
People like Button's mom. Some really, really like her. So it's no surprise a few fanart and stories are made in her favor. And now poor Button has to deal with the end result for some inexplainable reason. Hopefully he doesn't get mentally scarred for life!

Thanks to my editors Selbi and Trials, along with my pre-reader Skeeter The Lurker for all their help!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 171 )

Oh god that cover art...

Piece Bot #2 · Aug 17th, 2013 · · 201 ·

This was hilarious! :pinkiehappy: WOO! FIRST COMMENT! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

All of that mental trauma because of one video. Youtube strikes again.

3058279 Check again.


Herson_ #5 · Aug 17th, 2013 · · 69 ·

I wish I was assaulted by mental images of Button's mom swallowing my semen...

:twilightoops: Poor Button...

Bloody beautiful!

Now, if only I can find my last bit.

Last I saw, it was with me in an ice cream shop...

You amazing fuck. You amazing, amazing, AMAZING fuck.

Ohhh the shenanigans! I love it!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Sigh...dammit Bob. You have exceeded expectation's yet again...


I tip my hat to you Bobby mostly because A) You beat me to the punch :rainbowdetermined2: as I had damn near the same idea for a fic and B) this was really funny. :rainbowlaugh: Thank you for writing this, fics like this need to written mostly because there already enough Equestrian Gurl stories out there and we didn't need to add creepy shota incest into the mix.

Like I said, I had a good time with this little story and I hope you have a pleasant evening.

Peace Out.

This story is brilliant, freaking gold!

3058279 First comment ain't 'lowed 'round this here site, sonny.
Plus, ya weren't even first.

Upvoted it for concept alone; was not disappointed when I actually read it. :rainbowlaugh:

Got my mature tag turned off, are there a bunch of stories cropping up about her?

Also, love you for writing this. I've been assaulted by Button×Mom pictures and videos all over, what the heck is it with her and Bronies? It's like the fandom just saw her and decided that she was the best thing they'd ever seen. :pinkiesick:

3058535 WELL SHE IS REALLY FACKING SEXY!:heart::rainbowwild:

3058535 And her voice is like the voice of sex itself.:pinkiecrazy:

But she's got it going on. Even the song says so, so it must be true. :pinkiehappy:

Silver out!

Ha, this is genius, very funny :pinkiehappy:

3058279 *Swats with newspaper* First commenting is bad and you should feel bad :twilightoops:

what the fuck did i just read

Made my night. Always nice to have a good laugh before bed.

People write adult stories about Button and his mother? What a bunch of weirdos!

Oh fuck; my sides.

Very well written Bob, you've done it again by crikey. :pinkiesmile:

*rubs aching head* okay okay I won't do it again! Please don't hit me...

And that my friends, is what would happen if equestria discovered earth's internet :rainbowderp:

Don't lie. You'll do it again, and you'll enjoy it.

:moustache:So I was right when I hypothesized that large amounts of video gaming can cause a mental transcendence to a higher plane! Sadly that plane is the internet and that stuff is crazy!:pinkiecrazy: No test subects survived.:twilightblush:

3059272 *thumps you on the hedge with a sledgehammer*

Another glorious piece by our favorite sponge! :rainbowdetermined2:

Liked and favorited because the Button and his mom stuff... creeps me out beyond relief. Mostly at how quickly it spawned that shit. Then again, it made this, too. So thank you. :heart:

LOLZORZ :rainbowlaugh:

As someone who has Adult ADD... I don't remember ever being like that...

Comment posted by TheDboys deleted Aug 17th, 2013

Genius and comedy gold. Five out of five staches
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: /:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Yeah! Take that, you little bastard!
If these stories cause him pain, I might be tempted to write one!


The cover art you used for this fimfic is just amazing.

3059789 You probably weren't paying attention when it happened.


>implying that button's mom is not sexy

>implying that she would not rape her own child

>implying that they would not fuck until the daybreak

>implying that you wished you would never ever get to experience that

>implying that you're not a faggot

As a reviewer, it's a minor point of interest, stories like these: there is no individual "story" in itself, or at least, a very weak one if left standing alone. It needs context to be enjoyed. But it provides lovely, thankful catharsis to the annoyance of a conflict that is said subject matter. The conflict is brought by the reader, and the subsequent catharsis for him as well - a different dynamic to what we usually see. Just a minor point of interest, really. Thank goodness for the lampooners, and congrats on Featured Box!

It's her constant bedroom eyes that sells it, I swear.

Dude... the irony.

Once again, money fixes everything.

3058722 Dont forget, shes a gamer!!!!! Stuff like that gives some people hope that in the real world that hot girls do play video games, and some do.

Okay, now I'm curious; how did all of 'this' come about? What's the story behind Button Mash and his mom anyway? I think I missed something somewhere...funny fic, though, mostly 'cause its inevitably true.

Okay, so the second bit I have to agree with only because EileMonty's voice is awesome. but not like that. But the first bit, I'm a girl, so that probably has something to do with it. I'm sure if I were a guy I'd be drooling just as much.
I play video games and I'm a girl, but I'm not pretty. Sorry to burst your bubble, dude.
Was that toward me or him? I'm not gay for not liking Button's mom, in fact, it's the opposite. And if you're tlaking to him, he said he did like Button's mom, so he's not gay.

Yeah, I guess I can see why guys like her though. Kind of. Ish. :derpytongue2:

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