• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


My day at work is disrupted when a pony bursts through the door shouting "Did somepony order a large ham?"

Written in under an hour from a prompt by Peregrine Caged.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

I have no idea what the hell this is, but I think I like it.

Is the man's name Stanley?


I don't know what it is, either. A fusion of Office Space, Dickins, and a random prompt, combined into a . . . this.




Maybe? I dunno. Reference went over my head.

Hudsucker Proxy. What do I win?

Love that movie.

Also, though this is a nice lolsy thing about company bureaucracy, it's... kinda... minimal in the story department, ya know?


YES! You win my affection, and I promise to read The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It seems a bizarre opening for a HiE--and takes place reasonably close (on a geographical scale, anyway) to the setting of two of my stories [off the Leelanau peninsula].

it's... kinda... minimal in the story department, ya know?

I'm surprised I got a more than a thousand words off the prompt, to be honest.

How exactly is this human though? I missed that part.


The narrator's human, as is everyone in the office. Not that I took any pains to point that out in the story.

Right, I must have missed it.

Great story but... wtf did I just read? :rainbowderp:
And a ham :rainbowlaugh: I died at that part!


Great story but... wtf did I just read?

I asked myself what I'd just written. It got funnier each time I read it, though, so. . . .

3529981 So you have no idea either then.

3529860 :pinkiehappy: While I like Wreck it was kindof an oddball writing experiment. You might want to read Last Brony, I hear it's really good! :twilightsmile:

Also, followed, cuz I've read one or two other of your stories :rainbowwild:

I actually felt that vibe as well.


It is a fantastic, utterly surreal "game". I recommend giving the demo a try.


Maybe I'll have to sign up for steam . . . interesting.

I do see the resemblence now. :pinkiehappy:


Aww, thanks :heart:

Last Brony's on my read-later list. I'll give it a whirl at work tomorrow:pinkiehappy:

Cover art looks like something from Doctor Who to me.


I fixed that typo :pinkiehappy:

Cover art is from The Hudsucker Proxy. It's Mussburger's office.


My question is why he isn't curious about the fact there's a talking pony delivering him a ham. Instead he's curious about post-it notes.

This definitely made me laugh good.

A pony? Who cares!
Post it notes on the other hand...
(P.S.- If you actually see a talking pony, be sure to inform me so I can go there as fast as mortally possible.)

3536357 Buddy if I see a talking pastel colored pony, I'll be too busy hugging the crap out of it to let you know.

How could you! Even I would not be so self ab-
Wait a minute...
Actually I would be, never mind.

3540924 Yeah my first gut-reaction would be to glomp, then ask questions.

Im very sorry, but with it being panto season, my first and immediate thought, was with the words, Who Ordered a Large Ham, well, it would be better if you applied it in The Royal Canterlot Voice, that was projected, in the same way a small moon into a planet is projected, from the rather voluminous mass and extreme vocal capability that is....

BRIAN BLESSED. :rainbowlaugh:

Is it bad that I thought it were called "Who ordered a large harem" when I started reading this?
Still got a few chuckles from it though. :pinkiecrazy:

My first thought was of the trope of the same name, but this was brilliant!
Also, I can only read that "Harlowe." line in Professor Farnsworth's voice ("Wernstrom!").


Is it bad that I thought it were called "Who ordered a large harem" when I started reading this?

That would have been an interesting twist . . .


My first thought was of the trope of the same name, but this was brilliant!

That's apparently what put the idea in Peregrine's head.

Also, I can only read that "Harlowe." line in Professor Farnsworth's voice ("Wernstrom!").

Me too, now.


Soylent Green?

Well, technically no, since they're ponies. Or was that an idea for the pony's name? Because that's brilliant, and sounds very pony-like.

3659573 I meant for the movie name, but for a pony name that'd be pretty good.

First read this in a VA reception area. At that time I thought it was a slice of life fic. Either way, well done.

I've never worked an office job, and I hope I never will.

Somehow, when I read the title, I assumed TG&P-Trixie would be involved.

This is far from compelling, but for a 1 hour> fic, it's pretty damn good. Damn good indeed. :twilightsheepish:

I like how the initial assumption is turned on its head. I was expecting an incoming ham. I got banal post-it note meanderings. And Harlowe. Ooooo, Harlowe. That bastard.

The cover art's from The Hudsucker Proxy. That's the clock that freezes the world, right?


I was expecting an incoming ham

One of the readers was expecting a 'large harem.' Imagine his disappointment.

The cover art's from The Hudsucker Proxy. That's the clock that freezes the world, right?

It only freezes certain Hudsucker employees.


Somehow, when I read the title, I assumed TG&P-Trixie would be involved.

I should have had her deliver the ham. Oh, what a missed opportunity.

I couldn't help but read "Harlowe" in David tennants voice when he shakes his fist and shouts BARROWMAN!

I came here expecting a large ham and I was not disappointed.


I think there are three or four of these. Maybe more.

Not as many as peach stories, though.

I read it in Dad's ...Dinkleberg... tone.

...and one often had to make due with Post-Its...


Comment posted by Crocoshark deleted Apr 22nd, 2016

this reminds me of that fic with those two ponies that believed that Luna, Flurry Heart, and Candence either didn't exist or else were fake due to paperwork on on them not making sense with what they knew on running their jobs (They were so by the book that it would make Twilight look like an amateur), and also didn't know that Canterlot had been invaded by Changelings and later attacked by Tirek.


this reminds me of that fic with those two ponies that believed that Luna, Flurry Heart, and Candence either didn't exist or else were fake due to paperwork on on them not making sense with what they knew on running their jobs (They were so by the book that it would make Twilight look like an amateur), and also didn't know that Canterlot had been invaded by Changelings and later attacked by Tirek.

Alright, now I’m curious, ‘cause I don’t know what that fic is and it sounds interesting.

Not 100% sure, but it sounds like Assigned Paperwork at Birth

I just reread it, and yeah, this is the one.

Thanks! That’s a good one, I just read it today. Couple ponies are about to have a bad day . . . they shouldn’t have gone outside.

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