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"Young at Heart" by milesprower06 -- Hey, that name sounds famili-... OMAI.
4399869 lucky bastud
4399869 "First" comments not allowed. Real feedback or scram.
The start was not so bad. Lets see what will come in the next few chapters and I maybe put it in my favorite's.
Well, this was certainly interesting, to say the least.
The only criticism I have is that some of the wording feels just off, somehow. Not exactly sure how, but some parts feel as if they are missing a word or something.
So, this is weird, but interesting. Curious as to how this will unfold. Good first chapter.
So far my feelings are like "not exactly my fetish, but close enough to my watersports fetish". Let's see how it continues...
4399898 I fucking hate it when people say things like first or inb4 skeeter like it actually means something. I too delete such comments.
This was nice, although I wish there was more than just 1.6k words.
4400340 More to come.
4400376 Heh, I should hope so.
Kinda cute, solid writing also
Not bad. Relatively well executed; there were a few too many sentences starting with names or pronouns but it was grammatically perfect, as far as I could make out. The pacing was perhaps a little too fast but other than that, the only real problem is the lack of variety in sentence starters, which makes this dull to read. If you want examples for this sort of thing, just grab the nearest fiction book off a shelf and browse a random page.
The other problem is in your description. If you "could care less" if someone dislikes the fetish, then you currently do care.
Boy you work fast!
Hope to see another one soon
Not bad.
I think the pacing's a little too fast though.
YES! I've been so excited for this! Only a few grammatical errors that I saw (Like I think you needed an "s" somewhere). I like how you portray Applejack in this scenario, you write her well. I can't wait for more!
The pace does seem a teensy bit fast so far, but I'm definitely intrigued and waiting for more
Strap on your collective diapers! It's going to be a messy ride.
Incidentally, it always seems like stories (and I use the term loosely here) that require some sort of attempt at a disclaimer give off this conflicting "don't you DARE troll me/please stripmine me for lols' sort of vibe. What most trolls fail to realize however is there is no need to troll for loos here when they can all be had with a quick skimming through of the written cornucopia of laughs offered. That being said though, you do need to possess a rather morbid sense of humor for things like this. I'm also using this story as a reference when bronies try to claim that bronys and curries are not one and the same. Keep up the good work mate!
I often feel sad for stories of this "theme".... Usually, the like to dislike ratio is pretty matched and, looking through your other stories' you appear to be quite the writer. You kind of have to wonder how many of those dislikes read the story first, then judged it, and how many just see the word "diapers" and instant dislike and leave..... Usually, I get iffy about reading stories with such amount of "hate" but for these types I generally have to guess... But, I think I'll give it a read, and I don't have many doubts that it'll be good
Sweet, I loved your Post-Cupcake stories and I love AF stories. This doesn't deserve so many dislikes though. It's well written, goes into the psychology of the fetish, and it's not just clopclopclopclop. Can't wait for more!
Poor have to admit its harder to admit the not so common fetishes you have to a lover. Anyways I thought it was cute, and the grammar was above what I see commonly. Like and fave. I want to see how this ends ^^
I allways liked stories like this that go into kinks/fetishes and why someone (or somepony) have them. But also how it affects their life, from the hard part of coming out to the struggles they go through and the inner turmoil it can create. So with a theme at hand I certainly see a lot of potential and I can clearly say i'm looking forward to see where it goes.
This is what I would call infantilism done tastefully. Even though it's about a fetish topic, it's not presented in a fetishy manner so to say. Usually when I read stories that have to do with it, I never expect that much depth or thought, just the fetish and some seductive writing. But to actually have a nice story to go with it, is a good thing.
4406797 Thanks for giving it a chance, and that's some of the most constructive criticism I've ever gotten. Thank you!
Graphic changes to see how wet the diapee is? SO CUUUUTE!!!
I'm not really in this "sexual"-phantasie, but everything that come before is good. I like more the Adult Foal Play.
I really liked chapter 1 and 2, this one was ok, but not emotional like those chapter. Like the feels of the whole fic, the romance and it made the whole fetish nice to read.
4422329 Thanks for reading!
Good story.
It is a bit low on emotions though, I think if you would add moe descriptions it would greatly help. Like what exactly is all going through Applejacks head when she sees it or a more elaborate description of Rainbow's feelings during the morning scene.
One thing that was strange though is that you seem so aggressive in the description. Why is that? I mean abdl stories aren't that uncommon here.
4425104 Just wanted to be clear so trolls have no recourse.
a good concept but too rushed.
I think that the part that Applejack got her answer straight away was a little too hasty. Also maybe some reluctance on the part of the shopkeeper would have looked nice.
4425201 It was my first try at a ageplayer story.
Well, you may have overdone it a little bit.
But you need to draw out the story. Not add that much more contend but simply more descriptions on what is happening.
um, the final chapter was oké, I guess.
However it was strange that Applejack did it absolutaly perfectly the first time already. I would think she would still be weirded out a few times and those kind of things.
Wow, that's really all I have to say. This particular fetish isn't one of mine, but it was cute nonetheless. Good job Miles.
4583215 Thanks for reading!
I gotta say this story is good. Cute in a way, but good. Is there anymore stories like this?
5212698 Not from me, but there is in the Padded Ponies group.
You should write another episode of this. Maybe make it into a series.
Interesting to see a padded pony story from you miles
6038579 Thanks, hope you enjoyed.
6038581 I did it was pretty dang good
4399898 I could've sworn that at one point the moderators said you could get banned for making "First" claims on fics. I guess the intent was to frighten people into not doing it.
I wish that shopkeeper existed in real life.
4425213 Well, for your first time writing such a thing, I think you did a really good job. Very few writers can capture all the aspects of being an Adult Baby as well as you did. I think, if you tried you luck with another ageplay story, you would do even better.
Seems all my most favorite writers have a story I'm not gonna read lol. I wanted to thank you somewhere for the warning on this. I've even read an age play (with these characters actually) fetish but this one probably goes further than I could get behind.
You're a great writer, for that I had a temptation to read, and I highly doubt from most of the comments on here, that this really deserves any, or at least so many down votes
Thanks for the other great stories and I hope if you get on with the sequel to this, that it receives an appropriate reception from those that want read this instead of being offended by a clearly labeled story
Tl:dr >you are one of the greats, not my cup of tea, thx for the rest
Well done. This is a respectful and nuanced take on what is a very sensitive topic for many, which is impressive given your comment that it's not an interest you yourself share (unless I'm mixing up comments, which is totally a thing that happens at times). You're right that it is a bit bare-bones, and I concur with 4406797 that it is rather tell-y, but I would much rather read a story that needs fleshing out but treats the topic with respect than something fluffy and insulting :P
Regarding the story itself (rather than just mechanics), I did somewhat share 4425638's feeling that AJ did things a little too perfectly for RD in this chapter. She gets all the kudos there are for being willing to push past her own uncertainties and explore something new for her marefriend, but if you were fluffing it out I would really like to see a bit more of that hesitancy and uncertainty and talking-things-out in the birthday scene. Everyone approaches ABDL a little differently, just like anything else... specifically, I'm thinking about the fact that some ABs prefer to keep "baby needs" and "adult needs" firmly separated, and to make the assumption that RD would like to move on to adult play runs the risk of blowing up badly. Then again, RD really doesn't seem like the "talking things through" sort, so maybe going for it and hoping for the best was about all AJ could do :)
Anyway, well done again, and thanks for writing this!
8105090 Thanks for reading, and you would be mixing up comments. I've had AB art of my OC done in the past.