• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 6,466 Views, 257 Comments

Conspiracy - FallBlau

Twilight Sparkle plunges Equestria into the depths of deprivation as she skillfully plots against her former friends and confidants, using any means at her disposal to claw her way to power.

  • ...

Obscuris Vera Involvens

The hushed silence of the night was broken by the peal of the palace bell, ringing softly in the dead of the night. It was a sad, soft melody, which echoed through the darkness and aroused the occupant of a plain bedchamber from his sleep.

Spike arrested himself from his slumber and sprang to his feet, almost tripping as he ran to the door. Now well accustomed to the palace’s procedures, he hurried himself to the door, knowing that his daily orders, delivered on a single piece of folded parchment, would be waiting for him at his mail slot – delivered there by a special mail-pony who made the rounds each morning.

He grabbed and lit the candle that lay on his dresser and peered down, cautiously examining the ground for the letter's familiar form amongst the shadows. Finally, he spied it, but gazed at it curiously. Unlike the regular parcel, it was sealed with Princess Celestia's own personal crest. He instantly seized it and tore it open.

He held the candle close to his eyes, using its light to examine the letter’s contents. He scanned over the lines feverishly, reading them with great haste. When he was finished, he folded it back up and laid it on the counter. “What time is it?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

He journeyed to his window and flung open the shutters. Outside, the hushed whisper of the summer night wind whispered through the air as the stars twinkled above. “It's not even morning, yet...”

Sighing reluctantly, he turned back inside and sat down on the bed. “It's too early for this... Why would Princess Celestia want to see Twilight at this hour?” He twiddled his thumbs for a moment, staring into the darkness before glaring back outside. “Unless...something serious has happened.”

He shook his head. “No, that can't be it. She needs help with something, that's all. Yeah, that must be it. She has to do some royal duty. Surely...”

He tried to recall anything from yesterday that could offer any clues as to the reason for this early awakening, but kept drawing a blank. “There are no special ceremonies today...at least, I don't think there are. Very strange...”

As he tried to harken back to something that he had perhaps forgotten, he rescanned the letter that he still held in his claw, murmuring the lines over to himself. “Dear Spike...please summon Twilight to the throne room as soon as you receive this, without delay...”

He made his way to the bathroom and splashed some water on face. “It really must be something serious...”

As quick as he could, he scurried out of his room and down the hallway to the royal quarters of the palace, traveling up several flights of stairs before arriving at the entrance where two Solar Guards stood at attention.

“Lookie 'ere, Mer” the gray pony on the left said. “He's come already.”

“Aye, Cad” the brown one nodded. “It's our mascot. Bit early to be running around, ain't it, Spike?”

Spike grabbed his knees as he breathed, having just ran the entire way there. “I have...an important...letter,” he said, holding it up in his claw.

“Lemme look at that,” the one on the right said, snatching it from his claw and reading it over himself. “It’s urgent, Mer. We best be letting him on his way...”

“Aye, Cad, he's on royal business.” They both snickered.

“Please, you guys,” Spike said, still panting. “I don't have time...to joke around...now. I got to get this to Princess Twilight.”

“Oh, of course, of course. We understand. Here,” he said, handing him the letter back. “Pass,” he said as they retracted their spears.

“Thank you,” Spike said gratefully, and headed into the Royal Wing.

Spike disappeared into the hallways that lay beyond, leaving the guard on the right scratching his head. “What do you suppose that was all about, Cad?”

“No idea...”

“You think something could be amiss?”


“Then shouldn't we go and help?”

Cad shook his head. “There you go questioning things again. Just remember what I told you: Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to...something, something. Never did remember it all...”

“But, supposing it is something unusual, would it not be within our orders to protect the Princess? What if she's in danger?”

“Well, she ain't in danger, is she? If she was, wouldn't the letter have said so? No, she's safe and sound inside her bed, snug as a bug in a rug.”


“There you go again! Look, here's a piece of advice for you if you want get along in the royal guards: don't question anything. Who can understand the workings of these royals? I'll tell you – nopony. Just do as you’re told and it will make things a lot easier on all of us and yourself. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, now stand to your post...”


Spike approached the door, writhing his claws around the letter as he pressed his face to its cold surface, hoping he could hear signs of activity. He heard nothing.

He sighed as he knocked on the door. “Twilight...” he whispered. “Twilight, it's me Spike.”

He knocked again, a little louder than before. “Twilight. Get up. Twilight.”

He pressed his face to the door again and heard the soft rustle of sheets and a faint groan. A moment later, the door slowly creaked open to reveal the Princess. “Yes, Spike?” she said, stretching. “What is it?”

“You're needed in the throne room, Twilight. I just got this letter. It told me to come and summon you immediately.”

“Is it from Celestia?” she said, yawning.

“I think so,” he said, looking it over. “It has her personal seal on it.”

“Alright then – wait for me here, Spike. I'll get ready and be out shortly.”

“Do you want anything? Coffee, maybe?”

“What?” she said, shaking her head. “No, just wait here. I won't be long.”

“Okay, Twilight....”

She nodded and slowly closed the door, making sure it made as little noise as possible. She then turned around and headed back to her disheveled bed where her brother lay sleeping. She gently nudged him, running her hooves up and down his shoulders. “Shining, my love, it's time to get up.”

He mumbled a bit as he pulled the covers over him. “Is it morning already?”

“Not quite. I just received a royal summons by the Princess. You'll have to get going...”

He turned towards her and smiled. “I hate to leave so soon...”

“Yes, brother, but it won't be for long.”

“Mmm, promise?” he said.

“Promise,” she said, and kissed him softly.

Shining smirked as he got out of bed and trotted toward the dresser. “What do I tell Cadence when I get back? She'll probably be wondering we're I've been.”

“I'm sure you'll think of something,” she said, throwing him his jacket.

“I guess. You think Celestia suspects anything?”

“Why don't you let me worry about that?” she said, brushing her hair.

“I'm just saying, what if you get caught? What then?”

“I won't get caught, Shining. Have a little faith in your sister, huh? I've got this...”

“If you say so...”

“What, you don't trust me?”

“No, it's not that. It’s just...you don't have a back-up plan of any kind?”

“Look, I know there's a chance of getting caught, but do you really think they're going to suspect me, of all ponies?

“No, I suppose not...”

“The most important thing, Shining, is that we keep our heads and stay calm. You let me deal with Celestia – I know what to say. In the meantime, you need to get going.”

“Alright then...One last farewell kiss?”

Twilight smirked and kissed him. “I love you, big brother.”

“I love you, too, Twiley...”

Her horn glowed as a luminescent glow appeared around him. In an instant, Shining disappeared into the ether on his way back to Crystal Empire.

Twilight spent the next half hour getting ready – taking a shower and applying her makeup the best she could to appear before Princess Celestia. When she finally emerged from her chambers, Spike was sitting against the other wall with his head held in his arms. “Coming Spike?” she asked.

“Yeah...” he said, getting up.



“You should have gone to bed earlier...”

“I did! I think it's because I'm not a morning pony, like you. Any idea why Celestia needs you so early?”

“No idea, Spike.”

“Who was that you were talking with?”

“Spike, what have I told you about eaves-dropping?” she asked as they began walking together down the hall.

“I know, I know, but I heard voices. And I was pretty sure you weren't talking to yourself...”

Twilight sighed. “It was my brother...”

“Shining? Did he not leave?”

“Well, we stayed up a long time talking last night. By the time we were done, though, it was really late, so I just let him sleep with me.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Yeah, we did a lot of family bonding.”

“Well, I'm glad you two got caught up.”

As they continued chatting, they came to where the royal wing ended, passing by where the two guards stood. “Good morning,” she said, greeting them.

“Good morning, Princess!” they both responded in unison as she passed by them, with Spike following close behind her.

They descended the palace stairways, passing through by the various reception areas as they made their way to the throne room, which lay on the other end of the building.

“Sure is quiet...” Spike said.

“It's because nopony's up, yet.” Twilight remarked.

“Kinda strange really – usually it’s so noisy and alive here. Now, it's as silent as the grave. Really creepy…”

“A bit too quiet,” Twilight said to herself.

“Hey, Twilight.”

“Yeah, Spike?”

“Do you believe in ghosts?”

“Oh don't be silly, Spike. Do you really believe in that nonsense?”

“Well...I dunno. Do you?”

“Of course not, Spike. Anypony with any sense at all knows that ghosts are not real.”

“Oh, so what exactly happens then when ponies die?”

“I don't know, Spike.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I don't know. Nopony knows. Sure, there have been theories, but nothing substantial to support any of them.. Even magic, for all the clairvoyance it offers us, can't give us any hint about what lies beyond, or if there's anything at all.”

“Well, if it is real, you think it’s possible to come back?”

“I sure hope not...” Twilight said softly.


“Nothing, Spike. It's early. Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure,” he said, shrugging.

“Have you eaten?”

“No,” he said, holding his stomach.

“Then why don't you go on to breakfast then? I'll go and see what Celestia needs, but in the meantime, you go and eat.”

“You sure you don't need me?”

“I'm sure.”

“Oh, alright then...I guess I'll see you around?”

“Of course,” she said as she stopped in the hallway. “I'll be in my room, later. Stop by. You'll probably be needed. Okay?”


“Good. So long, Spike.”

She waved him goodbye as he walked down the other hallway towards to the servant's dining hall. “Such curious questions, he asks,” she said to herself, as she began trotting again. “Very curious indeed...”

When she reached her destination, she paused a moment, and stood frozen in front of the double doors that lead to the throne room. She took her time, cautiously examining the door's gilded veneer, sighing to herself as she did so. “This is the moment of truth,” she sighed as she straightened her posture and pushed open the door.

Inside, the room was obscured in darkness – the throne itself barely visible by the light of the lanterns that lay along its stone edifices. On either side of aisle were solar guards, their expressionless faces silently staring at her as she made her way to Celestia, who sat perched upon her throne.

At the base of her pedestal, Twilight kneeled before her. “I have come, Princess, as you have requested,” she said, not looking up.

For a moment, the Princess of the Sun said nothing at all – merely peering blankly into the absence of the darkened room, the rigid contours of her face starkly contrasted in the dim light. After several moments, she raised her hoof. “Leave us,” she said in a low, sonorous voice.

The guards simultaneously about-faced and filed out of the room. As they did so, Twilight stayed perfectly still, waiting until the last guard closed the door behind him.

A piercing silence echoed through the room as Twilight stood kneeling before her former mentor – knowing the entire time she was looking down upon her with her merciless glare. “Arise, Twilight,” Celestia said at last.

Twilight stood shakily to her hooves, and gazed into Celestia’s eyes. “Princess, what's going?”

“Luna, Twilight," she said, bowing her head. "She's dead.”

Twilight covered her mouth. “Oh no...”

“They found her in this bed this morning,” she said, her voice breaking. “She had apparently died sometime during the night.”

“Celestia...I’m so sorry. I don't know what to say...”

“Oh Twilight!” the Princess of the Sun exclaimed as she rushed to her former student's side and wept on her shoulder.

Twilight wrapped her hoof around her head and coaxed her mane. “There, there,” she said softly.

“She was fine yesterday. I hugged her, kissed her cheeks, and told her it would be all right. Now she is gone. Gone.”

“Ssh, it'll be alright," Twilight whispered.

Celestia wept some more as Twilight cradled her head in her arms. “I’m angry, Twilight,” she sniffed.


“I could have done more for her. I should have known how serious her illness was. I promised her that I would always be there for her, that I would always protect her, that I would make up for the thousand years we've been apart and I failed her.”

“That's not true. There's nothing you could have done. You gave her your time and your love, and that's all any sister can ever do.”

“You saw her last, didn't you?”

“Yes,” Twilight said nodding. “I did...”

“What did you tell her? What did she say?”

“I...I told her how happy I was to see her again and that I wished she would get well soon. She said she appreciated our time with her, and that she wished us a good trip home.”

“Did she say anything else?”

“Well...no. She was saying something before I left, but her voice was kinda muffled, so I didn't hear.”

“I suppose it doesn't really matter at this point,” Celestia said, making her way back to the throne. “I just can't believe it would happen so fast! She seemed in such good spirits...”

“Well, sometimes that's how it is with sick ponies. They act as if nothing is wrong around the ones they care for so as not to upset them. I'm sure she only did it with good intentions.”

“You really think so, Twilight?”

“I'm certain, Princess. She was one of the most kind and benevolent ponies in all Equestria. And when the moment came, I'm sure she was only thinking of you.”

“Oh, Twilight,” she sighed, “I don't know what I'm going to do.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked approaching her.

“With my sister gone, who will tend to the night?”

“Couldn't you, Princess? You did so for a thousand years...”

“But that was different. I had the Elements of Harmony, and even then, it was very draining on me. Now, I couldn't maintain it, even if I wanted to.”

“What are you saying, then?”

“The post must be filled. The balance between the Day and Night cannot be broken. There must be a new Princess of the Night.”

“Then who will succeed her?”

“I don’t know. My sister never produced any heirs, so it falls on my descendants to fill the vacancy, but as it is, I don't have any qualified members who I think could handle that much responsibility.”

“Nopony, Princess?”

“I was hoping that, in time, my sister would have married, like I had once done, and groomed an heir herself. But who could have known that she would be taken from us so suddenly?”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Well, in any case, I'm sure the pony you pick will be qualified for the position.”

“I guess so,” she said as she turned towards the window and gazed out into the clear morning sky. “Wait a moment, though...Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“You are one of my most faithful student – a pony of outstanding integrity and now my adopted kin. You have demonstrated that you possess all the necessary aptitudes of leadership, and that you are a sincere, dedicated pony who puts the needs of others above herself. I realize this is a huge proposal, and I dare not wish you to consider it lightly, but seeing as there is nopony more qualified, would you care to take on the role as Princess of the Night?”

Twilight bowed her head and shook it several times. “Princess...”

“You don't have to answer right away. I know it is a lot to ask of anypony. I merely offer you this opportunity as a token of my faith in you.”

“You flatter me, Princess, with your kind words and generous offer. And while, as your servant, it is not my place to deny you, I must. The honor of such a prestigious post is much too great for me. Therefore, it is with a sad heart, I must decline – though I wish I would not upset you. Surely you must understand...”

“No need to say another word, my dear Twilight. I understand the gravity of the situation and the burden I must have just placed upon you. I only pray that you yourself are not being too hasty...”

“I should hope not, Princess. But we all must do our duty –for ourselves, and for the good of all Equestria.”

“No, you are right. Perhaps it is I myself who have acted in haste...I need time to consider the matter. In the meantime, I hope you will not discount the possibility altogether. Your acceptance would be a great blessing to me...”

“I do as I am commanded and act where I am most helpful. But on your wishes, Princess, I will consider it.”

“Thank you, Twilight. Your answer comforts me greatly.”

“Is there anything else you desire of me, Princess?”

“Yes, there is. Go to the heralds; tell them to spread the news of my sister's death to the four corners of the earth. In the meantime, we will prepare her funeral. Send out invitations to all the Royal Houses and announce that it will be held in three days’ time. If you could do all that for me, I would most grateful.”

“It shall be done.” Twilight curtsied and turned to leave. As she approached the door, she heard the Princess call behind her.

“Oh, and Twilight...”

“Yes, Princess?” she said, turning back.

“Thank you...”

Twilight nodded solemnly and proceeded to the exit, shutting the door behind her as she left.