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Featured Sci-Fi Story: "Equus Metamorphosis" ( http://bit.ly/1YnanMR )


"The night will last FOREVER!" But Nightmare Moon soon finds out that overthrowing a government without a plan of her own leads to some very interesting questions when it comes to ruling a small pony nation. Luckily, eleven ponies are ready to provide help, even if Nightmare Moon doesn't want it.

Seriously...why didn't she consider the crops?

--You might like this story if you also like:--
Comedy Skits from Monty Python, Saturday Night Live, Whose Line is it Anyway?
Derpy Derpy Derpy!
Nightmare Moon being defeated with Logic
Ponies just being incredibly persistent with an evil ruler
Logic being used to bring out the silliness of an evil plan
Space, the moon, things happening on the moon that shouldn't be physically possible because DERPY

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

Got to love how no one really gives a damn that Celestia is gone. Except for Twilight, who is kind of needy...

:twilightsmile: So needy.

Quite an interesting little story.

This needs the Random and Comedy tags. It feels like something out of Monty Python.:rainbowlaugh:

I'd actually like to see this continued. If nothing else, it's got some serious potential for it, and you write it well.

Clearly she needs theme music/ a new national anthem. They need to tell her side of the story of over 1000 years ago. And the occasional cut to Celestia, imprisoned wherever (the sun?), wondering what went wrong with her plan.


I've always enjoyed those skits where something very obvious has been overlooked and all the characters are too concerned with something else to consider what one-character focuses on, which in this case is Twilight. Some of my favorite skits involve at least one character who stays on track of something important while everyone else gets random.



Thank you! It evolved more and more as I wrote it out and it started with a pony named Greg...

I'd love to put this on as a skit as a bronycon one day. :pinkiehappy:



Monty Python :rainbowlaugh:I could see that. Hehe! I really do like those guys.

And I certainly would like to write more like this later.



Well, I didn't plan to continue it initially, but if I can find another angle with the same kind of situation, i will definitely consider writing a side-story or even a further situation where Nightmare Moon is not really enjoying the whole ruler thing.

I would like to write a more serious tale about what I could foresee happening on the moon during the 1000 years of imprisonment.

I appreciate the compliment! Thank you!



Thanks for reading! :raritystarry:


'sup, BGB.

I see NMM is having her hooves full dealing with the strain of being a ruler.

somethign tells me she'll eventually just appologize to Celestia after dealing with the sheer BS of it all.


Hey there, JJ!

Nightmare Moon has been overwhelmed by economics!

Hostile takeovers are really thought-out all the way.



“THAT IS IT! (What about Celestia? Anypony?) I’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR INSOLENCE! (She might be stuck somewhere,) I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CROPS! (like the sun, maybe.) I DON’T CARE ABOUT WORKERS! (She’s probably lonely.) I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU PONIES! (I’m kinda lonely, actually.) THE NEXT TIME YOU ASK A QUESTION…(Anypony wanna read with me?)” Nightmare Moon spun around to face Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle, you are the NEEDIEST pony I’ve ever seen!”

The purple unicorn shrunk down, looked away for a moment, scratched the ground and then peered back up at Nightmare Moon. “I just want some friends.”

Best part, and as usual absolutely hilarious. Exellent work.


Thank you! I really enjoy the mini skits like this one. The chance to put a unique scene in there like the one you just described is so fun! :twilightsmile:


Oh, logistics. You rear your ugly head once more to ruin the ambitions of the villainously deranged, and hilarity ensues.

Also, Greg is best pony.

how could you, you left it on a cliffhanger and now i want more:raritydespair:

I'd like to think season 4 will somehow answer the questions left by this story.

Clearly, the economic realities of eternal night will be explored in the season 4 episode "Greg and Derpy go to the Moon. Also Twilight."


3151521 nice I'm gonna laugh if there actually is an episode called that

one would think that she would have though this out further, with 1,000 years on the moon.


Derpy is totally Batman. This explains EVERYTHING!

Thanks for reading! : D

Twilight Sparkle looked around. “Doesn’t anypony care about Princess Celestia?” She continued her questions in the middle of Nightmare Moon’s tirade.

“THAT IS IT! (What about Celestia? Anypony?) I’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR INSOLENCE! (She might be stuck somewhere,) I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CROPS! (like the sun, maybe.) I DON’T CARE ABOUT WORKERS! (She’s probably lonely.) I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU PONIES! (I’m kinda lonely, actually.) THE NEXT TIME YOU ASK A QUESTION…(Anypony wanna read with me?)” Nightmare Moon spun around to face Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle, you are the NEEDIEST pony I’ve ever seen!”

The purple unicorn shrunk down, looked away for a moment, scratched the ground and then peered back up at Nightmare Moon. “I just want some friends.”

Awww! Poor Twilight! So cute!

On that note, this is hilarious. At this rate, Luna will give up and let Celestia reign because she doesn't know the first thing about being a ruler, let alone a celestial goddess with control over the two most important celestial bodies for the planet.

Meanwhile, Derpy gives the finger to logic. I'm honestly not surprised they'll get back to the planet unscathed, for Derpy shall protect them with her DERP POWER!

This is extremely humorous:rainbowlaugh:


Hehe thank you! I've been reading through the old comments and seeing what parts people loved. Really inspirational :)

This is legitimately one of THE GREATEST THINGS IVE EVER READ! Im in goddamn tears! The whole concept is perfect and the part where Nightmare Moon is like "OH MY GOSH, GREG, YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE!" Its just like omg yes. You my friend are a literary genius of a comedy level! BRAVO CHAP, GOOD DAY, TOODLOO,

Beginning of story: You need to think about ruling us logically. Then “Doesn’t anypony care about Princess Celestia?” oh my god that was just so perfect.

“THAT IS IT! (What about Celestia? Anypony?) I’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR INSOLENCE! (She might be stuck somewhere,) I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CROPS! (like the sun, maybe.) I DON’T CARE ABOUT WORKERS! (She’s probably lonely.) I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU PONIES! (I’m kinda lonely, actually.) THE NEXT TIME YOU ASK A QUESTION…(Anypony wanna read with me?)” Wh...what the hell!? Are you seriously critiquing Nightmare Moon in the middle of her speech?! That’s...oh my god that is awesome XD

Pinkie Pie bounced forward. “Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh! Nightmare Moon can be your friend!”
“NO,” the night ruler said.
My sides...omfg my sides...nice pinkie...very nice

Greg...omfg greg. He’s like..I don’t evne know. Best “side character” ever.

Friggin Airplane joke right there XD

“No, it’s fine,” Greg said. “It’s not like I’m here or anything.” I just...I love how Nightmare Moon is probably like “THIS IS NOT HOW THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO GO DOWN AT ALL!”

Lyra snorted from the crowd. “All the technology of the Time Lords and you choose a Powerpoint program.” Ahahahaahhaah

That was hysterical lol. Ending could use a little work but this was a fantastic spin on something unpredictable. I mean...this was just pure originality. Any chance you’re gonna make another chapter?


YAY! I'm so thrilled you're loving my comedy stories! This one was one of my favorites because it was so random, but so simple too. When you start to analyze evil plans, they tend to fall apart quickly. Obsessive analyzation is one of the best comedic tools, in my opinion. :)


Haha i had to reread my story again to remember most of those things, since I haven't read this one in over 4 years. :D You helped remind me why I like it. :)

Greg is best pony. There is no denying that. :) He needs to make a cameo in one of my newer works, because he is the first character I think about when I think about this story :)

That speech where Twilight is constantly interrupting Nightmare Moon has to be one of my most well-loved scenes in all of my writing, according to the comments section here :) I'm so happy I came up with that switch-off style.

I noticed in your comment and others that there are some who want another chapter. It's possible now that I could think of something to continue this. There are a lot of really technical things Nightmare Moon didn't think about.

I love jokes from Airplane! It's inspired me in so many ways. That and the The Naked Gun, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men in Tights and Blazing Saddles.

I just loved Lyra and Doctor breaking the fourth wall instead of Pinkie Pie. I just felt a Time Lord could do that and it worked perfectly. Funny how Lyra's line "When do I get to talk?" "When you get your own episode." response now makes even more sense :)

Thank you for checking out my story! *hugs* comments like yours make me keep writing! :D

You..... need to do more comedies.


I really do. O.o

I've been wondering how to approach them. Humor is really tricky. I have certain methods I like to do, like crackfics such as The Speedinging with Sweetie Derelle.


“A couple of us guys got together and made these inflata-helmets in case, ya know, Celestia was in a bad mood one day…” NOW THIS IS PREPARED!!!!!


Well, ya know, sisters sometimes think alike. :P

Thanks for reading! *hugs*

Comment posted by LeatherPancakes deleted Oct 15th, 2017

It will only be a matter of time until Nightmare decides to punish Celestia by setting her in charge of ruling Equestria for the next 1000 years while Nightmare enjoys the silence of the moon.

Good story!
I especially enjoyed the part with Twilight's attempts to talk about Celestia.

Thanks! This is still one of my favs and Greg is still best pony :p

Thanks for reading and the kind words >^·^<

You're welcome!

By the way:
Has Greg a backstory of it's own or is that just an one-time gag?
I mean, like he said himself, it is a unusual name fo a pony.

I found your profile while randomly looking at comments on a random person's account and...
I'm glad. I'm really glad.

Thank you! It's comments like yours that keep me going, even if I haven't posted anything in a while here. Little bits of inspiration are all it takes sometimes for me to keep going. Thank you! :D

Sweet Celestia, that was funny. Love the Doctor out of nowhere. Question: how can Derpy fly in a vacuum?

But wings need air resistance to accelerate...

unless they go to equestria by fart-propulsion, it's unlikely they'll going to reach it in time.

Yaknow, I do find it interesting how most fanfics talk about how it isn't Nmm that thinks about the food, temp, and cycle problems, but instead it is the ponies of Equus. Even if they are cultists, it's still them, not Nmm.

Don't question it. Its Derpy. T~T


I assume by the same logic that allows a pegasus to fly in the first place... Magic *cue jazz hands*.

Now, breathing and talking in a vacuum, that's a bit harder to believe.

“THAT IS IT! (What about Celestia? Anypony?) I’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR INSOLENCE! (She might be stuck somewhere,) I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CROPS! (like the sun, maybe.) I DON’T CARE ABOUT WORKERS! (She’s probably lonely.) I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU PONIES! (I’m kinda lonely, actually.) THE NEXT TIME YOU ASK A QUESTION…(Anypony wanna read with me?)” Nightmare Moon spun around to face Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle, you are the NEEDIEST pony I’ve ever seen!”

Twilight sparkle is kinda me right now. Lol i loved this paragraph.
Well written story. Nice.:yay:

Thank you! Of all the paragraphs in this story, that particular dual-dialogue section is the one i'm most proud of. :)

“Well, a doctor is a type of specialist who helps diagnose and treat illness, or a Time Lord who travels through time and space to monitor the universe as we know it, but that’s not important right now. What is important is that I know how to solve your economic conundrum,” Doctor Whooves said.

Spy Hard any one?

Random but not in the absurd way

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