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CH.9: Living with royalty

~4,500 B.D. Soluna castle~

journal #34 entry #87

It has been five hundred years since I moved to the capitol's castle. Solaris and Lunaris are dead now and they're two sons Comet and Star have taken the thrones. Lunaris outlived his brother who died at the age of 950 years but died shortly after at 960. Everyone knows who I am at the castle, not only as the living goddess but also as the kind pony that I am. While my schedule has kept to the relatively same pace of get up in the morning, check my schedule, head out, and than come home at the end of the day. I now have an actual bed instead of a pile of leaves. And on days that I had nothing on schedule I would spend it with the citizens from helping with gardening and advice to simply spending time with the elderly as we enjoy life.

For a long time there was peace among the creatures. The dragons arrived at one point and asked to make an embassy in the nearby mountains. This shocked everypony as we thought the dragons hadn't advanced that far. We were equally surprised when all of the races began asking for peace. this was 200 years ago and peace has reigned throughout ever since.

Because of this all nations have benefited. The diamond dogs were able to get better mining tools while the cats were learned how to build houses in trees. Dragons were given more land to live in while ponies and griffons were able to protect everyone else. While crime and trouble did pop up every now and then it was quickly settled.

~3,500 B.D. Soluna castle~

journal #202 entry #59

Our current rulers Queen Novus and King Singulari, son and daughter of comet and star, have had another argument today. This one wasn't as bad as some they've had in the past. At least this time they didn't destroy anything. Today's argument was over the wants of the Equ nation to move somewhere else do to a massive blizzard currently sweeping through the nations. Singulari thought to allow them. Novus thought that if they allowed them to leave it would leave the alicornian race undefended in case of attacks. I did what I always did and tried to give an answer to soothe both sides but it just seemed to make things worse.

After the meeting I left to go gem searching. A couple years back I had found an emerald deep in the ground that had the same energy as the topaz necklace I won so long ago. I began to think that if i could find more than one i should find them all. This task has kept my mind busy for most of my time. Today I had found a third gem to join my collection. This one was glowing pink garnet. As I held the odd gem in my hooves I couldn't help but start giggling. It was as if the stone in my hooves emanated laughter. As I think back on it when I held the emerald I felt a kind feeling from it. I have this gut feeling these stones will someday be very important.

~2,000 B.D. Soluna castle~

journal #568 entry #98

It seems that no matter how hard we as ponies try history is always doomed to repeat itself. It has been 500 years since the equ "sub" races, as the royalty call them now, left and founded the new land of Equestria. The Alicornian royal family is currently divided into two factions The Solar empire, those who wish to go out and conquer the rest of the neighboring nations to be come the sole rulers, and the Lunar republic, who only wished to stay in the land the have but get rid of the co-ruling system and have a sole ruler instead. I was finally put into a situation I simply could not take a side in. Seeing the situation as it was I have begun preparing for the worse.

The only good news is I found two new gems for my collection. These two were a Sapphire who's feeling I couldn't put down but I had to guess it was giving as when I took it out a squirrel gave its lunch which I kindly refused. The other one I found was a blood ruby that I could tell from the intense emotion coming off of it that it was a loyalty gem. From the energy coming off of the gems when they were together I knew I had collected them all but something was still missing but what, I do not know.

This is my last journal before I leave the castle. War is upon us and I can only hope it does not turn out like before.

A/N I'm sorry for the short chapter but I needed some kind of transition. Also to answer the question before its asked. Alicorns live for at the most a thousand year life span where as normal ponies live a 100 to 150 at the most. Next chapter starts the war arc. I'm going to need a break before continuing that so don't expect another chapter for a day or two. aside from this one I'm aiming to keep each chapter between 1,000 to 2,500 words.