• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2016


I left, but now I'm back. Now tell me, who the heck is this Sombra guy, and why does he look like he crawled out of the OC pits of DeviantArt?


Discord was just minding his own business, continuing to be a statue, when all of a sudden, he is whisked off to a world even Discord dosen't understand. Everything makes comlete sense, everything is grey, and bordem is the only thing that is present. Upon trying to make it more intresting, he accidentally brings about the creation of the Alicorns!. Can he change his fate before they imprison him again? Or will he simply repeat history? And who took his cheese sandwich out of the microwave? What's a microwave anyway?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

lolwut Oh wait--it's Discord, and therefore needs no explanation.
The cheese sandwich was a nice touch, though.

Interesting story. It seemed to go a little too fast but that's just my opinion.

Thats DISCORD!!!!!!!!! :derpytongue2:

Be a mole -Like a boss
Get transformed -Like a boss
Move the Moon -Like a boss
Get attached -Like a boss
Multiply -Like a boss
stand near a tree -Like a boss
get crushed by said tree -Like a boss
now i'm dead -Like a boss

That was... Utterly ridiculous?

492173 Glad you enjoyed it!

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