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CH.4: Of gods and kings

~5,000 B.D. Trotters clinic~

When I came to I realized I was inside a stark white room with the smell of alcohols and blood wafting by. While I still couldn't move from the exhaustion my final move put me into I could still hear. I could tell from the amount of voices that there was at least five others in the room. Two of the voices I identified to be Clay and Blade while the other three sounded foreign but from the amount of medical terms one of them was using i could tell at least one of the three was the doctor. Not being able to touch the ground I couldn't heal myself leaving me to lie there and wait for my body to regain some energy. Throughout out all of this I kept trying to open my eyes. After what I could guess was ten minutes i finally managed to flutter open my eyelids to which the five voices took notice and came to my side. The other three ponies in the room aside from Blade and Clay were one unicorn who was wearing a white medical coat. This one was obviously the doctor. The other two were a black and white alicorn pair and from a word of one of them the doctor left the room locking the door behind him. With that the white one approached holding a bottle filled with a red liquid.

"Miss if you would, drink this so that we may start our conversation." He held it to my mouth as i slowly gulped it down. I could feel the hot drink slowly wake all of my nerves and filled me with renewed vigor. Now having the energy to move I let out a loud yawn. The white one looked confused, "Odd this is supposed to give ponies energy not make them sleepy."

"Oh trust me i feel completely renewed but energy tonics can't replace sleep." I respond. "Now if i may ask what are the name of my gracious hosts?"

The black and white ones are taken back by the question for a second but, quickly regained there composures.

"I'm surprised you do not know who we are but introductions are always needed even amongst family. I am King Solaris and Co-ruler over the land of Equ alongside my twin brother King Lunaris. We are the current heads of the Royal alicornian family the most powerful force of ponykind since the dawn of existance." He said regally. Unfortunately while holding it back I snorted at the last line catching their unwanted attention.

"How dare you disrespect the his highness my brother by laughing at him as such. The punishment of such could have you spend the rest of your life in the dungeons" Lunaris' tirade was cut short by the raised hoof of Solaris.

"If I may ask what part of my introduction did you find so amusing miss?" Solaris asked calmly but with a secret fire.

"It was that last line you said, 'The most powerful force of ponykind since the dawn of existance' I find it hilarious how mortals can ever compare themselves to the gods in such a way." I Respond without thinking.

Both Solaris and Lunaris raised an eyebrow at this. "You say that as though you yourself are a goddess. Which in your current state i would still find hard to believe." Lunaris answered.

Realizing that my cover was blown I saw no other reasons to continue hiding my identity. "When the gods are in a mortal realm even they are bound by the restrictions of the universe. Once a god makes the laws for a universe nopony not even the god himself is allowed to disobey them. And yes I talk about it as though I am a goddess because that is what I am. What you all saw in the forest earlier was an example of my powers and as you can see this is what their toll does to me. I'll be glad to answer the rest of your questions later but for now I must rest." I ended before falling asleep to escape the torrent of questions.

~The next morning~

I awoke early the next morning to find that i was no longer in the clinic but in what looked to be an inn room. I quickly got up and headed off the to washroom to clean up than headed out to meet with the Kings to continue our conversation from last night. I find the pair sitting together in the corner of the eating area with their personal guards relaxing around the room. One not to waste time I quickly made my way over to the kings and they simply nodded as i sat down.

"As I said, I would answer any and all questions you would have of me this morning but, i would like to remind you that i am currently behind schedule by at least two days so lets not waste time." I begin kindly.

It was Solaris who began, "If you truly are a goddess, which goddess are you? We have records of many gods and goddesses of myth and legends over time's past you do not fit any of them."

"That would be because I fell out of knowledge before record keeping was out and about. And as such i feel i should properly introduce myself to you. My name is Vinetion Nature-caller, Daughter of Gaia and carrier of her legacy. I am the goddess of nature, earth and sky. I have control over the shifting lands, the roaring oceans, and even the vast wide open skies themselves. I have been alive since the dawn of this world's existance and shall be alive until it's own destruction. It is both my blessing and eternal curse of immortality in that I shall protect those who cannot protect themselves and I shall feed those who cannot feed themselves. It is with my blessing mares become fertile and my duty to guide those who must cross over to the afterlife. By my hoof mountains may crumble and oceans dry up and even the sun itself will go out. It was in my figure Gaia created the ponykind. I was the original design all unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies and even alicorns were based off of. I was Gaia's daughter and all creatures, plant or animal, in this world are my children." I finished sounding old and sagely contrasting my young features. Solaris and Lunaris had realized that the mare in front of them truly was a goddess but could tell she lives a difficult existance in eternity's grip.

Lunaris slowly began again. "I realize now you must have had tough experiences in the past but may I ask why did you drop out of knowledge? You obviously seem fine with interacting with the common populous. What happened that made them forget you?" The answer lunaris got was not what either him or solaris were expecting.

"I gave up hope on them."

A/N ooh late night update but i couldn't sleep and felt like continuing this and leave a nice cliffhanger to boot.
