• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 25th


The name's Dash. (Previously Ronnie) And I write humanized pony stories. Welcome to my humble page.


Twilight decides that the best way for Applejack and Rarity to get along better is with the help of an old friend.

Credit to friendshipisalpaca for the rarijack art. :)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

*Looks at story art*
Two girls stuck chest to chest in one tight shirt?
I've seen enough of the internet to know where this is going.
No thank you sir.
*Gets up and walks away.*

you should ask friendship paca first about his art. it's not right to take art and not credit it

“Yep, we’re good.” Applejack nodded. Her green eyes shifted down to Rarity, who looked up at her with her blue ones.

“Yes, I feel like we have sorted all of this, whatever it exactly was out.” She agreed, trying her hardest not to make eye contact with Rarity.

Did you mean Applejack by chance :twilightblush:

3394964 oh i made a post on tumblr and they saw it so i technically have permission :twilightsheepish:

3395000 yep! rushing isnt allways good! XD :facehoof:

3395073 uh huh ....*goes to skype* i'll figure this out with poodle paca myself. have fun

Pretty good. You could probably make this into a longer story. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

you have made the mistake of judging a book by its cover, my friend. Besides, you can clearly see in the tags that this isn't anything past teen rated. .....Also if you actually looked you'd see they're not chest to chest in the picture.

muy interesante solo que me gustaria que fuera mas largo

acabo de leer otra vez tus historias y cada vez mas me encantan mas pero me gustaria pedirte un rarijack

Should be a second chapter for their newly acknowledged romantic feelings... :)

Comment posted by Snappythybeast deleted Apr 3rd, 2018
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