The wasteland of the Mojave desert is a place of incredible people, places and happenings. It is a place where fortunes are won and lost at the roll of a die, where great minds conspire to control and where lives are lost every single day. Power looms beneath the surface, waiting to be found and exploited.
But when one changeling finds himself transported here, the wasteland will meet its oddest pair of heroes yet.
A Fallout New Vegas crossover inspired by A Changelings visit to Skyrim by Erised the ink-moth
Rephrase that
No reason for that
Remove that word
Unnecesary t at start
Double sentence
All fixed, anymore?
Unnecesary capital H
That is all
Think it's alright to send to the mods?
5601118 Yup
Do it
And we have returned! Man, it looks so different in fimfiction than Google Doc. Yes, I reread it! Again I give good sir seven mustaches out of five.
And I must ask is Doppel for 'doppelgänger'?
(Singing) duuuu daaaa da du daaaaa! (Coughs) dang you fallout:new Vegas Theme! Allways getting stuck in my head and It doesn't help that I'm playing it right know!
Whole lotta people
That much?
Yep, that's what dop is short for
Already in the Mojave Express? Fast work, maybe that's why is 'Express'.
I am so intrigued That I'm likeing, fallowing, favoriting, read latering, and bookmarking
Heroes in the description is misspelled. Glad I could help, I just wish my screen was better at displaying commas.
I just killed a radroach with a BB gun
Also got rootbeer that merica thing you put on on world war bronies is still funny
5601340 oh, you got to be kidding me! How I miss that!
5601360 I missed it too
for the love of god :more:
In due time
I need to play oblivion again
5601457 have you heard, heroes in the description is misspelled... How did we miss that?
Ehh, it was an okay start, but I do want to see what you do with this. There is a lack of decent fallout crossovers where a pony gets stuck in the wasteland...
Also, I much prefer the Capital Wasteland to the Mojave Wasteland, but that is just because I liked FO:3 better than FO:NV~
~Crystalline Electrostatic~
...Bitch slapped...
...Like button!
I'll try and follow this one, but anthro really kills it for me.
what thing?
That has been fixed
Well I'm sorry if it does
I hit the like button so hard,Benny must've felt it.
If only that could save the good doctor
5602566 it probably can't help him,seeing as Doppel would be a "mutant" class person in the game,hell there isn't a ghoul for miles until you get to do "fly with me"

I want to see peoples reactions just...not like Doc Mitchell.
Well, the courier immediatly assumes just cover his face with a face wrap :P
And we all know how the legion is gunna react
awesome job!
It was featured
Featured.... :pinkiehappy2:
5603508 In less than 24 hours
5603517 BE HAPPY
Fun start to a story. I think I'll have to keep an eye an this.
Thank you. Expect general non seriousness as they go up against legion hitsquads, animals, and one really annoying man with a muttonstache
Ha! Yes.
This reminds me of 'A Changelings Visit to Skyrim'.
That gave me the idea for this actually
5604875 Cool, just remember to say it gave you inspiration in the description, or else people will think you're copying.
Will fix that the next time I'm on my Pc
Is it just me, or did this fallout crossover start with not one, but two, Blatant Elder Scrolls references?
Soooo, how many people are going to mistake him as a mutant cazador? And can changelings use radiation as food?
Haven't decided what rads will do to him yet
And one to assassins creed and a very vague one to Fable ^^
5605084 The haybail and the Moustached captain?
by the way, you replied to me twice, I think the first one was meant for RainbowPOOTIS
I haven't decided what rads will do to dop yep
Major swift was my favorite guy in fable 3
5605112 He was cool, no doubt bout that.
Shame he had to die
5605121 And Walter too...
What's the video-game industry got against cool old people?
They're not your generic 20 something year old tan guy with brown hair and tribal tattoos