"Colonel Iron Wing! Take your pegasus battalion and scatter it throughout Equestria. I want every city, fort, village, and hermit's hut informed that our national security has been threatened. The Crystal Empire has already fallen, and while it poses no immediate threat, Equestria cannot suffer the same fate. We are at WAR! When your ponies are finished relaying the message they are to gather at our northern border with the Crystal Empire. Form them into a constant patrol scouring the mountains, nopony is to to pass without you knowing about it first!"
With a rigid salute, the colonel leapt into the air post haste. Princess Luna was a sight to behold. Bedecked in full battle armor, her silvery form shimmered under the fierce moonlight as she took swift and decisive command over Canterlot's resources. It had taken her less than half an hour to organize the search party that had brought Princess Cadence and Prince Shining back. When Celestia learned of her niece's fate, at the hooves of none other than her former student, it had taken Luna just 5 minutes to subdue her emotionally distraught sister and keep her from attempting to travel to the Crystal Empire by magically sealing her in the dungeons until such time that she could think rationally. Less than an hour later, and she had a fully functioning war room dominating the castle's ball room.
"Major General Pine Green, your division is to provide reinforcement of the border towns and forts. The mayor of Stalliongrad comes from a long line of proud military ponies, she should be more than willing to provide the war effort with everything she can. Make your base of operations there, it is well defended by walls of granite 10 meters thick, and their primary export of pine logs will make an excellent building material for all our troop's needs."
"I need volunteers from the Royal Guard, call in the reserves and prepare a draft. Equestria is not ready to defend herself, and we need every able bodied citizen to train, and train hard for the years ahead. Send leading scientists and doctors from each city and village to Canterlot at once, regardless of their field. "Dusk Glimmer, you are to organize these scientists into teams for research and development. Celestia and myself will oversee your operations and assign you specific projects as the need arises. Until then focus on advancing the fields of combat medicine, mechanical technology, and magical enchantments."
Lights bloomed in every household of Canterlot as the plush ponies peered out their windows and quaked beneath their fine garments. Not since the royal wedding had they seen such militant activity as armored pegasi zoomed every which way through the air, and troops marched through the streets. What could possibly be going on? They were not long left without an answer. Bells clanged and expedited hoof steps clopped against the cobblestones as heralds and news-ponies called out for all to hear.
"Equestria has gone to war! Equestria has gone to war!"
"How did it come to this?"
Princess Celestia was nearly unrecognizable. For once her hair obeyed the laws of gravity, falling in a tangled mass of faded color from her head. She had no more tears left within her to shed as she laid there sprawled upon her own prison's floor, ivory coat get caked in dirt and mortar dust. Faintly, she could hear the din of shouting and metal clanking as her country mobilized under her sister's command. That was the sound of thousands upon thousands of her little ponies getting ready to die. There hadn't been a war in Equestria since the Great Gryphon Incursion nearly 1,500 years ago; her ponies simply were not ready for this, she was not ready for this.
By now the Crystal Empire had likely fallen to the King and Queen's magic. As her ponies donned metal meant to save their lives, the Crystal ponies must be donning metal designed to imprison theirs. Defeating Sombra last time had been accomplished with minimal bloodshed, but as Equestria waited the Crystal Empire would get a chance to build it's own army as well. There would be no small battle between ruler's and their guards this time, and it was all Luna's fault for not letting her end things before they went too far!
"How did it come to this?" She repeated again, begging her empty room for an answer and expecting none in return.
"At first I blamed myself princess. I kept thinking there must a been something we'd done wrong, something we'd failed her in. Now I have to realize the truth; Somewhere in her soul Twilight had a monster buried deep as can be, and Sombra brought it out. Now that monster is here to stay, and there's nothing we can do to change it. She made that nice and clear to us with her brother."
Celestia craned her neck around to catch sight of who had surprisingly answered her. Sitting with their backs pressed against the bars of her cell were five miserable mares...Twilight's friends, the other element bearers. She noticed how Applejack was in the middle of the group, sitting tallest of the five. The others huddled around her like a bastion of strength as they tried their best to regain their footing now that their world had been so badly shaken.
Fluttershy quaked softly until Rarity offered her a hoof of comfort upon her shoulder. With that bit of assistance, she managed to gather the courage to speak what was on her heart. "I just couldn't believe that we'd lost our friend before. I think we all were hoping that by tonight we'd be back home celebrating that had she'd come back, and everything could simply go back to the way things were before as her best pony friends forever. But she never came back, not really. Our Twilight wouldn't think of hurting anypony, our Twilight would always put other ponies' needs above her own. Whoever that was, it wasn't our friend."
There was a lengthy pause before Applejack spoke again. "Way I see it, we're the only ones who could have stopped her afore...afore Sombra took her away from us. We failed to stop her then, and we failed to realize it as she took Cadence away tonight. We cannot fail again, its up to us, all of us, to stop her once and for all."
As Applejack finished her grim proclamation, her friends all drew a little bit closer. There was truth to her words, and while it didn't make the horror of Cadence's murder any less real, having resolved what they needed to do did offer them some small amount of comfort. A tentative voice called from behind the prison cell's corner.
"Sister? Art thou still wroth with me?"
Luna...oh how her sister vexed her so. Still, Celestia figured she should hurry her release from her cell and make peace. "No dear sister, I am not. Though I still have half a mind to drop the sun upon your head for locking me in here."
Smiling slightly, Luna stepped around the corner and cheekily replied, "Then I wouldst speak with thy half that is not so equicidal." The smile faded into a grim frown however as she moved straight to the reason of her visit. "Sister, while I can organize our defenses and command our military, Equestria needs you to lead the people still. Ponies are going to panic, and they need you, the face they've trusted for a millennium, to soothe their fears and guide them through these trying times."
"Our ponies should not have to face these trying times in the first place, dear sister" Celestia replied, a tad more tersely than she had intended. "We should have given chase to the Crystal Empire and defeated Sombra and Twilight before they could get a foothold and turn the country's resources against us. Instead, due to our inaction Cadence is dead and her people enslaved once more!"
Luna's face hardened into a glare that she leveled the full force upon her sister. Though it succeeded in stopping Celestia's tirade short, it did not cause her to back down any. The two now stood but a few paces apart, staring each other down through the prison bars.
"You are a fool if you think we could have fought them at that time and won. One country has fallen tonight, would you have really liked to give them another?"
"The longer we wait the farther this comes towards all out war. How many of our ponies will have to die because we did not take the chance to fight them, two on two!?"
"And how many thousands would have to suffer an even worse fate when you dash headlong into battle with Twilight and realize you cannot raise a hoof against her!?" Luna roared, wings flaring out in anger. "I can see it in your eyes, you would still see her for the filly you first guided. You would hesitate, just as you did in the throne room." Celestia flinched as if struck, seeming to shrink in size before her sister. "She would strike you down with a smile upon her face because you do not possess the will to strike at her with lethal force."
Celestia collapsed to her knees, fresh tears budding in her eyes. Luna was right, if they had done as she wished, they would both be dead for her folly, and Equestria left defenseless and leaderless. Luna dropped down to her knees as well, and in a hushed tone tried to soothe her sister. "I do not blame thee for tonight Tia, and neither shall anypony else. Thy heart has always been warm and kind, and just as the sun cannot withhold its light, you cannot withhold your love for us all. Now rise dear sister, we have a war to win."
With that, Luna stood up and stepped back, releasing the magical locks that kept her sister prisoner and opening the door. For a moment, nothing happened as Celestia lay there, collecting herself. Finally with a sigh she wiped her eyes and stood tall once more, her terribly dirty mane flowing smoothly once again. "You're right sister, and if my timing is correct it is time to raise the sun. Your border scouts should be returning soon if what I know of your battle strategy is correct, and they shall need the extra light for a speedy trip back home."
The sun rose slowly over the Crystal Empire, almost fearfully penetrating the early morning fog. Bit by bit, the crystal ponies awoke to greet the new day...and their new, architecture? It quickly dawned on each and every one that the entire empire had resorted to the sharp black crystal structure of the days brought by King Sombra. From every crystal tree hung one of the princesses' royal guards by their own entrails, and anypony who tried to flee found the way out of the empire blocked by a wall of green and purple flame. Some ponies chose to cower in their now alien homes, hoping to be overlooked. The rest simply gathered in a large crowd before the castle, spirits already fading as they waited to discover their fate and the fate of their princess.
Inside the royal chambers, Twilight stretched and yawned, having a very difficult time feeling motivated to leave her new bed. Noticing her husband's absence however was enough of a curiosity for her to raise her head and look around the room for him. There he was, absorbed with a stack of papers at the crystal writing desk, presumably reviewing their war stratagems. "Honey, we've been over the plans a hundred times already, come back to bed."
"I would, but since plan A, over-idealistic as it may have been, has failed and your improvisation has thrown plan B out the window, our position needs re-evaluation." Looking up from the papers at the always amusing bed-mane of his wife he grinned mischievously. "Besides my slumbering beauty, Celestia has begun the day and our nation needs addressing. You should get ready for your first public appearance as Queen Twilight Sparkle."
Grumpily conceding to the latter, Twilight clambered out of her nest of blankets, uncomfortably aware of how large she was with her pregnancy and how her husband's eyes still lingered upon her. She would not however give ground on the first accusation. "I did no such thing, my improvisation has only ensured the success of our most viable backup plan, not destroyed it."
"Is that so? When it became clear Princess Luna's caution meant that felling the leaders of both nations as well as the remaining elements of harmony all at once would be impossible, how was it that we followed the backup plan exactly?"
Twilight gave her stallion her fiercest glare which was completely undermined by her still messy mane, much to Sombra's amusement. "Our plans did not account for Hope branching out from Cadence. It was already well entangled with the unborn child, and even had some roots in Shining as well."
"So your solution was to let all three escape with a chance to save their lives?"
"A perceived chance my King, not an actual one. I placed a hemorrhaging curse in the wound. Even if she survived long enough to be treated by doctors, their medicinal magic would only cause the flesh to bleed even faster. Furthermore, by giving Shining a final 'chance' to save his family he'll be faced with the crushing reality that he failed to protect them, their ultimate death happening on his watch and not ours. While true if we'd simply killed all three Hope would be gone, but it would have the chance to manifest in another. Now it is crushed beneath Shining's own despair, and as an added bonus his dire mood will have the chance to spread to others, further crushing the likelihood of Hope making its appearance in this war."
Sombra was impressed, her quick thinking would actually prove more effective than the original plan of killing the Crystal Empire royalty and just simply taking over. His wife was truly a cunning one. "I concede then, plan B is therefore still in full effect. Now all we need is to maximize the growth of our martial might while keeping Equestria at bay until we are ready. Would you like to do the honors, or shall I?"
"They spent many fearful years underneath your rule already. I would seem the softer of us two, perhaps a source of leniency and restraint, or perhaps even twisted around as an unwilling suitor who only needed rescuing to help them turn upon the hated King Sombra. It would be best if I were to address the nation, so that they may know where their Queen truly stands."
Twilight spoke of the crystal ponies as a scientist would of training mice, deciding upon the appropriate voltage to shock them with when their behavior was displeasing. Her cold intellect made his blood run hot, and his uncomfortable shifting upon the chair he sat did not go unnoticed. With a sultry grin, she enticed him back to the bed. "My mane's a mess and I've yet to get properly ready for the day anyways. Perhaps you'd like to take care of your most, pressing matter before I get cleaned up? Hmmmmmm, my King?"
The crystal ponies still gathered in front the castle grew silent as a figure walked out upon the palace balcony, followed by the dreadful King himself. The first pony was hard to recognize at first; she was as tall as Cadence and of lavender coat with long flowing purple hair streaked by a dash of vibrant pink. This was the newest princess, Twilight! Had she and Spike the Hero come to save them once again? But why then did she have the same black armor as Sombra, and stand beside him so calmly?
"Hear me my citizens!" She began, a simple enough task to follow considering the royal voice boomed throughout the Empire. "Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armor are no more, slain by my own hooves." The entire crowd shuddered with dread, it had been the expected fate for their princess then, considering the state of her guards that still decorated the trees. "I am Twilight Sparkle, your queen. My husband you may already know." The most powerful evil tyrant in all of Crystal Empire history, and he had a queen now? This did not bode well at all. As their new monarch continued her speech, the were sadly proven quite correct. Tis a terrible thing to have dreary expectations not only met, but also surpassed.
"Henceforth all citizens 12 years of age and older are to join the glorious Crystal Empire armed forces, with the exception of pregnant mares. Once carried to term the mother will have a single month of recovery before being expected to join the armed forces, unless of course another pregnancy should befall her. All children are to attend specialized instruction facilities full time, so that parents need not be distracted from their duty to the armed forces and their country. This army will be tested by the fire-breath of dragons, the iron talons of gryphon soldiers, and the crushing strength of minotaurs. It is quite likely many of you will perish in battle, but be proud my citizens, to die in service of the Crystal Empire is a great honor. Lastly, failure to comply will be met with immediate and final punishment, as all crimes committed forfeit your rights as a citizen of the Crystal Empire. You shall either be killed immediately, or taken for live experimentation where you can restore your honor by furthering the knowledge our scientists. For today, remove the tree ornaments and throw them into the fire surrounding the Empire and return to your homes. All ponies skilled in crystal construction are to report to the palace in exactly one hour. You are dismissed."
Without any further ado, Queen Twilight about-faced and strode back into the castle, accompanied by the King, leaving behind a stunned crowd of crystal ponies whose world had just been turned upside down.
claps. congratualtions your polluted fimfic with another idiotic kill them all bullshit. like that is even possibly. hell there is no way for twilight to have entered the crystal empire if she is dark. any being of darkness is either repelled or destroyed by the heart.
i am tiredo f contrived bullshit like this, vyer, veyr tired. and it is needlessly, retardly dark. its easy to be dark. its harder to balance out the shadow and light. especially when you pull retarded leaps in logic as tiwlight somehow breaching a force that can repel any darkness. hell i would have expect some kind of negative reaction to befall her as her power came to be from the elements of harmoyn, and now she is chaos.
really hate idiocy like this, especially the ons where freaking Sombra is mad overtly competent. its just stupidity all around without an effort to create a plot beyond making the plot retarded and contrived.
4524546 except him deleting this retarded story and the one before.
4523612 exzcept ther eis no way she could have defeated celestia, luna, or the crystal heart....... hell the crystal heart woulda killed her. of all the magical forces in equestria, the heart is the most cold and direct.
4535638 only because the writer made it so rather than the characters. tiwlight could never have brought herself to kill them. of course this is not twilight such a cardboard cut out filled with evulz.
also the heart woulda killed her.
Is it wrong that I found Twilight and Sombra's argument, which descended into a morning romp, to be hillarious despite being dark?
4537459 Certainly not, I for one had a grin plastered on my face while writing it at least
I'm getting angry......
4537433 Clearly you dislike the story. But do you really need to reply to all these comments and spout "retarded" like it's the word of the day? If you don't like it just don't read it. There are tons of stories on here and Lucidenn was quite open with what was going to happen here. Hell, it's called "Path of Damnation", I'm not sure what else you could expect
ah.... I just love it when the shock and aw happens to others
you my other self are a dick.
why thank you! I try
nice job! more soon please
"leaving behind a stunned crowd of crystal ponies whose world had just been turned upside down." I really want to make a Fresh Prince of Bel Air joke here, but I don't remember the opening song.
4537491 perhaps you are right, was too violent with the language.
still, jsut because its call3ed that FAR from means twilight could conceivably succeed. two ancient alicorns, a draconequs, and a force that obviously acts by killing approaching evil. not to mention that why would she murder her friends? its out of character even if she was corrupted. this isn't star wars where they are bound to some power that causes the mind ot shift from white to black without the grey. even Nightmare Moon did not go around killing ponies randomly, she only activbelyl tried to kill or simply humiliate the pony she hated.
basically, far from convinced she would do that, and even if she would the regal sisters or the crystal heart, or discord, would ahve put her down long before that.
4537491 and don't say because its a fanfiction. a fanfic is still a story and stories follow certain rules.
Tis Glorious!
Long Live King Sombra and Queen Twilight Sparkle of the Crystal Empire, soon to be King Sombra and Queen Twilight Sparkle of all of Equestria!
I wonder what their foal will look like…?
4537433 If you don't like it, just don't read it. It's that easy.
4537640 On most of your points I'm fine leaving put to personal opinion. On the matter of the crystal heart, I'd like to raise the counter argument that this is not the first time King Sombra has forcefully taken over the Crystal Empire. Secondly, in the season 3 pilot episode, as the heart fell to Sombra it actually restored him from shadow to his physical body. It was only when the crystal ponies 'charged' it that it struck out and destroyed Sombra along with the black crystals that his influence had caused. Thirdly, charging the heart thusly produces an aurora borealis centered on the castle, an effect that does not persist. 'Games ponies play' shows that the crystal ponies' joy and heightened spirit at being selected charges the heart again, once more releasing the aurora, which further suggests that the powerfully destructive properties of the heart are based upon bursts of energy, rather than a continuos deadly shield. Hence, why I surmise that it is perfectly reasonable that when caught by surprise such an usurpation is completely plausible.
Name them
Well, that's one way to get soldiers and...
4537644 Really? Whining over petty fanfic about ponies? Must I change your diapers too, little baby? Typical american brony. Wetting bed over dislike of someone elses fanfic.
Yeah, I'm going to stick with the good wins version.
There you go. Make of it what you will.
4544268 Aw man, that'll mean I'll have to put effort into something other than games... Nah, I'm joking. I was rather hoping someone else would pick up on it. Thanks nonetheless.
you should make it so that the guards corpses are turned into nightmare skeletons that would act as the officers of the dark crystal army once they are thrown into the fire.
or you know whatever you want.
4546557 Brilliant dude i can already see it EHEH
4547521 I'm writing a Sombra story, (or it involves Sombra.) myself so I have many ideas related to this.
Cool story!!
Your spelling is bad, and you should feel bad
4553271 if you only counterargument is bad grammar, then it means you have none at all.
4553336 Nope. What I was going to say was already said.
Your spelling just makes people less likely to read your argument and take it seriously, and more likely to get comic relief from it
Also....That first you should be a *your*
4538042 dont even acknowledge that person.
he obviously cant tell what a true fanfic is.
I find nothing wrong with your writing and thoroughly enjoyed what iv read so far.
Wait, which is the sequel, this, or Path of Redemption?
4568581 Both are
I don't get it
4569618 It's a divergent timeline, split by the choice Twilight makes in the shadow realm. Each story is the story of what follows from each result of that decision. So they are completely separate stories, and both are the sequel
Ah, okay thanks! Makes so much more sense now
4569846 hi! Sorry, but where dis you get your profile pic? It looks amazing!
Too evil, too fast, without really any reasoning for it.
I understand the story is meant to be dark. But it's gone beyond the point of rationality. Beyond reason. And that was just the first chapter.
I really liked Lost Into Shadow, but here, I just... there's no believability to how complete of a turn it is. So far off an extreme. That's why I thumbs downed even though I liked the previous story.
I'm all for evil Twilight, but there's not much of an explanation as to why she went so evil, so fast. For her to go this evil this fast I personally would expect something along the lines of Celestia murdering her unborn baby and Sombra. Heck maybe killing only one of them would be enough reason, but right now I have seen no reason.
So I have to agree with that guy
Except I still like it enough to thumbs up it and favorite
Don't worry, her thought process will be delved deeper into as the story evolves. In other words, it is being written in the style of "In medias res" so there is in fact a method to my madness
This sounds like it should have a tragedy tag... Or did I already say this?
4580301 You have haha, and while I've reserved putting the tragedy tag on since I'm not sure how I want this all to end for our heroes, I think for now that I might as well.
Thanks! I found it on the internet
I don't know what i searched though, something filly Queen Chrysalis related
My Little Hitler. more entertaining than expected.
I want more!!!
I have to say that I like your stuff. Faved the first story, really like the companion fix to this one, but this... not so much. It doesn't read right (my own selfish opinion, of course) for twilight to have fallen so far out of alignment, even with the dark secrets that she learned. That said, this was well written, and I look forward to a day when the other story is picked back up.
I agree. WAY too dark for me.