Caramel and Applejack have recently became parents to their daughter, Toffee Apple. But whilst Applejack has become more than aware that she has to do what's best for her daughter, Caramel is still trying to face the fact that he is now a parent and isn't sure that he'll be a good one.
Apart of the "Life's Nuances" series along with:-
First Meeting (Prequel)
One Bad Date
The Roadie and the Show Stopper
Rated Teen for: Strong Language and Suggestive Elements
3138753 Thanks man, much appreciated
I like it so far so good

3139189 Thank you, I'm glad you like it
Best relationship story ever!
this is the first one that doesn't just have sex in every chapter
good job ill like and fav 
3143660 Dude, thank you very much for your comment. I highly appreciate it that you like my story this much
[color=yellworange] This is THE ONLY romance story I have read on FiM FIC that isn't gay!
I've not seen the shipping before, I wish to see where it goes.
"best of luck, BRONY"
Very nice.
3152147 Thanks, I'm glad you like it
3152187 Thank you
I love it

3164390 Thank you, I'm glad you like it
The D'awwww is overwhelming
Caramel's dreams about when he was younger
Ok, Big Mac deserves a big buck in the jaw.
Wait steaks ? When did they eat meat ?
3236597 Since I wrote this
3236574 Wasn't thinking about making a reference to TF2 anyways
Nice story, but I found some things that you may want to edit.
That should be "You're".
First, this is the one time you used the incorrect spelling, "Pegusi" instead of "Pegasi". Second, that should be "were". And lastly, Draconequus has only one "S".
I'm pretty sure that should be "there".
I feel that there's a word of two missing there. Still, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
3239250 OK, thank you for pointing out those errors, man
3239425 No problem.
Don't know if it's disturbing or funny that Rarity who could have paid with cash instead offered oral snoo snoo, but that line could have continued with...
3249394 I can add that line in, if you want me to
Nice chapter, but I found some errors you may want to edit.
That should be "scald" and there should be an "I" between those two words.
That should be "for".
That probably be "Eeyup", and there's a period missing at the end of that sentence.
Firstly, that should be "too". Second, it looked like the word "day" should be put between "single" and "for". And lastly, there should be a period at the end of Big Mac's sentence. I hope what I wrote doesn't come across as harsh because I do like this story and want to see more.
3252105 Dude, thanks again for pointing out the mistakes. Much appreciated
Hm, pretty good story
I'm interested in seeing the story of Noteworthy's date with Rarity and maybe a spin-off about Pokey and Pinkie's relationship.
3322605 I might do a spin-off focusing on Pinkie and Pokey. But I'm not sure about writing a story focusing on Noteworthy's date with Rarity, because I want the reader to imagine their own version of the events for himself/herself.
I'd like to see what you're Big Macintosh is up to. Maybe a story focusing one where he and Applejack are going as characters but then again that could be done in a Caramel story. I'm excited to see what you do whenever you make next.
3348037 You mean like a story with Big Mac or Applejack narrating?
3353030 Yeah. Just to see things from their perspective. I wonder how Applejack feels about starting a family or how Mac feels about his where his life is going. Stuff like that I guess.
Wow love the ending
3354791 Thanks, I'm glad you like it
could you pokey and pinkie please
3383534 I'll do it once I have the time
3383580 oh thank you thank you

3384512 My word.....
3384555 Vampeyer berd?
3384569 em... it's cool
3384592 Nic Cage?
3384602 AWESOME
had to its one of fav ships man
3395111 It's one of my fave ships as well
Currently reading the story, thoughts untill now : Pretty nice.
One thing though
Shouldn't that be "But whilst Applejack has become" (In the description)
Keep up the good stories
Maybe his fatherhood would be cool.
This was very interesting to read. Great job.
Sounded more like an Irish accent there laddie. I guess the way it's spoken almost seems alike now a days.
I think you should do a story about how AJ and Caramel met.