx's form, as Dumbledore gives a sad, but knowing, smile at the five.

"I see, it would seem a fight has happened here." Dumbledore says. The brothers nod their heads. "Let's get you two out of here and you in the infirmary, along with Ron as well.


The three boys sit in the infirmary, each weak, however, Griphyx forgot to hide his claws, wings, tail and eye, making everyone flock to him in awe. Malfoy sneers.

"See? Look at this FREAK!" He says as his goons and most of the students laugh, making Griphyx sigh sadly. Why did he have to be so bucking weird? That was what is going through his mind, until a voice speaks up.

"So what? He's a Half-Blood, and so am I." Ruby says defiantly.

"Yeah, but he's a MAJOR freak!" A boy howls out in laughter. This causes Ruby to growl at the boy and red flames form into fangs pointing upwards coming from the corners of her mouth.

"So what? He's going through a metamorphosis phase and will be more dignified!" She roars out. This causes the boys to laugh harder.

"Oh look, the other freak has a crush on Griphyx! Isn't that sweet!?" A tall Slitherine boy laughs out. This causes Griphyx to blush and Ruby to growl out more flames.

"No I don't! I'm just protecting him!!" She roars out, the red flames become blue and have black swirls flowing around them. This makes the group of idiots back away in fear. Griphyx chuckles out weakly as they run away and the rest of the students back away slowly, before booking it.

"Sorry for causing you problems..." Griphyx states sadly. Ruby smiles at him and pats his back gently.

"It's fine, besides, I've had to deal with this sort of crap before, so just don't worry about it." She says with a slight wink. Griphyx smiles thankfully, as he lays back into his bed.

"School is almost over, this bloody sucks!" Ron yells out squeakily.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Because I won't get to see any of you guys till next year!" Ron cries out sadly. Ruby seems to get a sad look as well.

"Yeah..." Hermione sighs out. Griphyx, Harry and the Princesses look down sadly, until Dumbledore makes himself known.

"Then why not teleport to each other?" He says with a small smile, before leaving the room. His smile grows when he hears 'Why didn't we think of that?' come from Luna.

Griphyx smirks at his friends and brother.

"But think about it! We could visit whenever we wanted! Granted, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia aren't going to like it, and I'LL have to hide my....well...this." He says while motioning to himself.

"Yeah, but remember, we can teleport and do whatever we want, and we can see each other in the dreamscape! We still need to train, unless it's halted for the summer?" Harry asks.

"No, we will halt it for now, might as well give you all a break, right?" Celestia jokes. The children nod their heads, before Hermione and Ruby head back to the 'house' to get some sleep with Celestia. Luna lays next to Harry, as Nightmare lays next to Griphyx. Ron smiles before he holds his pet rat and falls asleep with him. All unaware of their adventures beginning and that they will be much more dangerous.

Author's Note:

And as always! I will see you! In the next chapter! Bye bye!!