• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 1,070 Views, 30 Comments

A Shooting Star - Nobody Special

A creature from 1000 years comes back and seeks revenge.

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Chapter 4: Drunken Fight.

“Oh and who do you might be?”

The creature jumped off the telescope and landed on the table that was in front Shooting Star. “I am Night Watcher and I am here to kill you.”

“I thought so when you said you would wipe me of this planet.” He said and drank up the whiskey in his glas.

“Oh so you’re a smart ass are you?”

“Yeah.” He threw the glass behind him and he heard a shatter. He then took the whiskey bottle and drank from it. “So I guess you want to get revenge on me for killing Nightmare Fuel?”

“No. I never liked that guy. I want to kill you because of the reward.”

“Reward? Has somebody put money on my head or what?”

“No, my boss told me to kill you.”

“Of course it was.” He chugged down the whiskey from the bottle until it was empty. “Well then, lets begin.” And then he smashed the bottle over Night Watcher’s head. The he punched him in the face, making Night Watcher fly up in the air and land on the stairs. Night Watcher stood back up and shot purple lightning from his mouth and hit Shooting Star in the chest. Shooting Star got slammed into the wall and Night Watcher flew straight at him. He slammed into Shooting Star and started to claw him in the face. Shooting Star grabbed his tail and threw him at the table. He wobbly walked to him and grabbed the couch. He lifted it over his head and was about to smash Night Watcher with it, but the alcohol in his body made it so he dropped the couch over his own head. Shooting Star laid on the floor with the couch under him.

“Hahaha you’re to drunk to fight me.” Night Watcher said and walked to him, but Shooting Star threw the couch away and smashed another bottle on top of his head. “Where did you get that.”

“You want to know the truth?” He said a bit tipsy.

“Ehm...yes that why I asked.”

“You can’t…” He didn’t finish and just stared at nothing.

“I can’t what?”

“Ehm what? Who are you?”

“You really don’t know?”

“Are you an intruder? I bet you are.” He grabbed Night Watcher by the throat and threw him out through the roof. “And now to finish him.” He walked the stairs, almost falling, sat down on the chair and looked through the telescope. He saw that Night Watcher was heading this way. “Ok lets see if this work.” He put his hand on the telescope and made it glow. “Ready.” The telescope glowed brighter. “Set.” He aimed the telescope at Night Watcher. “FIRE!” A huge beam fired from the telescope and was heading for Night Watcher.

“Whats this?” Night Watcher asked as he saw the beam coming at him. “Whatever it is, I can take it.” Just as he said that he got hit by beam. “Aaaaahhhh.” He screamed until he was incinerated.

Shooting Star leaned on the chair with a smug. “Well that was fun. Whoever that was he sure won’t come back again.” He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Hours later.


*bang* *bang*

“Urgh.” Shooting Star wakes up by knocking on the door. He stands up and holds his head. “Oh what a hangover.” He slowly walks down the stairs as the knocking on the door kept going. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” He opens the door and saw Twilight. “What?”

“Are you alright? You smell really bad and you got all those marks over your face.”

“Yes I’m alright, now what do you want?”

“I was going to ask what that big light beam coming from your house was.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”


“Yes really. Now if you excuse me I have to take a shower and see what I can do with this hangover.”

“How many of those whiskey drinks did you drink?”

“Well I drank five bottles before you and the gang visited me and two after you guys left.”

“Wow, must have been pretty strong stuff then.”

“Yeah.” He was about to close the door, but a purple hoof stopped it. He looked at Twilight with a little angry glare. “What more do you want.”

“I think you’re not alright. I want to help you.”

“Help me? I don’t need any help. I all need is to stay here until my castle is done.”

“And then what?”

He opened up his mouth, but closed it and started to think. A few seconds later he answered. “I don’t know.”

“Come to the library so we can talk ok?”

He sighed out loud a big sigh. “Alright.” And then he closed the door.


At the library.


“Hey Twilight are you in here?” Shooting Star asked as he walks inside the library. He closed the door behind him and saw that the library was all dark. He sighed. “Just come out already and say surprise.”

The library was lit up and saw that all of the six ponies stood there. “How did you know?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m not stupid. I have seen you do this before.” He then looks at Twilight. “I thought you wanted to talk?”

“Yes I do, but Pinkie thought it would be a good idea to give you a party as a thank you for saving us.”

“I told you, I fought him because he was going to kill me.”

“Suuuuuuure you did.” Pinkie joked.

“Urgh, so what did you want to talk to me about?”

“We are worried about you. Yesterday you acted really weird. After you fought Nightmare Fuel you where calm and mature. Now you’re a wreck.”

“Hey its only been one day. It takes atleast three days to become a wreck.”

“Shooting Star, please take this serious.”

He looks at all of them. “Alright I’ll talk.” He goes and sits in a chair. The others follows him and sits in front of to listen. “When I came back here I had just one goal, to help Twilight. And know that I have done it, in my way, I don’t know what else to do. I feel kind of useless, just like back home.”

“Your not useless, not here and I bet not on your planet.” Twilight said.

“Not in my dad’s eyes.”

“Didn’t you say your dad was a king or something?”

“I did? Oh yeah I did. Anyways, yes he was. He wanted me to be like him, but I just wanted to live like a normal guy. My dad got angry and thought I was betraying our country. He threw me out of the family and I never really saw him again.”

“Shooting Star thats-” He interrupted her.

“Thats nothing, so say nothing about it ok?”

“Ok, but what are you going to do?”

“I have already told you guys, I’m going to wait until my castle is ready so I can live there.”

“Yes we know, but we think you haven’t thought this through. You know that you can be usefull. You got your magic to help you.”

“So what your saying is that I should use my powers to become a superhero?”

“No not at all.”

“I’ll do it. I will become Equestrias version of Superman.” Then he ran out of the door and flied up to the sky.”

“This won’t end well.” Twilight said and shook her head.

Author's Note:

Yes this will really not end well. Sorry for the short chapter, but I got other things to do. Until next time.