• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2016



A crossover with Pokéthulhu. Starlight Sailor, bat pony working for Luna's royal guard, gets lost in the æther and wanders into the world of Pokéthulhu. There she meets up with Randy Carter and tries her best to bring some light to a bleak world.

(If you're wondering, no, Pokéthulhu is not a real show, it's a tabletop RPG, and you shouldn't have to know anything about it to get this story.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

The problem that I had with the story was that it was to much new information to fast. I know MLP and I know Pokéthulhu so I was not expecting that issue. However we join the protagonist lost in space in an Aetheric medium landing on what appears to be a different world. That was when you lost me as a reader, I was unable to connect with the work and had to stop.

I know that this does not give you much to work with but I refused to be another down vote with out comment.

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