• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday


That Minnesotan guy who has quickly gone from being a common brony to being an avid reader and editor, primarily for CommissarAJ and the amazing Price of Loyalty writers.



This story is a sequel to Family Mares

Disclaimer: I, in no way, take any credit for this story. This is an approved repost of a user who wishes to remain anonymous. Those who know this story will know the user.

Seven years after Scootaloo was taken into the Dash Family, she has grown into a fine, talented young mare. Little does she know, those years have been good to an old, familiar face. With the prospect of young love on the horizon, how will Scootaloo fair against this surprise complication?

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 74 )

May i ask who the origional author was? even if u just pm me?

Hello, It's meeee. I can't put to much in my rating at this time I'm no spoiler. But this story was vary well made it shows the sadness in some chapters but not all. The story...... What can I say about a good story?....... Epic.
(:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: 5 Out Of 5 Happy Pinkies)


I don't think I can tell you, even in a PM form. He doesn't want credit for it anymore. He really just wants his memory from it to be erased completely. It's a miracle that he even gave me permission.


3604908 I'm not gonna bug him i just want to rememebr who he was

3605007 I'm sure your intentions are pure, but I don't think throwing his name around would be a good way to honor his memory, especially since he doesn't want it out there. The Author took the stories down for the same reason you wouldn't post stuff about your boss on facebook; he didn't want the story to affect his position at his workplace. It's best to just remember him by reading and remembering the stories he wrote for us.

I've got the series downloaded to my tablet, but it's nice to see them being put back online.
I salute you, sir Author, wherever you may be... You are sorely missed :fluttercry:

It is truly a miracle that these stories were even approved by that author. Thanks for honoring him as these were my first taste of why I love Scootaloo. Will you do the third story as well, or just the first two. Did he approve all of them?

Oh I have to download the first one as I should have done it all those years ago, but didn't. Thanks for doing this.

damn good start to the sequel to a damn good story lol cant what till its all up

I shall be posting all three and the prequel as well. I'll talk to him a bit more and see if he'll let me post up a couple of his other stories that are in continuity with the Family Mares universe.


Next chapter??

I always wondered. How do they know what MOM Scoots is referring to?

I think it mentions somewhere that "Ma" is Dash and "Mom" is Spitfire.


3636396 You are right. Trust me, I am a complete nerd of this story!:pinkiehappy:

3614299 Will you finish the third? I hope so!

"She didn't realize at the time that she would never get the chance."

Why do you torture me with these cliff hangers!?!:fluttercry:

Oh shit, here we go again :facehoof:

Hehehe, I await your plotting scootaloo... :yay:

Hehehe, I await your plotting scootaloo... :yay:

Is there another story after this one, or was this the last one? I swear the Original Author was going/did a Trilogy?

I never realized that the original author vanished. I was thinking about this series, and was wondering why the third installment had not been updated in so long, so I did a search. It's good that these stories are being preserved here, because they're really wonderful. Still, it's a shame that the third one was never finished (at least I don't think it was).

Yes, there is another story after this one. There is also a prequel to the first one that I'll be posting up as well. Neither were finished, but I might be able to finish them if I can get where he was going with them.


omg if he dose anything 2 scootaloo I'm sending Rainbow dash whit the flutterrage anger on him :rainbowhuh::flutterrage:

... Time for THE talk...

youre right Lightning Spitfire is a psychotic :rainbowwild::derpytongue2:

god I hate Diamond tiara:flutterrage:

Great ending to this story and what happen to steel

For that question to be answered, you'll just have to read the next story. I'm just getting started on editing that one.


You're right, it was never finished. I'm debating finishing up the two other stories in this series, because the prequel and the next one were never finished.


Yes, the next sequel is coming and so is the trilogy's prequel. I just have to slowly work through them, editing like crazy.


Just to clarify, the Author did not take down the stories because he was afraid of it affecting his work; he was not in any sort of work environment at the time of his retirement. He said he felt his stories had lost all their value, that he wasn't writing them with the dedication he used to, and that he felt like he was wasting his (and our) time.

Which is a shame, because he was an awesome person that really deserved the recognition he got.

OMG i am sooooooooo stupid, i just now got why they refereed to sex as gold digging. I've been laughing for a good 5 mins now :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

jade is beyond a monster now he's a demon. Aerial was just becoming a part of the Dash family...this is a very sad chapter

I could finish it. Or help finish it. He's given me permission to take over another story he had in the words before he retired. I'm sure he wouldn't mind it.

What's the other one? I don't want to accidentally step on your feet and post that one.


nooo! why must such good stories end so soon?!

I read the first story a long time ago, and I can't remember why I didn't immediately start this one. Must've been important at the time.

thank you man, THANK YOU!!!! i spent my entire time in the summer reading these stories and i fucking missed them on here

when i read at (Before she could finish her sentence, Lightning's lips embraced her in a deep, passionate kiss) i scream F@#$ yeah!!!:pinkiehappy::twilightblush::derpytongue2:

Nemo as in Night-Wish's Nemo??

Nemo? Uh, who's Nemo? It's been a while since I've been through this.


Comment posted by ROB24DOG deleted Nov 10th, 2014

5252667 Nemo is a song by nightwish

3868585 no, even we demons have standards, he is an abomination.

I know the author wishes to remain anonymous... But why does he not wan't to remember the fact he ever wrote this at all? Seems so strange considering that "Family Mares" is an absolutely amazing story.

After reading chapter 2... I need to purge my mind... So many ships... O.O

4546607 spitfire coat is a goldish color

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