• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
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After the new Guardians of the Universe have stop both the ex-Guardians of the Universe & Orange Lantern Corp now there is only six lanterns corps who are get some new members are coming from Equestria.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 29 )

Needs a bit of polish, otherwise alright. I'll keep an eye on this. The plot and concept have me interested but the editing...

3295407 How dis for polish CMC be come Lanterns them-self and bet that you can't guess what corp Diamond Tiara will be in.

Need polish but has potential.

It has my attention, but could use a run through spell check and a proof-reader

3419608 Thank you for favorite my story :twilightsmile:

........... The grammar hurts my eyes!

But story not bad

3420449 If you don't like it than read some thing else :twilightangry2:


Uh... The words 'I didn't like it' didn't come from my mouth (rather spelled in text). The story is interesting like I said in the last comment.
Just that the grammar needs a large fix.

It's fine. Looking forward to next chapter

has potential but dude rushed

Comment posted by Steelclaw deleted Nov 4th, 2013

Amazing, i want more. Also i would LOVE ta see twi's reaction to this little snip of info.:pinkiehappy:

oh and diamond tiara is either yellow or red, But i think even if orange is gone not all of the rings are gone, what if one is still drifting in space and HAPPENS to fine the spoil brat.

After the new Guardians of the Universe have stop both the ex-Guardians of the Universe & Orange Lantern Corp now there is only six lanterns corps who are get some new members are coming from Equestria.

....... what?:rainbowhuh:

4299961 If you some read Green lantern comics then you see that the guardians are using a new version of the man hunters as for the Orange lantern corp I feel that it wouldn't work well with what I have planed.

....... i'm sorry what? :rainbowhuh:

4303052 Okay there are No Black or white lanterns because both sets of their war are over and Guardians of the Universe had try to use more deadlier robots. :facehoof:


....... I'm just gonna read the story for now......

4305434 hay you gonna update soon or are you giving up on the story if you are I might be interested in taking it over

11212069 I been having troubles on focusing on one story

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