• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago




Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle sit down to work on a school project. Little did they know, they would be uncovering secrets the world was never meant to know.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

Moral of the story: History sucks.

Hitlercron and the Unicorn Master Race

Go home, Transformers. You're drunk.

Moral of the story: You've got an opened italics tag.

Moral of the story: Better be raped by a tentacle-god than expressing your opinion on the web!

DaFuq did I just read?

Oh wow. That was hilarious in the most twisted way possible! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh i love the CMC.
*Reads the story*
*Pulls out a bag of rusty, week old muffins*
Bad author!
*Starts pelting Regidar with muffins*

At this time:


6 dislikes

6 comments before this one.

You're fucked, Regi.

Edit: 3416459 YOU FUCK

3416271 haha
I should check this shit before I post

At first I was all like "Yo this looks good why all the downvotes?"
And then I was all like "Regidar :trollestia:"

The ending made me wat :rainbowderp:

Hitlercron and the Unicorn Master Race

Please tell me you've got more on this subject. :raritystarry:

3547411 haha


School never changes.

Yes yes snail madness has two. That's what I got out of google translate.

5799108 Snail madness?

5799800 I don't know. That's what Google Translate said. XD

5810380 what passage did you translate?

Oui oui, escargot deux something. 0_0

5818351 oh shit yeah, the random french
Deja foil á escargot entandu duex

This is the most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time. . . *follows author.

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