Clockwork looked with bemusement at the library. "Does that tree have windows and a balcony attached to it?" he asked incredulously.
"Yeah, what's your point?" replied Nyx. She noted that he seemed to be acting as if it was one the least expected things he had ever seen.
"Just taking note of the potential differences between architecture here and architecture back on Earth," he replied, sounding for all the world like a pony that was trying to avoid freezing due to all the wierdness going on.
Nyx looked back and asked, "You don't have libraries like this on Earth?"
"No. Nor do we have ponies capable of speech, flight, telekinesis, construction, and about a dozen other things that you ponies appear to be capable of," was the bemused reply.
Nyx paused briefly, utterly stunned by what Clockwork had just said. She shook her head, and said, "Let's just get inside and get this mess sorted out..."
"So, now that we're inside," Twilight started, "Just what are you, being as specific as possible?"
Clockwork replied, "I am a Thunderer class exploration robot. Thunderer class robots are always equipped with artificial intelligence software, making them as clever as your average 15-year old human. Sensor systems include motion detectors, infrared cameras(1), ultraviolet radiation detectors, radiometer(2), gravitometer(3), and other scientific equipment."
"So your basically a walking science lab?" Nyx asked.
Clockwork did what Nyx and Twilight could only guess was his equivalent of shrugging.
"An adequate description, I suppose", Clockwork said.
"So, how did you get to Equestria?" Twilight asked, curiously.
"I was transported here, along with the equipment needed for safely landing on this planet and for relaying my discoveries back to Earth, aboard a very large spacecraft called the Eisenhower, named after a leader of one of the countries involved in the funding and development of the spacecraft, Dwight D. Eisenhower," Clockwork answered.
"How heavy was it?" Nyx asked.
"The Eisenhower has a mass of almost 1 million tons when fully fueled. After expending that fuel, it's mass is around 250,000 tons.
Twilight and Nyx had both been drinking from cups of water they had gotten shortly after the Mane 6, Nyx, and Clockwork had arrived. As such, Clockwork wound up seeing the two of them do simultaneous spit-takes.
"No way! There's no way somepony could build something that huge!" Rainbow Dash all but shouted. The others made general sounds of agreement, except for Applejack, who simply said, "Uh, girls? Ah don't think Clockwork's lyin'."
nicew to see this coming back
.... Sorry to disappoint. You will want to check blogs and the status of the story.
Damn, well they were a good ride. Good luck with yiur future plans.