• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.


Applejack has been bucking trees ever since she was young. Fluttershy thinks that this method needs to change.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

1 View and already 2 likes and dislikes? 3 people at least aren't being honest.

The number of views doesn't update as fast as the like/dislike counter.

3422431 Well, the view numbers tend to be slow to update, so it could just be that...

This is very nice. Short and sweet. I like it.

Applejack? More like Applewhipped!

:fluttershysad: I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongue.

While it was sweet, it just doesn't make any sense.

Sure, trees are alive. But so are the plants she eats, like the flowers and things. They can't speak for themselves, how does she know they aren't screaming in fear on the inside before she plucks/kills them and then eats their corpses? o-o Is she going to starve? Besides, didn't she feed fish to something at some point?

:facehoof: Maybe they could get a tree psychic. :yay::ajbemused:

Short. Sweet. Cute.


Nice. Just... Nice.

And that picture fits, too.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Im the Flutterlorax and I speak for the trees. Lol nice a cute little story.

Cute, but it felt a bit pointless. I mean there's no real explanation for why Fluttershy comes to the conclusion she does, or why AJ finally gives in. It felt sort of a half fic if that makes sense.

The worrying thing is... I strongly suspect that it will work for Fluttershy. That filly is cute enough to be able to talk apples from the trees! :yay:

Hurry up and make more please :pinkiehappy:

Fluttershy was back out on the field today, but she didn't have a barrel with her. Rather, she was busy wrapping what looked like a big gauze bandage around the tree that Applejack had just finished bucking. Fluttershy did some strange things here and there, but this was not normal for her.

"Oh..." Fluttershy said upon being spotted. "Well...I figured that since trees are living things, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to kick them and hurt them all the time..."

:facehoof: Instant fail. Fluttershy feeds live fish to her animals, Fluttershy understands the circle of life...this sort of behavior is completely out of character for Fluttershy.

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