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Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Ponyville, Equestria.
Sweetie Belle walked along with her big sister, who was easily floating a few of the younger Unicorn's bags.
“So, with Mom and Dad going on a world tour, you will be staying with me.” Rarity spoke in her rich, cultured tone. “You know the rules, so I expect you to be on your best behavior while within the Boutique.”
Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. “I'm just happy you agreed to let me stay with you. The only other relative who could have taken me in at this time is Uncle Grouchy Grump.”
Rarity shuddered, recalling her own time spent with the grouchiest grump this side of the Griffon Kingdoms. “Well, even if he does live in Canterlot, his domicile is, oh how do I put this...” She mentally searched for the proper descriptive word.
“Creepy?” Sweetie Belle offered.
“Well, that too. I was thinking more along the lines of 'prison-esq'. Not the best place for a young filly to have to spend the next ten months. Though, he did say he'd be more than willing to have you enrolled in the school for Gifted Unicorns while you stayed there.”
Sweetie Belle fumed a little. “But I can barely even get my horn to glow, never mind use any magic just yet.”
Rarity nuzzled her little sister affectionately. “Worry not Sweetie Belle. I too was what one would call a late bloomer. Once I was blessed with with my cutie mark, then it all became clear, and I started to learn all about levitation, illusions and a few other useful tricks. My favorite spell being one I call Featherweight.”
Sweetie Belle blinked. “You created a spell?”
“Oh, not created. I did take some time to learn it, but once I did, it helped me out greatly, and with that charm, I can levitate much more than I can without. Any object I cast it on becomes about a tenth of it's original weight while encompassed within my magic.”
The young filly beamed. “Can... can you teach me that spell? I might get my cutie mark in making things light. A pretty feather cutie mark maybe?”
The older mare hid a giggle behind a pristine white hoof. “Perhaps, but it is a fairly mana intensive spell. When you get the hang of basic levitation, I would be more than happy to teach it to you.”
Sighing and hanging her head, Sweetie Belle pressed on toward the place that would be her home for the next ten months. “Yea, great. At this rate, I'll never learn it.”
“Now now Sweetie Belle, all you have to do is learn what it is you are especially talented with. I would very much love to help you, but it is something that one must learn on their own after all. Not that learning it with your friends is a bad thing either.”
Sweetie Belle looked at her sister. “Yea, I've been thinking about the Cutie Mark Crusaders. All we do is dumb things. I mean, it's a lot of fun, but I can't count how often we're covered in mud or sap or taffy or something sticky or dirty... Like last week at the fertilizer farm.”
Rarity cringed. “Oh my. Mother and Father must have been livid about that.”
“You have NO idea.” The small Unicorn visibly shuddered. “I never knew that cows made the fertilizer we use to help our flowers and crops grow.”
“Ah, yes, well... eh-hem. Here we are. Home sweet home.” Rarity repressed shuddering herself. She knew well enough where fertilizer came from, and did her best to not think of it... ever.
“Oh look, a letter.” Sweetie Belle picked up a plain brown envelope, sealed with a blot of red wax. “Huh? It's got my name on it?”
Rarity opened the front door with her magic. “Well, that is odd. Perhaps Mother and Father had it delivered.”
“Maybe.” She took the letter in her teeth and followed Rarity inside, the door closing behind the pair of sisters.
After Rarity placed Sweetie Belle's belongings in the room she always used when staying over, she went into the kitchen where said little sister was sitting at the table.
“Yes Sweetie Belle? What is it?”
“It's not from Mom or Dad.”
“Oh? Perhaps one of your friends...”
“I've just been accepted into a school. What's witchcraft and wizardry?”
Rarity blinked. “Dear me. Have you been accepted into Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns?”
“I don't think so. This here says I am a witch and I have been accepted to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” She looked the letter over. “There's even a train ticket.” She held up the shimmering paper ticket with its gold pressed inlay. “And this list of school supplies I'll be needing.”
“Goodness. I have never heard of this... Hogwarts did you say?”
Sweetie Belle nodded.
“Hmm, no. That name does not ring any bells.” She tapped her hoof to her chin. “Perhaps Twilight Sparkle will know. Why don't you run along to the library and ask her about this.”
Sweetie Belle nodded and folded the letter up, with the ticket and the list, and hid them in her mane. “I'll do that.” The young filly trotted quickly for the front door.
“And Sweetie Belle, please, do be careful.” She smiled as she watched her little sister rush off once outside.
Twilight Sparkle, Princess of... well, she wasn't really sure what she was Princess of just yet. Magic maybe? Anyways, she was looking over a few books on combining advanced science with higher magicks, out of curiosity, when she heard a tiny knock at the front door.
Spike was upstairs at the moment, cleaning up a few stacks of books Twilight had left laying around after some of her research. With him so indisposed, she went to answer the door.
“Hello Princess Twilight.” A sweet crystal clear voice greeted Twilight's ears. She looked down and smiled.
“Why hello Sweetie Belle. Come on in. Do you need a book or just looking for some advice?” Twilight smiled. Of the three Crusaders, Sweetie Belle was by far her favorite. Sweet, polite, energetic. Just like she had been at that age.
Sweetie Belle entered the library. “Well... It's like this.” She pulled out the letter and held it out for Twilight to read.
And read it she did. “Hogwarts? I know I've heard that name someplace before...” She closed her eyes and focused a memory recall charm on herself. “Ah yes, when I chased after Sunset Shimmer through the mirror into the...” She froze. “Oh dear me. I read about it in one of the old, dusty books in that school's library, but thought nothing of it. It's a school in the human world and is a school of magic or something like that.”
“Human world?” Sweetie Belle blinked. “Wait, you've been to another world?” Her eyes went wide. “That is amazing.”
“Yes, but... How did you get this letter? Who sent it to you?”
“Um...” Belle shrugged. “It was on the step outside Rarity's home. I don't know who sent it to me.”
Twilight looked the letter, the list and the ticket over again. “Dear me, but the only way I know how to get back to that world is through that mirror, and it only opens once every thirty moons. I'll have to ask Princess Celestia about this. Wait here and I'll be right back.” She took the letter with her and headed upstairs.
Sweetie Belle sat down and looked at one of the books on the table. It was a book on simple charms. She read over the open page. It was on simple levitation. She blinked and realized what she had been doing wrong all this time.
Twilight was treated to the sight of Sweetie Belle concentrating hard and floating about a feather quill pen. “I didn't know you knew floating magic yet.”
Sweetie Belle put the pen down. “I just read this book here and it showed me what I was doing wrong all this time.” She beamed, looking as proud as she ever had in her life.
Twilight came over and nuzzled the filly. “That is amazing. I'm so glad you figured it out at long last. Floating magic is what separates us Unicorns from the Earth Ponies. Until we learn that one magic, we live pretty much just like them.”
Sweetie Belle smiled brightly. “This is wonderful. Rarity said she'd teach me her Featherweight spell when I learn levitation magic.”
The older mare grinned. She knew she could teach Sweetie Belle that spell easily enough, but if she was going to learn it from her own sister, that would mean so much more to her. “How about this. You go and show Rarity what you learned on your own, and I bet she'll be so happy for you.”
Hopping about in a circle, Sweetie Belle paused and nodded. “I'll do that, but what about the letter and stuff?”
Twilight returned the letter, list and ticket to Sweetie Belle. “They're right here. I'll stop by later after I get a response from Princess Celestia.”
It took almost no thought now for the filly as she grasped the papers in her pale green magic aura and hid them in her mane. “My friends are going to be so amazed. I can't wait to show them.” She looked a little giddy. “Thank you Princess.”
“Call me Twilight, please. You're one of my best friend's little sisters, and that makes us friends.”
Twilight was treated to a hug from Sweetie Belle. “Thank you Twilight. I'll go show Rarity what I just learned, all on my own too.” She then headed for the door.
“Sweetie Belle, wait.” Twilight floated the book over. “I think this book will serve you well. I got it when I was your age from Princess Celestia herself, and I've mastered every single spell in it long ago. I think it's time it was given a chance to be of use again.”
She was touched, deeply so. “This... This is your own book? Not the library's?”
“Not anymore. It's yours now.” Twilight said, offering a gentle smile.
Again Twilight was treated to a hug before the filly rushed back home.
Rarity blinked as she watched Sweetie Belle enter, her horn glowing, and following her a book wrapped in that same glow.
“Sweetie Belle? You... You're using magic? You couldn't use magic when you left not even an hour ago.”
To say Sweetie Belle was happy was an understatement. “I learned it all on my own. Well, I read it from this book.” She showed the well worn book to her sister.
Rarity blinked. Old that book may be, but spell books tended to be insanely expensive. “Sweetie Belle, wherever did you got this book?”
“Twilight gave it to me. This was her first spell book. And can you guess where she got it?”
Rarity had no idea. “Do tell.”
“Princess Celestia gave it to Twilight when she was my age.”
Blue eyes went wide on hearing that. “Hold on, that book once belonged to Princess Celestia, then Princess Twilight...”
“Maybe I'll become a Princess too one day.” Sweetie Belle beamed.
“Who knows? It could happen.” She paused a moment. “What about this Hogwarts place?”
“Twilight said she read about it when she was in the human world.”
“The crystal mirror... But that only opens once every thirty moons. It's only been one moon since then. It's the only known way to enter the Human World.”
Sweetie Belle frowned. “But if the only way I can get to even see this school is that mirror, I'll never make it in time to join.” She then tapped her hoof to her chin, a thoughtful look on her face. “But then again, it might not be a bad thing to not go. I mean, if I do go, I can't see my friends or you or anything like that.”
This set Rarity's worries at ease, if at least just a little. “If you do not want to go, then you don't have to. Honestly, what were they thinking anyway? A school in the Human World inviting a Unicorn to attend?” She paused thoughtfully and Sweetie Belle just waited patiently. “But then again, Twilight did say she turned into a human on the other side, and Spike became a cute little dog.” She blushed slightly, wishing she could have seen that.
“Um, Rarity? I know I'm not a talented Unicorn, so I can't go to Celestia's school, but...” She looked at the letter, then back to her sister. “But maybe if I go to Hogwarts, I'll become worthy of attending Celestia's School.”
“And here I thought you didn't like school.” Rarity mused.
“It's not that. I mean, I love going to school because my friends are there, but Miss Cheerilee is an Earth Pony and there's no lessons ever on magic or flying or anything like that. Hogwarts is a school for learning magic, so maybe I'll become a great Unicorn like Twilight.”
Rarity sighed. “As much as I wouldn't mind you getting an advanced education in magic, sadly there is just no way we can...” She was, at that moment, interrupted by a knock at the door. “Goodness, who might that be? I'll be right back Sweetie.”
Sweetie Belle watched Rarity head into the main shop room to answer the door, and heard Twilight's voice. She trotted into the room to see the Alicorn entering.
“Ah, Sweetie Belle.” Twilight smiled happily. “I got a response from Princess Celestia. She said she can cast a spell that will open the Crystal Mirror. Well, she'll need Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and myself to help, as it's a very powerful spell needed to open the mirror when it's not meant to open.”
Rarity frowned a little. “Does this mean she can go to this Hogwarts? I mean, just the name alone. It sounds dreadful. Besides, whatever is witchcraft and wizardry anyways?”
Twilight smiled. “Witches and Wizards are what the humans call their magic users. Think of them as Unicorns in human form.”
Looking at her little sister, Rarity sighed. “Well, I have always wanted the best for Sweetie Belle, and a school like this sounds like it would be a wonderful chance to learn and grow, and maybe even earn her cutie mark.” She didn't like to think this way, but she felt that Sweetie Belle's chances of earning her cutie mark with the other Crusaders was next to nothing.
Sweetie Belle sat on her hindquarters and looked at the letter of invitation. “If I do go, will I be able to come back whenever I want?”
Twilight nodded. “The spell is designed to allow the Crystal Mirror to be opened at any time with the proper spell, which, of course, you will be taught.”
“So I can come home whenever I want?” She hugged Twilight. “Oh thank you. I have to go tell my friends and show them I learned magic too.” With that, she rushed outside, taking the gifted spell book with her.
Rarity sighed and looked at Twilight. “Twilight Dear, are you certain you want to do this?”
Twilight nodded. “The other world is a very different place, and humans are also really different, at least, in how they look. They're not really that different than us in that they live, love, make friends and have problems. With the mirror unlocked, and with Sweetie Belle knowing the spell, she'll be able to open any mirror large enough to walk through and return to Equestria.”
Knowing she couldn't win, Rarity nodded. “I understand. If Sweetie Belle wants to join this Hogwarts, then who am I to tell her she cannot go? She's more reliable and responsible than even I like to admit, and she's very bright and intelligent, insightful and cautious.”
A hoof rested on Rarity's shoulder. “It will be alright, and Princess Cadance even went so far as to agree to place the mirror in my care, meaning it will be moved into the library. I'll make a special room for it so it will be safe.”
“Thank you Twilight, that sets many of my worries at ease. I do have a request though.”
“And what might that be?”
Rarity looked into Twilight's eyes. “Please teach me the spell to use the mirror as well? Just in case of an emergency.”
“I was already planning on that.” Twilight hugged Rarity. “And I'll also be giving Sweetie Belle an Emerald Flame Candle, which will let her send and receive letters through Spike.”
“I couldn't have asked for more, thank you Twilight.”
Applebloom and Scootaloo were at the clubhouse, looking over the very long list of things they had done in their vain attempts at earning their cutie marks.
“I can't believe we've tried so many different things.” Scootaloo fumed. “All this and no cutie mark to show for it.”
Applebloom nodded in agreement, feeling just the same as her flightless Pegasus friend. “Yea, and of course half these things ended up with us covered in sap.” She pointed at all the little 'raindrop' shaped marks noted by each of their attempts. “At least we didn't get ah cutie marks in getting covered in sap.”
Scootaloo cringed at that thought. “I have to agree with that.” She paused and looked at the clock in the wall. “Where's Sweetie Belle? She should have been here a while ago.”
“She's getting all set up to stay with her sister while their parents are on some trip around the whole world.” Applebloom replied. “Applejack told me that. This means that Sweetie Belle will be living closer and can come hang out more often.”
Scootaloo beamed a wide grin. “And that means we can try for our cutie marks more often.”
“I'd really like that.” Sweetie Belle said as she entered the clubhouse, her horn glowing and a book floating along beside her.
“Whoa!” Applebloom and Scootaloo stared in amazement.
“Ya can use magic now?” Applebloom's eyes were wide.
“That is so AWESOME!” Scootaloo rushed over and looked at Sweetie Belle's hindquarters. “No cutie mark from it though.”
Sweetie Belle giggled. “It's just basic levitation that every Unicorn can use. If it was my special talent, then it really wouldn't be that special at all.”
“What's that book?” Applebloom asked as she came over.
“This is a spell book that Princess Twilight gave me. I read a little of it already and that's how I figured out how to make things float.” Sweetie Belle demonstrated by making a few other objects in the clubhouse float, though she couldn't manage more than three light ones. “I'm going to have to practice a lot to get good at this.”
“Sweet.” Scootaloo watched the display. “With you knowing how to finally use magic, this will open up so many more options for us to earn our cutie marks.”
“I know, right?” The young Unicorn beamed a bright smile. Her smile then faded. “But, I don't know if I'll be around a lot for awhile.”
“What do ya mean?” Applebloom asked as Sweetie Belle set down the items she was levitating.
“Well...” She pulled out the letter. “I might just be going to a school that teaches magic, and it's a really long ways away.”
“Like that school in Canterlot?” Scootaloo asked. “But you can always come back and visit by the train, right?”
Sweetie Belle shook her head. “It's not that simple. This school is not in Equestria at all. It's in another world.”
“Hold on a sec.” Applebloom stepped back. “Another world? What are ya talking about?”
“Remember when Twilight, our sisters and their friends last went to the Crystal Empire? Well, Twilight had an adventure in this other world and learned about this school here. Hogwarts. She didn't learn at all much about it, but I've been accepted to attend it. I mean, this is a rare chance, and I don't know if I'll ever get to go again if I don't go now.”
Her two friends both smiled and hugged Sweetie Belle.
Scootaloo spoke softly into her friend's ear. “We'll both miss you if you go, but I bet you'll earn your cutie mark in no time, and by the time you come back, we'll both have ours too.”
“And that's a promise.” Applebloom added.
“You're not mad at me?” Sweetie Belle snuggled into the hugs from her friends.
“Heck no. Maybe a little sad that ya won't be here and all that, but if this is a once in a lifetime chance, ya gotta take it.”
“Oh Applebloom, Scootaloo, thank you.”
Releasing her friend, Scootaloo looked at the spell book. “So, what other spells do you know?”
Sweetie Belle smiled and opened the book. “How about I learn one right now?”
A week had passed, and the Crystal Mirror had finally been delivered into Twilight's care. The amount of red tape needed to be cut just to transfer 'ownership' of the powerful artifact was considerable, but seeing as there were four Princesses involved, it took only a tiny fraction of time compared to what it could have taken.
Sweetie Belle had all her belongings packed into a magical set of saddlebags which could hold a lot more than they should have been able to, and weigh like they were nearly empty.
Rarity and Sweetie Belle had both learned the spell needed to open the Crystal Mirror at any time they wanted, though it was limited to when the moon was up.
Regardless, with the four Alicorn's magic, they had unlocked the Mirror's magic, and now it would work at anytime the opening spell was cast.
Princess Celestia smiled at all the ponies present. “Princess Twilight, Rarity. You should accompany Sweetie Belle into the other world.”
“Really?” Rarity looked a little nervous. “I've never been to another world before.”
Twilight smiled. “It's not that bad really. It will take only a little time to get used to walking on two legs and using hands. Anyways, we won't be there for very long anyways.”
Rarity nodded, then looked at the assembled Cutie Mark Crusaders, but mainly at Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle. I'm going to miss you. Please write often.”
“I Pinkie Pie Promise.” Sweetie Belle beamed and performed the motions. “And you don't hesitate to write me too.” She looked at her two best friends. “And you too. If you get your cutie marks, you have to tell me right away, okay?”
“That's a Pinkie Pie Promise.” They both chimed together and also performed the motions.
The three fillies all hugged before Sweetie Belle turned to face the mirror. “Alright, I'm ready.”
Twilight placed a hoof on Sweetie Belle's withers. “Sweetie Belle, if you will do the honors.”
With a nod, she cast the spell on the mirror, the surface shining a soft silvery light.
“Oh my, very well done Sweetie Belle.” Rarity smiled.
Then Twilight, Rarity and Sweetie Belle all entered the mirror.
To Be Continued...
This is awesome. Keep it up!
Good start, but I've got a question about the mirror opening spell: On one hand it requires all four princesses to cast it, on the other hand Twilight is going to teach SB and Rarity to cast the spell alone. I don't think they will be able to pull that off.
3806519 The spell that needed the 4 Princesses was the Unlocking spell. The opening spell is much simpler and is a totally different spell entirely.
3806564 Yeah, thought so. Would be strange otherwise .
Dont really know why, but I'm going to follow this story. Kinda like the way it's taking us.
I think it's more like the spell for unlocking the mirror's magic needs the highest magic from magic beings possible, but opening it doesn't require the same amount.
3806564 It's kind of like the first spell is essentially a lockpicking spell while the second one opens the door
This is a good idea, but there are a few problems:
You mean telekinesis/levitation
The other thing is the dialogue feels a bit... forced. I think you should work on what our Language Arts teachers taught us, 'show not tell'
No queries as to how the letter GOT there? That would be issue number one!
Calling it now: Starswirl is headmaster.
what, no
'yer a wizzar... er witch Sweetie?"
*squeeeeeees internally*
My Harry Potter nerdness is going crazy! I mean, I've been an MLP fan for about a year, but I've been a Harry Potter fan for 6 years, and I have never ever seen a fic like this! This rocks!
Hunt up, "A Unicorn at Hogwarts"
And "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess."
Her skill with cooking is equivalent to her skill with potions?
Wondering right now if she'll ever see a Thestral.
I've been looking all over for this one!!!
I will read with gratitude
Horable... No.
Interesting... Maybe???
Something i will actually read and not skim. H*ll yeah!!!
...I'm only just now realizing that Spike's flame is the same color as Floo fire.
Coincidence? I don't think so. Glad someone else noticed that.
Just a theory but that letter was probably meant for the Human Sweetie Belle and not the Unicorn Sweetie Belle lol
So, EqG takes place in the United Kingdom? I suppose it's nice to know that; I would've liked to see Sunset go to school at Ilvermorny in America.
This. Unless a writer specifically says that it is all right to do so... and multiple people already are doing it in the comments, PMs are the only way to go. It disrupts discussion in the comment section, and often feels like a public callout of mistakes, no matter how well-intentioned it is.
Anyway, on to the first chapter review.
It's good. While it has some awfully convenient-feeling elements, like the spell to go through the mirror, the convenience of being able to go through any mirror, and Sweetie suddenly able to levitate things, the characters are excellent. And good characters can save even the worst situation.
If I were to make changes to the chapter in order to improve it (without changing any core features or plot elements), I'd spread out the "convenient" plot elements. Like mention that she can use any mirror to return, or that she learns a simpler unlock spell for the mirror later on, when they are actually at the mirror. And for her sudden realization with levitation... elaborate a little. Just give an inkling of what made her suddenly understand - like being relaxed instead of straining while casting, or something of that nature.
But even so, it wasn't too bad. Especially since I know how hard it is to introduce humans or other worlds without a significant amount of handwavium.
I give likes for first chapters, and this certainly earned it, even if in some unforseen circumstance, I get bored and stop reading.
Anyway, I have a long road ahead of me. Thank you for the story.