This story is a sequel to Rocinante, The Best Knight Ever
Discord is a powerful foe, even for the Princesses, and as he successfully breaks apart Twilight's friends, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna realize they need somepony to buy them time if Twilight is going to have a chance to rally her friends and use the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord. But who would be so foalish as to stand before the might of a draconequus?
Sequel to Rocinante, The Best Knight Ever
Goodness... it's quiet out here...
What everyone thinks of HL2 ep. 3.
I'm here, sorry it took so long. It was nice watching different viewpoints of the Discord Saga. I'm not sure what else to say except thank you.
I decided to re read your stories as when the new one came out and they are still as lovely as ever, still a crime they don't have more views. Thanks for keeping them going..