• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 731 Views, 42 Comments

The Crowded Library - SuperGiantRobot

A collection of my stories from Thirty Minute Pony Stories,

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A Letter to Pipsqueak

Dear Pipsqueak,

Yes, I indeed remember you. You were the well-mannered young pirate with the eyepatch and the vicious-looking sword. I’m certainly glad I was on your good side that eve - I feared for my life, though I hid it well.

It is indeed pleasant to receive a letter from you, and you have brightened my day in doing so.

I admit to having some trouble getting used to how things are as compared to so long ago, but it is becoming easier. Friendship was hard to come by at first - my ‘shouty voice’ was scary to others as well. I’ve since brought down the volume of my voice, and this has helped, though your friendship is the one I will most treasure.

As your Mother has said, this ‘shivery feeling‘ that you get when you see your friend Sweetie Belle is indeed something special, though I myself have not felt it in some time. I will be keeping it’s meaning a secret as she appears to be doing as well. You will thank us both when you discover it’s meaning for yourself.

And I agree: they aren’t allowed to be wrong. I may pass a law to that respect some day.

I found Ponyville a fine and friendly place myself, after my rather awkward start there. Many ponies find me scary for something bad that I did a very long time ago, but they know that I’m very sorry, and this has helped calm them. Some need more work to make friends with, but I have no doubt that you will win them over in time, much as I have with the ponies of Equestria. I've also no doubt this will apply to the two fillies in question, you need only be patient and continue showing them your willingness to befriend them.

You are right, though - tattling on them is wrong, and you are very mature to realize this.

I believe Miss Cheerilee meant ‘acute’, which means quite smart. She sounds like a fine teacher if you are to learn so quickly from her - a student is only as good as their teacher, after all.

I know your grown-up friends well - they helped make me better when I was very sick, and I owe them a debt that can never be repaid. To my Sister and I, they are known as 'The Elements of Harmony':

Miss Rarity, the seamstress, is the Element of Generosity. She is always willing to give of herself to those in need, and if somepony lacks something, she will offer it without hesitation. Being generous is often its own reward.

Miss Fluttershy, who cares for the animals of the forest, is the Element of Kindness. Though she is quite...well...shy, she knows that a simple quiet word can have a greater effect than an action and being nice to somepony is often the right thing to do, despite the situation.

Miss Applejack, who tends her groves in Sweet Apple Acres, is the Element of Honesty. She'll never tell you a lie - anything she tells you is the rock-solid truth and is trusted without hesitation.

Miss Pinkie Pie, baker and party pony, is the Element of Laughter, which isn't hard to see if you spend more than a minute with her. She believes almost anything can be solved with a smile and that parties are just a special way to say hello.

She's one of my favorites, though she took some getting used to.

Miss Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's resident weather pegasus, is the Element of Loyalty. Though she is loud and sometimes lets her mouth get the better of her, she'll always be by your side, no matter the situation.

And finally, Miss Twilight Sparkle, keeper of Golden Oaks, is the Element of Magic, which makes all of the other elements come together as a whole. She is very acute, knowing almost everything about everything, or at least having a book about it in her library. She is probably one of the most powerful magic-users in Equestria, and a student of my Sister.

Treasure them as I do; they will make an even better colt of you than you are now.

One or two are a bit rough around the edges, but nopony is perfect, not even me.

I have heard of the three fillies you speak of, even here. ‘Adventures’ and ‘trouble’ are good words to use to describe them, as one usually ends up leading to the other, especially where they are concerned. Still, though, their hearts are generally in the right place.

You do this colt Snails an honor by befriending him; everypony should have at least one, and I don’t think he could do much better than you as a first.

My duties do indeed keep me quite busy - raising and lowering the moon are only a part of them - but I always have time to speak with a friend, whether by mail or in person. Your parents are indeed correct; it never hurts to be nice to anypony, no matter who. More often than not, your effort will pay for itself in another friendship.

You can never have too many. Trust me on this.

Sleep well and dream happy dreams, my young friend.

Princess Luna

PS My lips are sealed.