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Special Guest Author Horse Voice: Aria Blaze/The Devil

In a burst of hellfire, the Devil appeared in the sirens' mansion. ''I have come to claim my mortal vessel,'' he said.

''Oh, that,'' Aria said, wrinkling her nose at the smell of brimstone. ''It's in the morgue.''


''I did have it, but I drowned it for the insurance.''


''I waited a while, but you took too long to keep your end of the deal.''


''I told you, I hate children.''

A high, iron scream of rage echoed across the dimensions as the Prince of Darkness fled to the underworld.

''Everyone's a critic,'' Aria said.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure Horse Voice quite gets the concept of "shipping" here, but let's give him a round of applause and a hearty thank you anyway! He's the best dark pony writer on the net, you know. Go check out his stories!

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