I'm just a simple horse trying to make my way through the universe. People say I'm bad at writing happy endings.
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I loved it, you need to do a "Best of Rage" on your FOAB!

Well, this is certainly a curious story to see show up in my notifications.
And yeah, it's an accurate representation of the worst the games can get. Which is probably a good 30-50% of the time. I dunno; haven't played in forever.
That's... actually pretty clever. How long did it take you to reverse acronym ATBIP?
Damn straight. Nobody's a voice of reason in those things.
3402584 We'll see.
Maybe in the future...
3402620 Dunno, ten minutes maybe. It's one of the acronyms I know the best.
3402625 Really?
Totally accurate.
Even though I love COD...this is exactly how things go down in a regular match.
Make more!!!
This realm was hilarious.
This was hilarious, i.imgur.com/MIj6o.gif And well everypony reacted the way i thought they would. Apart from pinkie
She cried... I don't think that is possible
now I want to play COD but I'm to poor to buy the new ones
(shakes head) Dumb asses, anywho entertaining story for sure.
Ok COD multiplayer most places I seen cursing than any places in the world also rape.
Likes and fav
Also make a second part of them actually seeing the video or footage of the gameplay.
That'll scare them 4 sure
Ahhh, X-box live... All the memories of wishing there was a button to throat punch people.
3402625 the only voice of reason is me, and i don't talk to them
*hits mute on controller*
I assume people already know that FOAB can stand for Father of All Bombs or Friends of Aranda Bushland (otherwise known as Australia).
Really. Pretty much anyone smart enough to be a voice of reason who's playing CoD knows that it's futile to try arguing with those idiots.
Though I think some of the characterization is odd. (mostly Twilight) But that doesn't really take out from what we really wanted to see.
12 years old shouting obscenities at each other with the mane 6 providing commentary.
good job.
I imagined a cod lobby to sound like these
3402662 agreed
Hostile O.D.IN. Strike commencing
3404155 This is what REALLY happens in a COD game
3402662 Why I play Halo.
You know something is wrong when even someone who's never played CoD gets it all right.
I feel there's something missing... Hmmm...
What is it, what is it...
Oh yeah, I remember it now! You didn't put enough
in it
you sir are awesome
I wonder what if: They encountered The Terroriser over one of the games they eavesdropped
Or Vanoss, Wildcat and H20 delirious
Hahaha, that was great. It's great contrast after reading about the mane 6 listening to Simon and Garfunkel.
Now we need a chat involving famous youtubers. Maybe...THE POOP PRETZEL CHAT BY KYR SPEEDY!!!
3406038 Too bad it can't be Yoteslaya... You heard what happened right?
no, what happened?
I'll have his friend Shrapnel explain...
Accurate as hell.
Please do more, only with other games. This is far more accurate than you think xD
This kind of behavior isn't just limited to Call of Duty. Any game that allows voice chat and has a large population in the 8-12 age range will eventually devolve into this. Halo is just as bad nowadays, or it would be if anyone actually played it anymore (I remember the B.net forums being really vitriolic in the Halo 3 era).
I like how they think it is happening in real life...
That is why I play the old Cod games like the original and Cod 3. Kids these days. Wait a minute..........nevermind.
Next time : they find a GTA lobby to listwn too
I lost it at the dogs
Now imagine listening to a GTA lobby
And let us not forget Roblox. Even the chat rooms are hostile.
Ah, and the weird thing is... they haven't even checked the campaign. Though less hostile, still pretty degrading due to all the wars in them. But World at War was good.
... Yes it is.
3402634 if you like i cloud make a follow up on this
3426541 I can't see why not.
There's a group dedicated to these types of stories, Ponies Picking up Human Transmissions, just so you know.
3426580 ok, thx. i was thinking of along the lineds of this a gourp of teenage boys that was playing BF3 that some how got to the world and turns out they have video game logic at work like this, one of them die in the most funny and painful ways to die than respen right next to them
666 views... Dear god, I feel lucky.
Maybe they will be able to get visual at some point. I doubt that would do much more than them going "well, at least it actually is a game", right before they realize that we make games based on who can kill the most of each other.