The Song Remains The Same.
Chapter 1: Loss...
Me: New story here! I know that I’m going to get flamed for this but I must write this. I do not own MLP in any shape or form typical disclaimers apply.
Vinyl’s POV
I groggily climb out of bed my mind feeling like it’s been replaced with cotton stuffing, vague memories of the night before float in my head as I make my way into the bathroom, my hooves stumbling slightly from the hangover. I turn on the shower head and with a slight flinch the cold water hits me, I was in no shape to use my magic until the continual bass dropping in my head ceases so I reach out with my hoof and grab a nearby bottle of shampoo and start work on my mane.
Twenty minutes later…
I step out of the shower a bit more clear headed than before, I open the bathroom door and exit with my towel draped over my shoulder and I make my way to the kitchen. My apartment in Fillydelphia isn’t exactly located in the cleanest part of town but it’s better than nothing, not to say I’m not exactly the most well-kept pony in terms of housecleaning, I open the fridge and spot some apple pie and immediately memories of staying on the Apple Family farm hits me.
Nopony knows this but my closest friends and but I was a runaway orphan, I never knew who my mom or dad was I was just left on the doorstep of an orphanage in Baltimare. Growing up in that place was harder than it seemed most of the time but when I was seven I managed to escape and I hitchhiked my way to Ponyville, I chuckle to myself remembering the night I snuck into the Apple Family farm just to filch a few apples.
Flashback: Sixteen Years Ago...
I remember sneaking into the orchard as quietly as I can possibly be, and then I spot the perfect apple; it was round, red and juicy dangling there like a forbidden fruit just begging to be taken and eaten. I concentrate hard forcing my magic to come into play, for a moment the apple was enveloped in a light cobalt blue magical aura. I silently cheer to myself for the upcoming feast I would soon be having…
Or I would have, when all of a sudden I hear a deep growl, swallowing a squeak I slowly turned my head to see what I later learned was a Timberwolf I started to run screaming for help and to be honest it was pretty much a blur, I knew I was running for my life and eventually I found myself cornered, I whirled around to see the Timberwolf slowly approach me as though it knew I had no chance. I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the end, when all of a sudden a red blur shoots out and slams into the wooden wolf with enough force to send it into a nearby tree but the force wasn’t strong enough to shatter it, I open my eyes to see a colt that was possibly a couple of years older than I was staring at where the wolf hit the tree.
With a grunt he speeds towards it and with an agility unbecoming of him he swerves around and slams his rear hooves into the wolf making it howl in pain, the wolf regains its bearings and the colt stares at the walking lumberyard with the promise of pain and agony if it were to continue, with a pitiful whine the wolf bolts off into the forest. The last thing I remember is collapsing right there and then exhausted from the adrenalin and fear cocktail.
End Flashback
I woke up to see that I was in a room and the same colt from earlier and that’s when an elderly pony by the name of Granny Smith entered and offered me some food, and as they say the rest is history. After a few days at the farm I felt comfortable enough to tell them the truth, I explained that I ran away from Baltimare because I couldn’t take it anymore in the orphanage there. I literally fell out of my chair when Granny Smith, the colt who I learned was her grandson Big Macintosh was actually the same age I was he had recently hit a growth spurt, I later met my younger sister and little Applebloom. I smiled at the memory.
A knock at the door brings me out of my reminiscing, I shut the refrigerator door and walk over to the door and open it to see a mail carrier.
“Excuse me ma’am I have a letter for a Miss Vinyl Scratch?” he says.
“I’m her.” I reply.
“I have a priority letter for you.” He says and pulls out a clipboard from his mail bag “Sign here please.” He spoke I quickly sign it and he gives me the letter, he tips his hat and wishes me a pleasant day. With a sigh I open the letter, knowing my luck it was a court appearance for something I may or may not have done, after reading the first few lines my breathing became heavier and my legs were shaking I barely manage to get to a nearby couch before collapsing. I reread the letter again as if the words themselves were an illusion.
Dear Ms. Scratch
I regret to inform you that your relatives Applejack, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith passed away yesterday evening. As per Granny Smith’s instruction you were to be informed of this, the last will and testament to Granny Smith is to be read the day after tomorrow in Ponyville, failure to arrive means to forfeit any and all inheritance.
The will is to be read at my office at 11:30 A.M.
Signed, Legal Ease.
I sat there in stunned silence not believing that the only family I’ve ever had was gone, I keep looking over the letter trying to dispel the horrible truth when I noticed that Applebloom’s name wasn’t among those that were dead, my hangover suddenly gone I head into my bedroom and start packing for my trip to Ponyville.
To be continued...
I love the idea of Vinyl Related to the Apples (somehow)
I love Octavia and Vinyl,
and I'm curious about what happened to the three grown up apples and what will happen next...
Have a Fav!
4459992 Heh, I must be insane to even think of this
but I digress.
Really good so far! Can't wait for more to be added :)
will you explain how they passed away?
and it would seem the elements are useless now if they still use them in this verse.
More insane than I was in creating the Friends and Family storyline?
I like this idea. I've got it under my read later tab so I can give it the thorough go through later when I have the time.
Hmm... The idea is certainly out there. There's WAY too many run-on sentences, the flashback doesn't make much sense, the labels (Vinyl's POV and End Flashback) are unnecessary and put in the wrong place respectively. There should have been more explanation to the recent deaths in the note. I'll follow it though, out of curiosity.
4462108 To be fair I was up until four in the morning when I published this.
I made it to the end of the first paragraph before I had to stop. Each sentence runs on so long it's painful, and this makes it very very difficult to follow. If this was remedied, I would love to see how this interesting story pans out. As it is now, I just can't.
So, Vinyl is an Apple?
Didn't even know I wanted this.
I like the sound of this story...
in a good way, of course.
4462226 Oh, I know the feeling, and I'm sorry if that little review came across as a little harsh. It's hard to find the line between constructive and destructive criticism.
Try to organize your thought flow and try not to get off topic. I read a little bit, but I'm sad to say I lost interest due to the scattered and/or run-on sentences. This work has potential, but it'll need a decent refinement overhaul
This seems interesting
well. the strt is the biggest buzzkill it the entire history of buzzkill's. but I shall keep going
why!? WHY?!?
