• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



I am slowly re-editing this story. if you hit an area of sudden confusion that is why.

Scootaloo is a young filly who's wings are still pre-flight, leaving her stuck safely on the ground. With some help she pushes herself to finally gain Rainbow Dash's attention. When things don't go as planned she may find another hero in her quest to belong. Will Rainbow Dash help the filly before its too late? With the assistance of some very interesting ponies the assortment of Equestria's most prized pegasi learn a few things about what friends are really there for.

PS, cover image is from http://orisawa.deviantart.com/art/Give-my-feelings-wings-to-fly-289108379

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 61 )

This has my attention. Proceed.



I hadn't finished going over Chapter two today(I was attempting to make decent use of a few pounds of KNO3, harmlessly of course) but I'll upload it tomorrow, I promise not to disappoint.

Poor Scootaloo, now I really want to know what happens to her :twilightsmile:

This can't be good for Rainbow or Scootaloo. So who will Scoots learn from now?


I believe Ch3 should answer that last question fairly well :scootangel:

262769 Cool. Hope to see it soon. BTW I do have to ask why is Vinyl Scratch in the cast? What role will she have?

262769 Oh never mind, I didn't see the new chapter there. :derpytongue2:

So Scootaloo is going to become a DJ? This I must see.

Great chapter! I feel bad for Scootaloo though after Rainbow Dash brushed her off like that. Can't wait to find out what happens next. I would be floored if Scootaloo did become a DJ.

good chapter
4 emsemble practices? you a musician?


I am, although still in high school I take what I can, unfortunately that left. Me with a full day and no time to edit that chapter so mistakes beware, I will find you

Rainbow dash, Scootaloo and vinyl scratch in the same story? Couldn't get any better

cool, im not the only high school musician here, what do ya play, and yeah, it gets busy sometimes, kinda slowed me down in writing my 1st fic

Damn, this is awesome
moar today pwease:scootangel:


No moar today, but the next chapter is a fun one, you all might enjoy it, I'm not quite sure how far this is total because I haven't finished it. But we'll see how it goes.:derpytongue2:

Why do I feel Scoot isn't gonna like Vinyl beating on Dash?

Fucking genius
hope u give us some more today, i love this story

It was short but the chapter was well written. I'm betting that Rainbow is going to steal Scootaloo away from Vinyl in someway, don't know what but knowing Dash, she'll stop at nothing to get her #1 fan back. Take your time on the next chapter, do it when you feel ready.

I dont know, i sorta feel like Vinyl is the bad guy here. The way she projects her childhood onto scoot's, and thinks she knows ANYTHING about Dash. Sure dash could have handled the situation better when she shot scootaloo down, but Dash is her own pony and shouldent be expected to give up on her own dreams for a filly she really has no responsibility for.

Ooo this is getting more and more good. :pinkiehappy:

...was that a drill or were you really writing with a tornado nearby?


2 or 3 actually, I wasn't paying attention. They were gone pretty quickly.

Writing with tornados in town?:pinkiegasp:


Mostly thunderstorms. The tornados were just like the hot sauce on the cupcake. :pinkiehappy:

Hmm this is interesting. How did Soarin know about what happened?


No Soarin here. Good guess, but Soarin is busy with the new recruits at the moment. The pegasus you are referring to has yet to be named for no real reason, it'll make sense later I'm sure. But I needed a nice, in the background pony for now.

All in time :trollestia:

simply amazing. :3 can't wait to see how this ends :scootangel:

awesome writing:twilightsmile:
jazz festivals are fun :rainbowlaugh:


And when its Buddy Rich's jazz band its also VERY loud. But it keeps me busy, the story is almost done though, so ill get the rest up when i can. :derpytongue2:

Yay we are nearing the end. :D

Last chapter will be up this afternoon, just finished it up. :derpytongue2: :rainbowwild:

Nice ending here. Possibility of an epilogue here? It takes place one year later and Scootaloo has learned so much from Rainbow and is told that the Wonderbolts are in town. Rainbow at first tells her that she won't leave her, but Scoots pushes Rainbow to do it, and says she'll never forget all she's done with her. As it turns out, Rainbow makes it in, and Scootaloo comes to every show to see her former mentor and her friend.

Oh don't worry, I plan on writing more stories and I'm keeping them all in sync, so they don't contradict. I started one today placed many years after this. Besides, Rainbow Dash still has a letter to write. :rainbowdetermined2:

Good stuff Landon
This story's been awesome from the start

Really great story! I always liked the idea that rainbow dash, the element of loyalty, would abandon one of her own hopes to make her friends happy. Not to mention rainbow dash in the wonderbolts is remarkably overused
This was one of my favorite fanfics I have read so far, i look forward to your future work!


Thanks! I plan on doing more, but it probably won't be for a while that I upload anything. I'm glad people liked this one considering it was my first and the fact that I literally made up most of it as I went, my outline died in chapter 3. :rainbowlaugh:

great story, but are you going to do any sort of continuation with that mysterious pegasus of yours? You kinda just let him drop with no explaination as to who he is, why he was there in the first place and whether or not he's got some other important role in the story that we never know about.


Very observant my friend. Yes in fact I do plan on explaining my mysterious blue pegasus, note just how many different roles he took in this story and you may gain insight into his role. He will be partially explained in Through Truth and Lies, but a better recap I'm writing is in a story staring everypony's favorite dress maker. (if I ever get time to make it work.)



On a less interesting side note I actually decided to add him for fun and chose his color simply based on the color or the pony with the OC tag. But I like the concept and his story will hopefully be interesting. :pinkiehappy:

307584 Well then, have fun with that! This story was really well written so I'm looking forward to seeing more from you. :twilightsmile: Just try to not run your self into the ground.

Very well done.

I do have some suspicions about that mysterious OC. I'm getting a "Fizban the Fabulous" feeling from him. He always liked to visit other dimensions...

fine I'll read this thing dear author! however your gonna have to wait till im done with shipping and handling:scootangel:

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