• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 732 Views, 42 Comments

The Crowded Library - SuperGiantRobot

A collection of my stories from Thirty Minute Pony Stories,

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A Half-baked Idea

Yuck. What was I thinking?

The light brown pony gagged slightly, her cutie mark of three faded balloons shaking as she leaned over the bucket.

(A/N: I know, I know. Why is she that color, right? Well, see, Pinkie was a little green, but when you mix green with pink…

So she’s light brown. Deal with it, ‘kay? Anyway…)

I honestly thought I was on to something. I mean everypony likes chocolate, right? Duh. Of course they do. And everypony likes cake. Naturally. Add a tiny squirt of hot sauce for a bit of zing (say what you will, but hot sauce goes good with cake. I don’t know why), toss in a spoonful of petite sweet pickle pieces, because that’s fun to say and I like sweet pickles, a dab of butterscotch and some raspberry jam, pour the mix in a pie crust just to make it a bit more unique and - of course - top it with icing and sprinkles. You can’t go wrong with icing and sprinkles. It can’t possibly lose.

I mean it had all my favorite things in it, right? Something with all that good stuff in it should have been good, too. Totally logical.

How was I supposed to know the mixture would be toxic? The way it glowed slightly as it cooled should have been a hint, I suppose. I really need to learn to question things like that.

I guess some things just aren’t meant to be combined, even if they’re yummy separately.

The other five are gonna kill me once they finally wake up, and I don’t think those stains will ever come off the walls and floor. Who knew you could throw up that color?

Oh Celestia, I shouldn’t have thought about throwing up…

The light brown mare leaned over the bucket again.

Comments ( 3 )

4313216 Not at all! I just finished what was published at the time and got distracted by shiny things. Ferret remember. :rainbowlaugh:


That was one of my first.

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