HOW! Did the Power Ponies unite? Come again, true believers, and recall the INCREDIBLE TALE! The Masked Matter-Horn had been defeated by her archnemesis, Shadowlight, and his criminal syndicate is POISED to conquer Maretropolis once and for all! Forced into retreat, can our heroine unify a collection of other super heroes in time to stop Shadowlight's sinister plot? FIND OUT in this special FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION!
This story was written by that expert crafter of tales, Masterweaver, and inked by the amazing artist, Mystic Alpha. All characters copyrighted by the Dark Horse comic company. Do not use for profit without permission.
Oh, this is going to be good. I especially like the implication that Matter-Horn is a pegasus who invented an artificial horn. Looking forward to more.
Not a surprise, but awesome nonetheless. Anyone could predict something like this would soon exist just as easily as Mare-Do-Well adventures and Daring Do pulps. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Power Ponies deal with robo-Gilda, and whether or not you do justice to the greatest member of the team: the only one without superpowers. Like Kick-Ass.
This promises to be about as good a Golden Age parody as The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible...speaking of which, thank-you for reminding me that gem existed. I need to go fave it.
This is an interesting story indeed. I would like to read the next chapter of this.
I had a feeling this was going to be good from the summary alone. I really like the fiction-within-fiction world-building you have going on here. And, of course, the over-the-top Golden Age style the episode featured.
Love it, favoriting it, looking forward to more.
Hmph! I don't see this silly little ponytail going turning into anything great! A story starring too many "heroes" will only result in split ends!
Worry not, true believer! We will soon meet all of Shadowlight's CONQUEST CORPS! There may even be a cameo by Coiffure herself, in the days before she became the insane Mane-iac!
Well you've got my attention! Can't wait to see the rest!
The fact this is written like a comic has got my attention
*rubs hair strands together*
Same here I can't wait
Hm... I'm guessing this is a multi-part comic, along the lines of the various Spider-Man ongoing comics that shift from Spider-Man, to Amazing Spider-Man, to (insert adjective here) Spider-Man, etc.
I'd find it hilarious if you actually published stories about each individual member of the Power Ponies.
Well I am glad I subscribed to receive updates on this fanfiction, surprised to see a second chapter so quickly.
No, no no!!! This isn't happening! Matter Horn's in jail! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh yeah Great story! Keep it up!
I love a good long-underwear character, and this story is written in just the right style and semblance of a great comic book series.
Stay tuned for scenes from Leave It To Weaver.
so far very interesting, i look forward to future chapters
Corruption is a tool. One coated in filth, if not made from it entirely, but a tool nonetheless, and one that can be wielded by anyone. It is much more difficult to use it for good rather than ill, but not impossible.
In any case, definitely looking forward to Matter-Horn repairing her horn. Possibly in a cave, with a box of scraps.
Cant wait for more of this!!!!! I. Love. This.
Greatest member of the team? Pretty sure that honor goes to Flutter-hulk, considering she had the most badass moment of the episode by far.
I'm loving every part of this! Keep up the good work!
3673395 Physical prowess over heart and dedication? How superficial! Humdrum is the best member of the Power Ponies for the same reason Kick-Ass is the greatest superhero. And I think someone needs to review knighty's criteria for downvoting comments; that little red thumb indicates there is at least one small child reading these.
Um, I don't know about you, but I faved this story for an actual story, not more-useless-than-useless filler. Sorry if that sounded harsh, but someone had to say it.
oh hey, new Power ponies tag available.
"Humdrum is the best member of the Power Ponies for the same reason Kick-Ass is the greatest superhero."
Yeah...Superman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman, and a laundry list of others have just tapped you on the shoulder and would like a word with you OUTSIDE, sir.
Oh ho. Well, that's certainly an alternative to gamma radiation. Things are getting very interesting...
So...does X-Term N8 look like the Dilect?
Blue unicorn? I sure hope that's not a mistake. I'd find it quite suspicious if we found (in MLP proper) that the colors of the seven heroes already matched those of their counterparts.
Now before it distracts me too far, two typos: "withing" at the beginning is not a word, and "just for its... beauty" needs a close-quote mark.
I believe, in the first chapter, it was suggested to be griffon-like
not what I faved this for.
I think you could have made X-Term N8 seem a tad scarier by having Diamond Cuff add that the funerals she attended were closed-casket. Too late now, but it would've been cool.
Alright, Hum Drum stepping up! This is what I came to see.
make it deals damage to opponents and it will be good in commander.
Possibly. Depends a lot on table politics, Hydra Omnivore doesn't make me a lot of friends and he works in the same fashion (though he won't hit his controller like Ifrit). This guy could do cool things in some kind of RW burn-everything-and-heal type thing.
3675756 if you rate superheros on their hard work and dedication, batman would probably be significantly higher on the list than kick-ass.
3734134 True, but Bruce is a physically and financially capable millionaire whose past has forced him into the unstoppable crimefighter that he is. Dave does what he does despite having next to nothing to start from. It's a nature versus nurture deal.
You could mock these up with Magic Set Editor..
Hmm... tempted to read this, but I have a few questions first.
First off, are the Power Ponies noticably different in this in terms of appearance compared to the mane six, since the show only showed the mane six dressed as the power ponies, and not the power ponies themselves?
Also, for Masked Matterhorn, is the horn on her helmet fake? It would explain her existance, since if she was an actual alicorn, she'd be able to do magic without it and it would make her secret identity painfully obvious.
When I read this line, I thought of Firefly
Hokay, let's see if I can get this straight.
Twilight's character is usually a... pink? pegasus.
Rarity's character is usually a blue unicorn.
Applejack's character is usually a red earth pony.
Spike's character is usually a blue dragon.
You're gonna need a new cover.
Between issues 38 and 39 of the Mistress Mare-velous series, Dark Horse comics' primary publishing house was subject to a fire. Thankfully, nopony was hurt, but it took a month to restore supplies and transcripts for the next issue. The delay between our publications has been carefully timed to simulate the wait that fans originally had to suffer.
3865643 -coughs- Horseapples -coughs-
Going to watch this because it is awesome!
Wait... Is Zapp on the side of the enemy? Oh, this is interesting!
Robo Filli....I don't hate this..
Well, that's an interesting interpretation, both of Filli-Second and of the classic "mad scientist's beautiful daughter."
Glad to see this alive. I look forward to more.
Why isn't this story more popular?
Before I continue reading, do any of these comics actually exist? If so, why isn't this tagged as a crossover? If not, why do you keep bringing up stuff that we will never know about?
Why of course these comics exist, true believer! They can be found in many stores throughout Canterlot, Fillydelphia, Ponyville, Manehattan, and the rest of Equestria!
4174222 I'm a bit iffy about it but if she's just as wacky as Pinkie I can't complain
4175469 Okay. However, seeing that there is no way for me to get to Equestria, where can I read about all these random things you put into the story that I am suppose to find in a comic book issue?
Filli-Second is a robot-AI!
Oh gwad, I love your interpretation of the team!
I hope we will meet Zapp soon. She was, after all, referred to before. By the bad guys. I still hope that my guess is right and Zapp is on their side. That would make things a lot more interesting.
Great chapter again, but could you just maybe try to update a little bit more frequent? That would make it easier to keep track of the story. Kinda had to reread the last half of chapter 9 because I wasn't sure what was going on anymore.
Keep up the
goodsuper-awesome work!