This is a side story to my Fallout Equestria fic, Trigger to Tomorrow. Crossfire, a notorious member of the Skull City Drifter's Guild, is a mare who only cares about caps and her next job. But who was she before that? How did she come to live in Skull City and call the Drifter's Guild home? This story shows this mares origins, focusing on her arrival in the Skull City Wasteland, and the events leading up to her appearance in Trigger to Tomorrow.
Ohh what a lovely cover you have to this story! Who ever that commissioned that picture must really have a good taste of art I must say!
Ohh and stealing the first comment because I am the evil pre-reader! Ha ha!
Guess what? I am first again. First of us to read this, Vex not counting because he wrote it, and first to comment on it as well!
That was a quick decision on the signal boosting....
A story about Crossfire now!? You don't cease to please
Do you mean statueque?
I knew i knew that song!
Not bad. I don't usually say this, but I loved all of the dialogue between Knobs and Crossfire. it really got me to know them and make me care for them. I don't write long dialogue scenes often because I SUCK at it! But you're great at it! Derp!
It is a good pic. Never can thank you enough for it.
Couldn't resist an opportunity to flesh out parts of her background that otherwise would've just stayed in my mind.
Don't know, have to look up where I put that again to remind myself what the context was.
Its a good one, and seemed to fit the Wasteland so well.
Thank you. I hope I can keep it up.
Always place a commas around (I believe they are called sentence modifiers) words like 'however' and 'fortunately'
This should probably be, With her limited field of view, beyond the stacks of metal shanties criss-crossed with makeshift bridges and railings, that griffin
There is always some form of punctuation between prose and dialogue, here it should be a comma.
Two separate sentences here.
comma before and
comma after explained
drop stay
As this is set up, the comma should be a period. This is because the second piece of dialogue is a separate sentence from the first.
shoved it
Didn't she already drop him?
I think you missed a bit about actually giving the group healing potions.
Well, that was fun. Hmmmmm... Knobby and Crossfire sitting in a tree
Something bad has to happen to Knobs and I keep dreading it. It's cool seeing a pony with such a good heart living in such a fucked up place. Also fuck Skinner!
It let ponies assume things about it
the later was the far more likely outcome
The three intact towers were in remarkable good repair
Crossfire frowned, by relented and they went back inside
sliding a iron deadbolt
until you’re wounds are fully healed
Knobs, head till ringing, wobbled to her hooves
Crossfire had been standing stock still next to the ganger, Fracture, one second, and the next Facture was flying
So I think its fair to gang up
Its part of the ganger hoofbook
You wouldn’t like it if got to make a joke like that about your name, would ya
1. Lets.
2. Latter.
3. Did you mean Remarkably?
4. But.
5. An.
6. Your.
7. Still.
8. Fracture.
9. It's.
10. It's.
11. You wouldn't like it if I got to make a joke like that about your name would ya.
Changing cutie mark? What is this, sorcery? Or something much, much deeper? Good to see I finally decided to read this and phew, I'm only 2 chapters behind. Because if it were even more than that then, phew. It would take quite awhile for me to catch up.
Thanks for spotting the continuity glitches, apparently my brain has the blinders on this chapter.
Wondering how they got into that tree and how drunk they were last night.
Even the worst places will still have a few like Knobs living in it. Unfortunately there are a lot more like Skinner also living there.
Thank you kindly for error spotting.
From the number of voiced she’d heard
a unnatural cry
Her mane was a dark blue
you bitches were stopped dead by
ana bunch of volunteer gangersof all that's is wrong
soul's last breath X5
Its... kind of depressing
because I like tall mares, be the wide or skinny
then Knobbly Knees raise her dust covered head
With eyes narrow in concentration Crossfire aimed the revolver
unless this gang decide to blame you for my escape
and closed the deag gang pony’s eyes and stood
its right this way
knocking the mare cold
A echoing series of heavy gunshots
1. Voices.
2. An.
3. Her mane was a dark blue colour (personal preference yet again)
4. Extra An.
5. That. (Because that's is an abreviation of that is)
6. Souls. (personal preference again)
7. It's.
8. They.
9. Raised.
10. Narrowed.
11. Decides.
12. Dead.
13. It's.
14. Knocking the mare out cold (this is just my personal preference)
15. An.
So then... shall we assume the gangers think they're dead and don't bother to check for bodies because they assume they were blown to black smoldering chunks anyways? Nope? Possibly not anyways. Onward to kill Skinner!
Wait, wrong Skinner...
Her thin leather uniform was shredded on back
Apparently there was a few small dens in the sewers beneath the city
but as long as they had a path to retreat, it made far more sense, much as it went against her grain to do so
Technically its your property now
Its my rifle and I’m getting it back
Its Skull City’s sanctioned combat arena
Its not some low class fight club either
care for our rifles like they’re out damned lovers
that the shoul opened with his magic
The might hurt Mister Skinner anyway
1. On the back.
2. Were.
3. Wait what? Went against her grain?
4. It's.
5. It's.
6. It's.
7. It's.
8. Our.
9. Ghoul.
10. They.
Well, I remember gobs being not so well... violent in all the series I played But then again as you said FoE has now 'edged' them in another direction. Though technically I could think that Filgaia was close to being the same in terms of landscape if only with more green, less radiation, better living conditions... Okay so there's a HUGE gap but still, getting there right?
I would suggest throwing a nade at them but then again, underground sewers + nade + anger of Guild that manages em = Well, you're in for a bad time.
This makes me wonder a little at the technological progress of their current state of affairs. Seems like the NCR and the Protectorate have fancy factories to advance their little military force (I still say that cloning is prominent in Odessa's faction). Imagine, suddenly the posh life of all those ponies living in their little bubble will soon get smashed open by a little buck that could either save them or leave them be.
Then again the former would most likely happen since he seems to have a bleedin heart like little Knobs here... Hmm, makes me wonder if said character either meets an unfortunate end, is disabled, has amnesia or merely parts with Crossfire and when she DOES meet our heroic buck all she can see would be well... Knobs in colt form. R63, make it happen
Edit: I completely forgot about another topic; Currency. You sir are using all three currencies from each universe quite well.
Bits - Equestria/Protectorate
Gella - Wild Arms/Guild
Caps - Fallout/Wasteland (though this one might as well be one and the same)
I'd like to see how this would further come into play but of course maybe or maybe not it will. We shall see especially if... wait, you are gonna highlight this because now I see, I TRULY SEE. You have to bring up this topic in your little sequel. It's inevitable. One area to another I feel like I might just have lost my mind. Again.
Did I forget to favourite this story? Blasphemy I say! Blasphemy! I clicked until the golden star appeared anyhow just to make sure
flew down and stabbed the ganger holding Knob’s through the back
so Crossfire kept pushing the ponies in front of her along a Wellspring and Knobs struggled to start climbing the tilted catwalk
Finally she felt hoove grab her from behind
they ran past a large autowagon that was crash into the wall
The dead ponies were into deteriorated a condition
dozens of more skeletals bodies lay
Carefully she poked with the tip of her bayonet, and felt hard resentance
I doubt that, we just have crap luck... wait, you Skull City ponies celebrate Nightmare Night too?”
At about that same moment one gangers finally spotted
Tracers rounds that couldn’t have come from Knobs
The car was plunged into dark, only illuminated
hitting the creature’s in its snout
Crossfire flailed with her limps
1. Knobs (since y'know, that's how you typed Knobs in the rest of the story)
2. Umm... either this is an extra word or there's some missing.
3. Hooves.
4. Crashed.
5. In too.
6. Skeletal.
7. Resistance.
8. Forgot your opening quotation mark.
9. One of the gangers/One ganger. (I have got to stop thinking it's supposed to be spelt ginger.)
10. Tracer.
11. Darkness.
12. Creature.
13. Limbs. Unless she's actually limping? But no, that can't be right...
D'awww, Knobs is so visually cute
... That bastard needs to die.
I also feel like I'm going to need a map of the entire Badlands and with the location of the Stables. I feel as if the one mentioned here is going to be epicenter to the main story somehow.
Why do I get the feeling of Balamb Garden lifting off again?
I just loved the music for this scene too much.
I also get the feeling you're gonna kill off Knobs in some way. That or have her in a sort of coma that changes Crossfire to be the way she is now.
Let's also not forget her 'changing' cutie mark, thought I feel that is going to be addressed possibly in the main story
I will blame my move and new apartment for missing all of those mistakes. A good thing that we have you to clean up after my lacking work
3926375 Trust me when I say this, I still miss things quite a bit so there's nothing to worry abüt.
Besides, real life and their problems come first since they're the ones that will mostly be quite a hurdle to pass
Knoooooobs! I saw it coming but damn I didn't expect her to get her legs torn off! Definitely worth the wait but poor fiily...
“Looks like we’re petty lucky ponies, because that’s looking like a way out to me”
You arebetting Knobs
giving a high whiny of fear
before lighting up her horn to bath the passenger car
“Remarkable unhurt,” said Wellspring VS Wellspring took a nasty cut on her shoulder and she yelped in pain
not even make me breath hard tomorrow
swishing his thing whip-like tail
1. Forgot your comma at the end.
2. Forgot your spacing.
3. Whinny. Unless she can whine in fear then I am unimpressed
4. Bathe.
5. Remarkably. Though I put the VS there because of the cut. Unless she considers that nothing really. Maybe I was just over dramatizing it in my head.
6. Breathe.
7. Thin.
Oh I swear Knobs is so gonna get it. Least we know the outcome now eh? I also can't help but think that maybe, just maybe those papers might come in handy in a later story...
So back to chapter one;
And followed by the fact that she said she was born with it... either her mother decided gem smuggling up her snatch was a good idea and she somehow forgot it was there or it's merely a sign of things to come. Perhaps something along the lines of say maybe a Medium. Or a magic catalyst. Or a sacrifice that was laid out by destiny. So many options, yet so few are feasible... maybe. But if one thing is obvious is that she will no doubt be some part of a major plot point in the main story. And of course by plot point I meant both figuratively and literally. Longwalk will ask questions about her flank which will undoubtedly earn him a smack-side up the head.
A pox on both you and your house!
How could you steal the first comment from me! That is just simply mean! Really really mean even!
Oh well, better luck for me next time, at least does it seem that I caught more mistakes this time around.
Words of glass? Suddenly, a Dragonborn shouts glass words ((Worst))
The darting form of Nightbane could be seen.
Random... Slash here.
Just curious, this line meant basically not to mess with her or her gang right?
This one part needs to be a opening quotation mark.
Forgot your full stop at the end here.
Now for the comments... followed by a quote;
You dun it now Cross, you've tempted fate.
I'd like to shout profanities at you for choosing goddamn fitting music in this. We finally see the end and while some of us may have seen it coming, some of us were just hoping something a little better would come out of it and not this. Especially Knobs. I think I'll just shout profanities at Doomnade instead. We might get into a good shouting match with a few blows. If physical blows can be dealt through the internet.
Why do I get the feeling that while the past chapter is closed right now, Knobs is going to meet Longwalk and he's going to have his first encounter with the happiest (or perkiest) ghoul he has ever seen? Sure he's seen Odessa, unicorns, pegasi, golems, monsters, hell hounds and pony spiders he hasn't seen a ghoul as of yet.
And suddenly I get the feeling that Crossfire is going to feel a great tragedy coming. I swear if you kill Knobs in the story I'll join Crossfire and beat the shit out of you. And your pet Doomnade as well. Maybe. Just maybe.
Once more I must thank you for helping with spotting those errors. Consider them fixed.
The day someone invents a way to transfer physical force via the internet might be the day I have to consider getting an outdoor hobby.
Might very well be a thing that could be happening in the near future.
I can only take it as a compliment that you're that fond of Knobs.
4856711 I just noticed that I had a lol brain fart for edit number 3, the one about the glass. I meant to put Worst not Worse.
But to answer your suspicions, yes Knobs is a likeable character, one that we wish to see no harm come to her. She's honest, works hard for what she does and tries to keep a smiling face with a positive outlook for the future.
Though I see some irony about her current situation considering her current profession.
Well, Knobs does at least have a good friend who will go all out to protect her.
True, though she's adapted to her condition fairly well, all things considered.
Well this story certainly made me view Crossfire is a totally new light. She's still that battle hardened badass wasteland mare I originally saw her as, but this soft side of her and her true motives bring a completely new perspective to her. And poor Knobs. I had to stop and go back when it said she was a ghoul The way you dropped that fact was great as well, but damn she cannot catch a break. I think she may be my favorite character in this awesome world you've made so far. When she first showed up I think I mainly liked her because she looked like a pony version of Carolina from RvB, but now seeing how she is, how no matter what happens to her she's still such a sweet and happy pony... I never seen a ghoul I wanted to hug so bad.
And that last bit with the song was great. Crossfire. I almost feel like you named her that on purpose just to use that song for something like that.
That wrapped up a lot better than I expected. I expect to hear more of crossfire, though. And I expect that Chekhov's Prison(?) is coming back to give Murphy an assist, and would be sad if it didn't.
Now that that's done, all you need is a side story for Binge! Everypony is asking, after all. Wait... No, they're not. That'd be a rather disturbing and not terribly relevant story.
Thank you, I was hoping the story might add some depth to Crossfire. And yeah, Knobs, hard to say if she's incredibly unlucky to have all those things happen to her, or if she's incredibly lucky to have survived it. I did very much enjoy writing her, though, even if I put her through so much. Glad to hear you liked the song. Crossfire's name comes from a different Wild Arms ost, but when I noticed there was another with the name I knew I wanted to find a good spot to use it.
I assume you mean the tower they found underground? If so, then yes, its no real spoiler for me to say that it's going to be coming up in the main storyline in due time.
Can't disagree with you there.
PET! PET DOOMANDE! You know what... I think that I will encourage vex to kill her of later on... I mean... we do need some dramatic tension, and since people know of her now. I mean, there are so many complications when one gets new legs, and they could always malfunction as well, Murphy is a strong force in the wasteland after all
You also forgot to capitalise his name. Assuming Vex is a guy that is.
And the irony is that if you do do that, I'll volunteer to be your Doom
... I suddenly feel as if I no longer have a say in these things.
Last time I checked.
4892099 Oh but you do have a say in things.
Just be careful where you tread lest you enter the Crossfire between us
Now we just have to figure out where you have a say in things...
Oh, so Crossfire is only turning Longwalk over to the Labor Guild next week to buy legs for Knobs? I guess that isn't so bad. Crossfire is one twisted horse.
Hold on a second... I thought the Drifter's Guild had four S-Ranked members! You only described three! Who's the fourth? Er, there are four, right? Trigger to Tomorrow has such long chapters I've lost track...
*nod* Right you are, kind of on both counts. In this story, Crossfire remembers that during the war between the Protectorate and Skull City there were three S-rank Drifters who fought in the battles and earned a fearsome reputation. They're not named here, but two of them are Applegate and Nightbane, and the third one hasn't shown up yet in the main story. Then in the main story, around chapter 27 I think, it is mentioned there are four S-rank Drifters in the Guild in total. That's because one of the S-rank Drifters didn't participate in the war, since Drifters can choose which assignments they take, so one simply choose not to get involved in the fighting. Its mostly a minor background detail that doesn't tie-in much to the main story, but the reason for this is that this final S-rank member specializes exclusively in hunting down Wasteland monsters, and refuses any mission that'd involve fighting people.
I live Crossfire as much as I do with Binge!
It kinda Wild to think Crossfire and Longwalk have been in the same shoe.
Oh no, a male clone!