Everyone has different ways of coping when someone close to them disappears.
I'm starting to notice a pattern in who the main characters are in the stories I upload.
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Based entirely on the song Gloomy Sunday. If you know that song, you have a good idea of how this story will go.
This was written randomly on a whim, which is why it's... weird.
Its Beautiful. 'Randomly on a whim' If this is what you create on a whim, then I am eager to see what you can write if you put your mind to it. I would have teared up if i haven't just read My Little Dashie moments ago, I am currently running low on tears today. everything about this short little sweet/sad story is perfect, how mayor is grieving, how pinkie expresses herself, and at the dark last sentence. I hope you have a really gifted mind to be able to write this way, and not an experience to know how it feels.
Bravo and encore! I look forward to more shorts like this.
More. Now. Please? Beautiful.
I did like this, but feel some obligation to voice complaints anyways. Know I do it despite enjoying this.
At times throughout the story, the diction seems to switch a bit drastically. There are parts where it is a far simpler diction and sentence structure, one perhaps more easily attributed to Pinkie Pie, but then it shifts into more complex sentences. It isn't an awful thin, but it felt a little jarring at times.
Again, this is well written over all, and I really did enjoy it.
249498 Not a fan of the song or the fact that I wrote it on a whim? Or that I called it weird?
EDIT: Nevermind, just checked the email notifications and saw there was some spam on here that got deleted before I saw it.
250484 That was something I struggled with. I had to keep going back and changing words or descriptions I had written as I thought they sounded too advanced for Pinkie to know/use. With that in mind, and the fact that it's all a letter, I had considered making it Twilight the writer instead of Pinkie; but, bearing in mind what the song is about, and that I love Rainbow Pie, I stuck with Pinkie Pie. I suppose in my mind I had the idea of her being both deadly serious while still having a bit of a mad imagination as an excuse for the more complex parts that I ended up keeping, but evidently I never actually thought about making that come across in the story. Hopefully I can improve on that problem in the next chapter.
Good first chapter. You really know how to write Pinkie in-character. Thumbs-up and a track.
Oh, you too wrote inspired by Music? What a coincidence. I love Emilie Autumn's rendition of this song.
Nice chapter. I can see the correlation to the lyrics pretty well.
251809 Got to love Emilie Autumn's voice - having just her voice, and no instruments, in her version of Gloomy Sunday is really nice.
All of the 3 fics I have uploaded so far, and the following chapters I have planned, have all been either based on or inspired by music. The other two were both based/inspired by my favourite artist though - Voltaire. I listen to his music all the time (literally, I pretty much forget about the other music I have) and since I gave writing a shot, I keep thinking of different ways to turn his songs into stories somehow.
EDIT: Or using the lyrics from his songs as both references and descriptions of something in a story. His lyrics are brilliant.
I find a slight irony in this being PinkieXDash with Dash dead. Just a little.
but I completely agree, PinkieXDash is best mane 6 ship
251886 It's PinkieXDash by technicality I spose
And hey, the song isn't over yet.
251884 Ahhhh... Voltaire. That dude's got some nice musics, doesn't he.
I'm already tracking this and hoping for more.
You write a lot inspired by music, eh? I guess we both aren't so different. Except mines are all one-shots.
But, as they say, great minds think alike.
never heard the song before :P
probably won't until this finishes, just because
I'm gonna have another bout of Sad Pinkie-induced insomnia tonight...
Not very happy with this chapter I must say, probably because I put my mind to it instead of writing it randomly. That said, I reread the first chapter on here and decided that, from Pinkie's perspective instead of third person, I don't like it very much.
Anyways, if anyone who hasn't heard Gloomy Sunday and was putting it off until I finished writing the story due to spoilers or whatnot, I urge you to listen to the Emilie Autumn version of the song, which only has the first two verses. It's a lovely version. Not the one I wrote the story to though.
272163 Aha! Emilie Autumn's version is the best... even if it doesn't have all the verses. It compliments the story very well with its dark and real gloomy mood.
I think you 'emulated' the music almost too well with this chapter. Great job.
This is the second time you've made me cry manly tears
I gotta give serious props to you as I rarely ever cry, and I've shed a few tears on both chapters of this story already 
This idea is beautiful and I think what you have done here is wonderful, even if you don't like it as much. I've never heard the song that this is based on, but I might need to check it out when this is complete. Good job, can't wait to see more
Ew. Happiness.
Struggled with this verse. Deviated from the lyrics a bit, and what I've written jumps around from happy to sad too quickly for my liking. Plus, I think I generally like writing sad better than happy. Unless that happy is also crazy.
Here is the song I based the story off of for those that haven't heard it yet and were putting it off.
If I remember correctly, the third verse was added so that the song could be played on the radio, as it was deemed too depressing beforehand to be played. As I said, I prefer sad to happy, at least for this, so that's why this verse is optional.
251930 Writing for the third verse, I finally came to the conclusion that the song would be perfect for me if Emilie Autumn had done her version in the 1940s. I prefer the song with only 2 verses, and Emilie's version is much less melodramatic and more beautiful than the famous Billie Holiday version, but the problem is, I've always had this weird liking for the voices and sound quality of music from the first half of the 20th century.
Simply put, I can't decide which version I prefer, but it would be perfect if they were combined.
273128 Blimey, never thought I'd make anyone cry. Thank you very much
If you prefer to stay sad though, avoid the last chapter. It's a bit of a cop-out, but that's how it goes in the song.
Excellent way to end a story. Excellent job!
I actually liked the happy ending! This story is beautiful, short and sweet.
I wouldn't mind seeing an alternate ending with devastating sadness, but I still see this as a great way to end this story. Good job
I got bored and randomly started writing on something other than the other stories I'm working on. This new alternate ending thingy is the result.
If, like me, you are the type of person who can get concerned with what the 'true' ending to something is, know that this ending is not it. The previous one was. This ending has nothing to do with the song on which the story was entirely based. I just wrote it as a distraction. For that reason it's likely also not as good a quality as the other chapters.
Also, does anyone think I should remove the Romance tag? Although I intended for some sort of implied romance or relationship between Pinkie and Rainbow, I feel I ended up being too vague with it, and as such, the only indication of romance is the tag. What do you lot think?
289398 This new chapter, though not containing devastating sadness (if any sadness at all), may be along the lines of what you were wanted.
I think it warrants the tag. Although I personally expected an epilogue where the tag would be...better fulfilled. You COULD do that.
358828 It's not really an epilogue though, it's just something random I wrote when I wondered what Twilight's reaction might be if it wasn't all a dream of Pinkie's.
It would be nice to write something where the romance tag is fulfilled, but the only way to do that would be to turn the main story/song into a shipfic of sorts, and I don't think that would turn out very well I'm afraid.
No, I meant that you could write an epilogue that you felt better fulfilled the tag. But if you don't want to, it's fine the way it is.
I meant that you could write an epilogue where the tag was better fulfilled. But if you don't want to, it's fine as-is.
Dammit Timbuk.... why you so good at making me cry?
Seriously, three out of four of these chapters I have shed a tear on. This alternate ending is beautiful, and you're really great at capturing the thought process of ponies.
I don't usually cry on sadfics, but when the serious topic of suicide comes up, I can't help it. To me suicide is more serious then accidental death by sickness or otherwise, because the person (or in this case pony) had to go through so much and ended up failing themselves. Or they couldn't take the reality of their friends being gone, such as in this story. I suffered a lot with thoughts of suicide and thankfully I'm here today to love ponies like I do. This alternate ending, like the rest of the story, was written beautifully. Good job
I already had this story in my favorites, but I'd favorite it again if I could
This was utter poetry no other way of describing it
" You gave me my first smile. " That is a true statement from the show. The Sonic Rainboom did that...

This is excellent...moving up.
Silver out!
Suicide to be with her...that is THE DEFINITION of love...

Silver out!
Me: ...silence....

Silver out!
I like this one. Though the whole dream thing has me wondering whether the Alternate ending or this one is real...

Silver out!
I like the other ending better....
Things like this make me cry alot...
Dang it, dude! It was sad at first, then happy with Pinkie being happy; and then you completely caught my emotions off guard! Bravo, even if I'm left thinking about how friendship could end like that. Never thought of it before. Well, time to contemplate new ideas.
to be honest this does not make me sad. it just makes me wonder. I was planning to take my life recently but I don't want my friends to feel like this if I do because it is not there fault. I feel like pinkie in the story right now. I feel so depressed like nothing can help me. that I just need to end the pain but, what pain would I cause ending my own?