• Member Since 29th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Elusive Belle


It's been just under a month since Twilight has become a princess, and there has been plenty of things she needed to get used to. One of which was the almost daily pranks Discord has tendencies to pull on either her or Princess Celestia, but oddly enough never Luna. Now that she thinks of it, the two of them hardly ever acknowledge each other outside of court or social gatherings. Twilight wants answers for her questions, but the question is will she like the answers she finds?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 34 )

Premise is solid and a common one (Discord and Luna meet and fall in love, Celestia/their father is racist as your local Humanis member), though I've rarely read ones where Discord and Luna's relationship got to the proposal stage.

There are multiple spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm not going to bother going back and pointing out every missing comma, floating quotation mark or random letter/word though. A quick read through of your own should find most of them, but there are more than a few.

Twilight's inquisitive nature is pretty spot on, and I really wouldn't put it past Discord to pull that sort of stunt. The characters are pretty much in line with what the story needs them to be without being blatantly OoC, but the fact that you can write them well is hampered by the fact that the story itself has so many problems. And yes, to anyone who wants to refute what I just said with the fact that Discord wouldn't be so open, I'm well aware, but he's trying to be friendly at this point, reform, hell, when Twilight moved into the castle I wouldn't be surprised if Fluttershy made him promise to 'play nice'. Or it could be to piss off Celestia or turn Twilight against her (there's nothing to say the guy is good even if he says he is). Not to mention he could be telling only a small fraction of the story, or it could be entirely fabricated (which really would fit him, to answer Twilights questions with just part of the truth). So until the other parts of this story are out, I'm gonna say that it's a possibility he would talk about this if Twilight asked, but I'd only call this OoC if he gave her the whole truth without unnecessary amounts of pestering and annoying questions from Twilight.

I don't like DiscordxLuna fanfics.

then y did you reed it?

so let me get this straight you posted a comment on a story you didn't read just to say that you don't like the genre.:ajbemused::facehoof:
either you are a troll or you have nothing better to do then post a comment that is pretty obvious will be down voted to tatarus

Finally got around to doing some editing though I'm sure I still missed stuff

This part of the story is just that a part of it, Discord has only told a small part of the story leaving out certain details that will come up later. As for his willingness to be so open so easily will be covered later.

Well thanks you :twilightsmile:

If people aint hating, you're doing it wrong?

hmm i think i missed the part where she passed out

I really like this story so far. It's a good atmosphere and some decent suspense.

“History is only written by those who remain to write it.”

I'm more of a fan of the similar saying: "History is written by the victors." :twilightsmile:

Glad you like it!

That was the general concept I was going with in this, just reworded to fit better to the story

Lunacord!?:pinkiegasp: Have never ever thought of that, just Celesticord! :heart:It

Poor, Poor Luna and Discord!:applecry:

Yay! Lunacord!!

I will continue with the: Lunacord! Yay!

Discord should mess her up, yo.

Discord should totally kick her ass. It's not like we haven't seen Celestia get her ass handed to her before via Queen Chrysalis. This sh:yay:t's like something straight out of "100 Bullets", Character A finds out who ruined their life and have the 'possibility' of exacting revenge.

Oh the glorious chaos that will ensue. I am so happy this updated. Keep up the fantastic work.

gahhh more !!!:rainbowderp::pinkiegasp: you know what is about to hit the fan!!!

ooooh nononononononononooooo PLEEEEAAASSSEEE continue PLEASE
i REEEAAAALLLLLY want to know whats hapening next PLEEAASE finish this story :(

AMAZING i loved it and at the end was like " OH BUCK SHIT ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN OR IT ALREADY HAS" like woah PLEASE NEXT CHAPTER :pinkiehappy:

is this dead? just curious.


And so lies another good story, dead at three chapters, right when Discord was going to get his vengeance on Celestia.

Please update this. I WUV IT!!!

Will this story ever continue?
It is such a good story conception, and it is sad there is no more progressing on it as of now.

Oh, please, please, PLEASE continue the story.

Please continue this! I wanna know what happens next! :raritydespair:

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