The Song Remains The Same.
Chapter 2: Testament.
Written by Jlargent.
Me: Sweet Celestia the likes! Thank you for your continued support. I do not own MLP or any of its characters typical disclaimers apply.
“Miss? Miss? We’ve arrived in Ponyville.” A voice spoke waking me up from my nap, I groggily shake my head to clear the cobwebs out. I slide out of my seat and use my magic to summon my bag which has a few items like a formal set of clothes for whenever I was sent to court for a hearing but this time I’m using it for a will reading. The pain of losing my adoptive family was numb at the moment; I told myself that I would break down to cry later after I had things settled down a little bit.
I exit the train and there standing on the platform is a brownish red earth pony with graying black mane and tail wearing an expensive green jacket and tie his cutie mark is that of scales indicating his skills in the law.
He spots me “Are you Miss Vinyl Scratch-Apple?” he asks me. I nod he extends his hoof towards me “I am Legal Ease the Apple Family lawyer, I wish that we could’ve met under better circumstances. I would also like to extend my condolences to your loss.” He spoke sincerely.
I shake his hoof “Thank you. Can you please tell me what happened?” I ask him.
“Well Applebloom was staying at a friend’s house when the incident occurred, apparently the gas line was leaking and I can only assume that either Applejack or Granny Smith were unaware of this and you can imagine what happened next. The resulting explosion was loud enough to get everyone’s attention. As you can imagine everypony in town is affected by this.” he explained.
“How’s Applebloom taking all this?” I asked him worried about my little sister.
“She’s devastated; I would imagine I would as well if I lost a family member, for the moment she’s staying with Princess Twilight until a more permanent arrangement can be made. Perhaps we should continue this in my office.” He suggested.
The walk through town was sobering; I could see how losing AJ meant to everyone, before I realized it we were standing in front of his office, Legal opens the door and politely leaves the door open so I could enter first. My first impression of his office is that of a typical lawyer, a few plants some bookcases with heavy tomes of laws and a heavy oak desk. There was a knock at the door and an earth pony mare with charcoal black mane and tail expertly groomed, her pink bowtie was immaculate and her smoky grey coat was brushed to perfection, and for a brief second I forgot how to breathe, she was beauty personified.
The mare spoke to Legal in a Trottingham accent “Ah uncle, here are the papers you requested from the mayor’s office.” She spoke handing a small stack of papers to him.
“Thank you Octavia. Ah, Vinyl this is my youngest niece Octavia Melody. Octavia, this is Vinyl Scratch-Apple I would like for you to escort her to the nearest hotel once I’m finished with my business with her.” He said pulling out a few papers from his desk.
“Yes sir.” She said leaving the room.
Legal sighs slightly “You’ll have to excuse Octavia; she’s a bit of a workaholic. I was hoping that spending time with her could help her get a bit more of an social outlet outside of her compatriots.” He says.
“Really? What does Octavia do for a living?” I ask him genuinely curious about the mare.
“She’s a cellist for the Royal Canterlot Symphony; she’s actually the youngest member of the group. Right now it’s the off season for the Symphony, normally she would spend a majority of her time writing new music and practicing her cello but I haven’t seen her in months. So I offered to have her stay here with me until the new season starts for them.” He explains “But enough about my family, the official will reading will be tomorrow morning at eleven o’clock and is expected to be at least an hour long, there will be others attending the reading as well.” He spoke.
“Who else is attending the reading?” I ask him.
He looks over the list of attendees “Well aside from Applebloom and her closest friends Filthy Rich and his daughter Diamond Tiara is also attending.” He says.
I stand up “Thank you for taking care of my family’s legal affairs.” I thank him.
Legal smile sadly “It was because of Applejack that I pursued my love of law by being honest with me. Your sister was truly one of a kind, you have my sincerest condolences.” He spoke.
I thanked him and stepped outside to see Octavia standing there waiting for me. She nods at me and motions for me to follow her, about halfway towards a nearby hotel Octavia spoke “I’m sorry for your loss Miss Scratch; I can only imagine how you are feeling at this moment.”
I shake my head “Please call me Vinyl, I’m not all that info formalities.” I spoke to her, ever since I first laid eyes on her I can’t get her out of my mind “Um, listen I was wondering if the next time you had a day off you and I could hang out? I haven’t been here in a while and you’re the first pony here that I think could be friends with.” I said.
Octavia gives me a blank look before answering “I must respectfully decline your generous offer. I am simply too busy to socialize with anypony.” She said gently as to not hurt my feelings.
I waved her off “That’s cool, I can imagine that you’re busy, maybe some other time.” I replied nonchalantly trying to hide the disappointment in my voice “Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the reading.” I said thanking Octavia for escorting me to the hotel;
Octavia gives a slight glance at me before leaving. I enter the hotel and checked in; afterwards I head to my room and deposit my bag before leaving the hotel. I needed to see my little sis.
Finding where Princess Sparkle lives was frighteningly easy considering that the location was the shiny new castle in the shape of a tree. I’ve heard rumors that the castle literally sprung up after the battle against Tirek, looking at it up close I can actually believe it after all magic is unpredictable at times, doubly so for the chaos entity Discord. I nervously walk up to the castle gates and noticed a rope pulley; I use my magic to tug at it and I could hear a bell sounding from inside the castle, I wait a moment and just before I decided to ring the bell again a voice spoke.
“Yes, what can I do for you?” I look around to see a young dragon staring at me from a nearby window.
“I was told that Applebloom was staying here.” I said.
“Yeah why?” he asks me suspiciously.
“Can you tell her that Vinyl is here?” I ask him. He heads back inside to relay the message, after a few minutes the gates open to reveal a teary-eyed Applebloom, she runs up to me and nearly knocks me down before sobbing in my chest. I stroke her back and whisper that everything will be alright “It’ll be okay little bloom.” I tell her, as my own tears stain her coat.
The next day…
I arrive at Legal Ease’s office dressed in a simple black business suit and have my traditional spiky mane styled in a bun, I move around in it uncomfortably seeing as I don’t remember the last time I’ve actually worn this suit, the material of the fabric was itching something fierce and I couldn’t wait to get out of this suit after this. I open the door to his office to see Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends a brownish tan stallion with a slicked back black mane and tail I assume that this is “Filthy Rich.” That is also to be attending the reading and I could see a light pink filly with a tiara on her head that must be his daughter Diamond Tiara, I could see Applebloom here as well.
Legal and Octavia enter the office, the former carrying a briefcase, he sits in his chair and motions for us to sit down and pulls out a pair of half-moon glasses and opening the briefcase to pull out a folder “I thank all of you for attending this reading of the last will and testament of Applejack, this will was made in the event that if something were to happen to her that her final wishes were to be carried out.”
My dear friends.
Well it seems that I finally bit the big one, I’m not much into all that fancy smancy frou frou stuff so I’ll get right down to the nitty gritty.
To Twilight Sparkle, I leave my books on Earth Pony farming that my pa gave me when I was a filly.
To Fluttershy, I leave the Fruit bat section of the Apple Family Farm in your care.
To Rarity, I have saved up 2000 bits. This is yours on the condition that you use this for Sweetie Belle’s education.
To Pinkie Pie, I leave you with the recipe to my families Zap Apple Jam and the Zap Apple Trees. It’s only right that you’d take care of these until Applebloom is old enough to run the farm.
To Rainbow Dash, I leave you with three barrels of Apple Family Cider on the condition that you share this with the other girls and drink to our memory.
To Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara, I leave Sweet Apple Acres in your care until Applebloom is old enough to inherit it, I also have one extra proviso to your daughter Diamond Tiara; you cease any and all bullying to Applebloom and her friends, failure to do so will result in losing Sweet Apple Acres and ownership will go to Pinkie Pie.
To Vinyl Scratch-Apple, I wish things could’ve turned out better; I leave Applebloom in your custody. Please take good care of her.
To my sister Applebloom, I leave you with pa’s hat that he won for me at the county fair when I was a filly; I’m also leaving you with the Crusaders Treehouse. When you turn eighteen I leave Sweet Apple Acres in your care if you choose to do so.
Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll see you when the time comes.
With my best regards Applejack.
With that he places the document inside the briefcase and removes his glasses “Now are there any problems with the arrangement that Applejack has left you with?” he asks the attendees.
Filthy Rich raised his hoof “I’m afraid that I cannot properly care for Sweet Apple Acres, seeing as I am primarily working at my store, therefore I suggest that I should leave Sweet Apple Acres in Vinyl Scratch’s care seeing as I feel it appropriate that an Apple take care of the farm.” He suggested.
Legal turns to me “Is there any problem with this arrangement?” he asks me.
I shake my head “No, I don’t have a problem with this. I really didn’t want to take Applebloom away from her home here in Ponyville, I’ll just talk to my manager and make a few adjustments on living arrangements until I settle in.” I said.
Legal nods “Then this concludes the will reading of Applejack Apple.” He said before leaving the office.
I introduce myself to Applejack’s friends even though I’m familiar with Pinkie Pie having worked with her on occasion, they offer their condolences and Twilight offers me to stay at the palace until a new house is built at Sweet Apple acres to replace the one that was destroyed in the explosion, I smiled and accepted the offer seeing as I have no place to stay until then.
“We failed to ensure that the youngest Apple was killed in the explosion.” A voice spoke.
“We have time to rectify that seeing as she’s too traumatized to do much of anything at the moment.” A second voice spoke.
“Agreed, but we should be cautious, if we were to show up in Ponyville now it would make things harder.” The first voice spoke.
“We should bide our time, gain a bit of capital and return in due time.” The second voice suggested.
“Yes, but until then there is money to be made.” The first voice agreed and two figures head off into the forest.
To be continued…
Not sure if I like the idea of it not being an accident...
Also for some reason this didn't show up on my favorite list as unread, weird.
Love the story!
Keep up the good work. Hope the next chapter is uploaded really soon. Please!
Also I think the two ponies responsible for the accident are Flim and Flam. Did I get it right?
So we have two villains... I have my suspicions on them but the first pair that springs to mind might be a blind, kind of Flimsy when they're not very Flamboyant in behavior to give us clues. But at the very least they need to be charged with murder and endangering all life in Equestria for killing one of the Elements of Harmony... so maybe
4555266 My gut says you're right... but they're also the obvious dupes if someone else is behind this atrocity.
4555266 4557416 I'm not saying for certain. I gave no indication that the voices were male.
4557605 I know, that's why I said they're the OBVIOUS choice. Never go with the obvious choice until you have evidence... then the obvious choice gets hit HARD!
Agree with 4555247, you had it set up for a nice, touchin' drama. All this stuff about a conspiracy runs the risk of overshadowin' that. But at that, ah think no matter what this chapter would be stronger without that bit. A proper mystery story shouldn't be givin' us snippets of conversation that only the culprits're privy to, whether or not it reveals who they are. Instead, the knowledge that any crime has been committed at all should be somethin' we learn through watchin' the protagonists, along with any possible clues to their identity.
Ah'm gonna feel cheated now, because ah know from that scene alone that Flim an' Flam are the only suspects without some serious character derailment or plausibility failures, or OCs. If it's Flim an' Flam, then that information was jus' handed to me without havin' ta think about it. If it's OCs, then settin' it up like a mystery was all some dumb gimmick an' ah never really had a chance ta guess it.
4572917 Mind you I am making this up as I go along. And also as much as I hate the brothers I really can't see them stooping to murder just for profits and a revenge kick.
Seriously? They're literally the only ponies in Equestria who have both the potential to actually profit from the deaths of the Sweet Apple Acres Family (in that they'd be able ta buy up the land an' use it for their business), and a grudge against 'em (for thwartin' their schemes twice now). They've also attempted to evict the Apples from their home in the past, as well as nearly gettin' Granny Smith killed. Ah'd totally believe they could stoop that low.
When ah said they were the only suspects, ah wasn't kiddin'. The profit motive literally eliminates everyone else. The profit margins of Sweet Apple Acres are pretty much nonexistent, nowhere near enough money ta consider killin' for, an' it's simultaneously indispensable to Ponyville so ya couldn't make money by replacin' it with somethin' other than a farm. Only Flim an' Flam, with their ability ta mass-produce cider usin' the orchard, could turn it into a real asset. A local produce rival might've stood ta gain from their deaths by reducin' competition, but that's out since it's somebody who can't show their face in Ponyville. Couldn't be another farmer, like Cherry Jubilee, since no farmer would consider ownin' another rinky-dink farm a ways away from their own property profitable, an' it especially couldn't be anybody related to the Apple Family, because they'd actually be expected ta show up after their relatives died.
So if it's not Flim an' Flam, it's OCs. Anything else wouldn't hold up. But if it's OCs, there's no point in buildin' the "who are they" mystery, because they're jus' some random jerks we don't know anything about. Another reason ya shouldn't have scenes like that; if ya didn't drop information about their motivations an' methods, ya couldn't reveal things that don't make sense in yer intended context.
4573335 Did it occur to you it is possible that a family as influential as the Apple Family could have other enemies aside from the Flim Flam Brothers? I mean you don't get to where you are without stepping on a few toes weather intentional or not, there's also the possibility of a rival member of the Apple Family wanting to commit a bit of patricide so that they could take over the farm and replace it with their goods.
I'm not saying that a member of the Apple Family did it but I am laying the possibility out there, hell for all you know it could be Blueblood since AJ inadvertently hit him with the flying cake since she was the one that made it.
Again, yer own scene rules out any member of the Apple Family (there would be no reason for them to avoid Ponyville), as well as pure revenge motivations (the villains explicitly want money, it's only your subsequent comments that suggest revenge is even as much as an added bonus). And again, ah wouldn't be able ta point out the flaw if ya didn't give those details away on a whim.
4573477 Ah, but I gave no indication to the identities of the culprits, therefore my theory is valid to a degree. Besides if the culprit was a Apple Family member were to show up with sympathy and tears would you suspect me? The answer would be yes, in this case the culprit would lay low and let things settle down first to avoid suspicion.
Vinyl is an Apple Family member.
Nobody suspects her.
Nobody in the history of everybody would assume that the supposed accident was actually a murder based on the fact that a member of the victims' family did something respectful like coming to visit.
4573545 Vinyl's an adoptive member of the family. As such the records would be in Golden Delicious's records. Besides it's not like there would be some contempt, I mean the Oranges treated AJ as though she wasn't worth having (Hmm...That would explain Babs Seed's disposition.) also who's to say that petty jealousy is involved in this? I mean sure Money and Revenge are good motivations but it has to start somewhere right? Maybe AJ pissed off some rodeo competitors due to the number or wins she's accumulated and it eventually boiled over, it could be any number of reasons but let's face it what it boils down to is jealousy plain and simple.
Now stop poking holes in my story and let me work okay?
But how are you ever going to assemble a coherent narrative if nobody points out the incoherent parts?
4573641 Didn't I say that I am making this up as I go along? Besides, if they like it or hate it that's their problem. I just write for the hell of it and not to mention I have WAY too many story ideas bouncing around in my head. Like a Saber/Rider lemon fic that I have planned.
Pretty good so far, but could you please work on punctuation, mostly commas ( , ) ? It's a little disconbobulating reading so much stuff in one sentence with no pauses.
I have a huge hunch that the killers where the Flim Flam Brothers

I LOVE that twist. Kinda obvious if ya REALLY know the show, but sweet. Waiting for Chapter 3!
Flim, Flam isn't murder... A bit extreme? Seriously, a gas line explosion because of a business rivalry?
Anyways, that being said, I'd like to see this continued. But... Can we not go the stereotypical instant love route with Vinyl and Tavi? A slow burn gradual attraction would fit this kind of story better.
Also... Really? Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara? I have no words....
Found this in my rl list. Got sucked in and… last updated over two years ago.
There are a bunch of stories on Fimfiction with good story potential who are left on "incomplete"
Love it more pls this tugs at the right heartstrings