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CH.10: Movement of the northern fronts

~1,000 B.D. Equ flat-lands~

The Royal alicornian family is now officially split. The alicorn race and country divided down the middle. Those who favors The solar empire now live in the northern flat-lands while those who support the lunar republic live in the southern forests. For the most part after the split the two sides stayed to themselves and went about they're business. When the split happened I moved back to the Gaian tree and began to put a plan into action to lessen the damages of the coming war.

First thing I had done was cut off all connections between the alicorns and the outside nations. I made sure every creature knew of the coming war and to stay away. Aside from a few griffons wanting to show their worth I ensured this would be a one race war. The next step could only be taken once fights began starting and that would be to stop as many as possible in any way possible. Even if it meant separating the two sides for the tides of eternity forever.

Thing are quiet in these times unrest is apparent and utter destruction of each side is the goal of both sides.

~500 B.D. Equ battlefields~

The first battle had been initiated and stopped. I came upon the scene of an ambush as the Lunars were doing a scouting mission on the borders. By the time I had gotten there both sides had called in reinforcements. The Solars being true to tradition went in swords swinging. Seeing as how the Lunars were only defending themselves I took to defending their side on this time. Not trying to kill them I managed to knock out most of them with magical blasts. I could not however defend everpony and their were casualties of beheaded-ment.

Noticing it was the Solars who initiated the war I began tracking their armies and intercept their battles. This worked up to a point. When they began to notice that whenever they tried to attack the Lunars' armies that a giant wall of rock and stone they improvised. Splitting their armies so that I wouldn't be able to stop both. I was forced to make the choice of who to stop so I followed the bigger half and blocked them off in the hopes of lessening casualties.

On times I was lucky the armies would meet up again and I could stop the battles completely but on others they would end up decimating each other before I arrived. I was sure that if I wasn't there this time the casualty rate would would be much worse. The fighting wasn't non-stop at least. There was always a reprieve during the winter months.

During the point in the war there was one very devastating battle where the main forces of both sides clashed. The fight raged for hours on end no side giving an inch. When I arrived both armies had dwindled to half numbers. I flew down and tried my best to keep them from killing each other from locking soldiers in stone cages and knocking them out, but they began to use this to their advantage. Flyers coming in and stabbing a knocked out unit or ground units using rock spikes as lances. It got to the point where my own actions were causing harm so I had to use a last resort.

Setting off a concussive blast that separated both side away from each other I willed the earth to rise creating a mile wide and high wall of earth in hopes to keep them separated before the armies were decimated. These hopes were shattered just like the wall itself when they brought down the wall. But when they brought it down it wasn't each other they went after. No their target was me. I faced down the forces of over 1,000 alicornian trained war soldiers. I knew I could not die, and yet I still felt fear from this.

Volley after volley of arrows fell down upon me. I tried to fly away but was knocked out of the sky as flyers slashed at my wings. Grounded now I made a run away from the battlefields. I never made it there unfortunately. As I neared the forest's edge I was taken down by having four arrows penetrate my legs through the back of my knees. I couldn't fly and I couldn't run and I certainly didn't want to fight them off.

When the leaders came up to me I looked at them with sorrowful look of grief and sadness. All I got from them was a look of agreement as they said,

"Kill her"

I could only look on as they nodded to each other and the solars leader raised his hammer. Immortals cannot experience true death. We can witness a thousand deaths but never truly experience. Even when our mortal shells die we don't experience. As the hammer came down on my head I felt an excrutiating pain for a split second as I saw my head and its contents spill out onto the ground around us. Apparently this was not good enough for them. For good measure they felt it was needed to slice off both of my wings and all of my legs as a way to show off "We killed a goddess nothing can stand in our way!"

As my torn body laid there in the forest's shadow bleeding for all its worth I felt my spirit let go. I stood there above my broken shell as it slowly turned to grass and flowers being absorbed into the earth to be renewed and reformed. I looked back the two leaders as they walked back to their sides readying to drop the temporary truce with a hatred accompanied by and all too familiar chaotic feeling in the pits of my stomach. I felt myself shift into that of the reaper and made my way back to the battlefield.

While still with the intent of not killing any of the warriors and soldiers I had an incessant feeling to repay them for killing me. The goddess' wrath one would say. As I made my way back the soldiers all stopped in their tracks in fear at the site of the reaper coming down on them. None ran away from me they all just gave me passage as I made my way to the center of the battle field. I stood in the center glowing with an ominous black and brown aura.

As some of those who got away in time will tell you the entire time 'The Reaper' moved it's eyes were held down. In A split second I looked up at those around me with a evil in my eyes. Instead of pupils I had the mark of the chaos in each eye. As ponies gazed into my eyes the began to turn to stone petrified in both fear and form. Soldiers on both sides began to make a hasty retreat but, even those who got away were inflicted with the Stone grip curse. Some got away with stoned hooves while some of the unlucky ones had stoned horns and wings. I would have left it at just that if it was not for a simple action I witnessed as I left for the day with the battle over.

I was making my way back home as I noticed a scout coming back into the field. I had thought he was there to simply count the casualties but I was sorely mistaken. He was a Lunar scout and he began to make his way to the enemy side and dropped off a glowing orb. In what I had thought to be but a pretty orb became a weapon of unknown properties. It had exploded in a loud concussive blast and when the smoke cleared all of the petrified solar ponies were naught but dust.

Thus ended the battle of the everfree plains.

A/N the everfree plains?! what could this possibly mean?! also the equestrian universe i am currently in for anyone who wants to know is either the school's or god's. you guess which one. blargh!