• Member Since 26th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2014

Dusk Moonlight

Just a guy who decided to write terrible stories. No, seriously. Why are you looking at me like that? Stop! Seriously, stahp!


Long ago, in the age of Clover the Clever and Starswirl the bearded, Luna was banished to the moon she held dear to her heart, for out of rage and jealousy she refused to lower her celestial body to make way for the light of the sun. When she was banished in the moon she was sent alone, correct? No, in fact, you couldn't be more wrong. Join Dusk Moonlight, and find out his story, the sacrifices he made, and how it all comes to an end.

This is my first story, so criticism is encouraged, be it good or bad.
I'll only put the disclaimer once in the description, because I'll most likely forget, so here it is.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. It belongs to Hasbro. I only own my OC Dusk Moonlight.

Still debating with myself about adding a Romance tag. It is possible.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

you put in snet insted of sent

Since you're asking for criticism, you may want to submit your story here. They'll put you on the right track :pinkiesmile:.

Ok jest finished and its actually good and i wold jest add more to what the area looks like and give us a picture (in words) of how things look if its going to be there for a little bit like a few paragraph's. other than that keep going. :twilightsmile:

Luna was banished to the moon

Banished in the moon, not to it

3710065 Okay, I'm going to be frank,(Though I haven't done any research on said sentence, so your probably right) if I were to say Luna was banished in the moon it would sound like, 1:She was banished somewhere while in the moon,2: She was banished to the inside of the moon. Now the same for number one goes for on the moon. Because I have no idea which is correct I'm not going to change it.

Though I will still thank you for the advice, it is very much appriciated.:pinkiehappy:

3710078 Quote from the first episode from season 1:

Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon.

3710086 Yes, I know.

Truth be told I'm just procrastinating, I really just want to go somewhere. So in saying that I'm going to change it when I get back, so once again. Thanks!

Okay listen guys, if there are any people that are ever gonna follow this fic, then I must tell you something.

This is something I had stuck in my head for a long time.

In saying that, I hope you realize that means I will be doing this on my own accord. There is no schedule, there is no promise of a chapter tomorrow, nothing. So all of you that are planning to read this later( assuming there are any) this story's updates revolve around my mood. There could be a one month gap between chapters ( maybe even more) or there could be 5 chapters every two days.(Never, EVER, going to happen. Probably.)

No one has commented about this( I wouldn't expect you to) It just popped into my head, and like I said, I can't get things out of my head until I go through with them, so uhh... yeah. That is all.

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