• Member Since 12th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Car lover, story reader, and inconsistent writer. He/him.


Occasionally, rifts open between universes, and things fall through. Small things, which definently DOESN'T include a 1971 Dodge Demon 340.

Random one-shot with my favorite foal.
Now with a sequel, Rumble 'n Tumble!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 3 )

Solid little fic. Seems odd the little colt figured out how to drive it so fast but what the hey, he's a magical flying horse after all.

Seems like the ponies often prefer Mopars, see that fic where the Apples found the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee buried under their barn and that minor meme about AJ swapping the Farm Truck for a RAM...and that RL Challenger somebody put a big decal of Rainbow Dash on.

My first car was a '72 Plymouth Valiant. Not as glamorous, but I know my Mopar A-bodies.

"Why did I even think of doing this?",
"Even Pinkie Pie would have taken more pictures of animals than I did, and she almost always scares them away!",
You don't need that extra comma.

3910636 Or my story, where Applejack IS a Ram

Interesting change up, overall it seemed similar to the first version. One really must wonder how this Dodge got there but at least the old girl's still got some get up and go.

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