• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2015



After Pinkie discovers she's a Duchess, she and Twilight head to her ancestral castle to claim Pinkie's birthright. When Pinkie decides to get to know her fellow nobles via a party, things quickly turn bizarre.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )



Also, didn't I do something like this with Rainbow a while back?

This was hilarious!

Mental image of Celestia arranging a marriage - as a joke - between Blueblood and Duchess Pinkie just to watch how Blueblood reacts. If it turns out they don't match - likely - Celestia reveals a typo in the wedding contract that negates the whole thing. If they hit it off famously, she visits Sweet Apple Acres for a barrel of cider.

This was AWESOME.
Care to write a sequel?

Cute and fluffy fun.

Easily the best thing that could ever happen to the nobility. (I suppose I should assume that whichever parent Granny Pie gave birth to had no interest in the title.) Most amusing story. Thank you for it.

Nopony parties like Pinkie:pinkiehappy:

As her parents are still alive, why would the title fall to her?

Or did you assume for the sake of story they were not?

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