• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 4,248 Views, 130 Comments

Armor Fillies - MarkTheWolfpony

Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo Joins a organizing called the Armor Fillies that fights off evil and all kinds of threats all over Equestria.

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Season 1, Chapter 3: This time we get our cutie marks pt.3

The entire town is empty. A gust of wind passes by, pushing all the litter scattered on the grass. The CMC started to overreact that the people they care about are missing and in trouble.

Scoot begins to head out, but is stopped by Imp. “Hey don’t go out there alone!” He tries to warn her however she ignores it. She goes around him but then he puts his hoof on her shoulders. “Aren't you listening to me?!”

She pushes him away from her. “I’m sorry but I can’t just stand here and let that guy or what ever his name is harm the innocent!”

“I know that! But do you know where they went?” When he asked that question, Scootaloo looked surprised, since she doesn't know where to look.

“Well then what are we suppose to do?” Sweetie bell shrugged. “We have no clue on where they went.” The three began to think but Imp notices Applebloom looking at something.

“Hey did you find anything?” She turns around in excitement and shows him an apple slice. “This will surely lead us to the others!” The three look at each other and think that Applebloom has a few screws loose. “No, no it's not like that. Look at the ground!” The three-point their heads at the direction where Applebloom’s pointing and see that there is trail of apple slices. “My sister must have used these to make a trail of where they were taken!” Imp takes a look at the trail and deciphers the place it leads to.

“A view of Dragon’s mountain, oh boy.” She says worriedly. “My sister told me about that place. They faced a dragon there once.”

“But my sister told me that Fluttershy managed to convince it to leave.” Sweetie belle replied. Suddenly they all hear a motor like noise. They turn around and see its Scootaloo coming on her scooter.

“Well then let’s get going, shall we?” The four begin to follow the apple slice path. Just as they thought, it leads to the mountain however it ended halfway.

“Well the path just became useless.” Sweetie belle cross her arms, showing how unhappy she is.

“That’s alright.” Imp replied. “Besides I've got a good feeling where he’s holding the entire town hostage.” He looks up and the others do the same and find smoke coming out of the entrance of the cave. They continue walking down the path. All things seem to be going well, until about halfway there, Imp stops in place.

“Is something wrong?” Applebloom asks.

He just looks around like something is watching them. “I've got a feeling that we’re not alone here.” Once that was said, the others begin to look around precautious. Sweetie Belle spots a bush moving uncontrollably. Curiously, she decides to check it out.

Imp soon finds her walking up to the bush and starts to panic. “Wait don’t go there!” He shouts to Sweetie Belle. She turns to respond when suddenly 4 shadows pop out of the bush and landed in a circle formation. They happen to be the henchmen that work for Warp but they look different. They have metal steel plate parts on their legs, heads and spines. They even have red laser sensor lenses on their eyes. The four are very surprised and scared to see this.

“What are they?!” Applebloom shouts in fear.

Imp takes another look at them and immediately knows what they indeed are. “I guess this is what the doctor was working on the last time I checked.”

“What do you mean?” Scoot asks. “You’re saying you know what these things are?”

“You three, get to safety! I’ll handle these four on my own.” The three head behind a bush however one doesn't. Scoot grabs her scooter and heads back.

“Wait Scoots come back here!” Applebloom tries to tell her but it seems that she didn't hear her.

Imp stands in place as well as the four robotic unicorns. Not a single one has moved just yet. He takes his time to scan the area that he’s in to plan out his attack. Once he formulates a plan, he quickly takes action. He throws both of his yo-yo’s at the robot unicorn in front of him but something happens, the one that he aimed at quickly dodges.

“What?!” He yells. “Where the hell did-” The unicorn appears behind him. He didn't have time to react before he took an uppercut to the neck which causes him to go sailing through the air before landing roughly; he struggles to get up and wipes his mouth of blood.

“Well its time to get a little more serious!” He quickly speeds head on to the unicorns only for them to split up. He desperately looks around but can only see them for a split second. It’s like their speed is increasing as time goes on. He throws his yo-yo randomly but no dice. The four manage to get up close and tackle it to the ground; needless to say it hurt quite a bit. Imp quickly stands up despite all the pain but, one of them kicks him into the air.

“UGGGH!” He sails so high up another unicorn body slammed him to the ground. He braces for impact but then out of no where, Scootaloo manages to grab hold of him just in time with her scooter. He stops immediately and lays him down on the ground to rest, however he isn't happy about it.

“Why are you here?! You should be somewhere safe!” She couldn't tell how angry he was.

“Can it!” She replied. “You were having trouble dealing with these things.” She puts on her helmet and charges up the scooter. “Let me show you what a pro can do.”

The Robotic unicorns come in at very fast speed. Scootaloo begins to charge indirectly at them. They all appear in front of her somehow, but she manages to avoid the attacks barely as she gets scratched from every move they make. She drifts to the left and leads them away from Imp. This gives an open chance for Sweetie belle and Applebloom to get him out of there.

“What are you doing?!” He yells angrily.

“What does it a look like?!” Applebloom shouts back.

“We’re trying to get you to safety!” Sweetie belle implied. “You’re in bad shape!”

He desperately struggles out. “You don’t understand! Your friend is going to get hurt out there!”

The two have very worried expressions but they don’t answer because they feel that she can do it somehow.

During this, Scoots began to get in a wild goose chance with the robot unicorns. Every turn she takes, they always appear in front of her, making drift away and take another path.

“This is tougher than I-” She’s stopped mid sentence as one of them manages to sneak in front of her. She desperately drifts around but it was too late as it launched a magical blast that causes her to fly off her scooter, separating the two. She lands hard on the ground damaging her back left leg. “AGH…Darn it!”

Imp sees this and quickly runs up to her as fast as she can. “Damn it!”

As Scoots tries to get up, one of the unicorns appears in front her. It charges up a beam that is coming from his horn. Once it reaches full charge indicating by the white glow, he blasts it at her. Scootaloo close her eyes as the beam launches. But she doesn't feel anything. She opens her eyes, only to see Imp taking the blast in her place. The blast was so powerful, it caused him to fly off and slam into the mountain walls.

“IMP!” Scoot shouts and limps over to him, however just then one of the robot unicorns appears in front of her and jabs her right in the face. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle head to catch her before she crash lands back to the ground.

“Come on guys we've got to help-” But Imp interrupts her.

“DON'T!” The three were surprised by the word he said. “You’ll just be nuances! Leave now as you’ll just end getting badly hurt or worse!” He gets up and runs off to get the Unicorns to follow him.

Scoots stands on her right leg and heads out. The others are beginning to worry about her.

“Scoots, where are you going?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“Home!” She replies. “If Imp wants to do this himself then leave him to it!”

“Now hold on just a darn minute!” Applebloom couldn't take those words that Scootaloo says. “We can’t just leave now! We’ve got to help in some way!”

“Help with what then?!” The anger she expresses shows how useless she feels. “You heard the colt, this is only a job for an Armor filly and we are not one of them.”

“That may be true but if my sister told me anything is that any pony can help in all sorts of ways.” Hearing what Applebloom said, Scoots remembers something, back when they were trying to find rainbow dash to find out how she got her cutie mark. She remembers that she helped all her friends get their cutie marks as well. With this, Scoots forgets about the pain in her leg and runs to grab her Scooter with a face full of confidence.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle, Do you still have that elastic from our last cutie mark attempt?”

“Well I couldn't let it go to waste and besides Rarity would've gotten so mad that-”

“Good!” She interrupts her. “That’s what I need.”

Imp quickly sprints as fast as he can but stops to rest a bit. However the robot unicorns don’t stop chasing him. Imp summons his yo-yo’s and stands in a fighting position.

“All right you four, Time to end this!”

Author's Note:

Ok Now I did say this is still in edit and it still is. This is my own edits here and I have read it and I think it present well but I could be wrong. Please call me out on it if you do find something wrong. Chapter four coming soon.

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