• Member Since 24th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 6th, 2014

Swift Quill

A hobby writer and artist, living in Melbourne, Australia


Fire Heart, a grey unicorn stallion form the other side of the EverFree Forest, goes on a search for his parents, who disappeared, when he was only a few moons old. On his journey to Ponyville to try and find them, he meets the beautiful owner of the inn, by the name of Rosebud Thorns, and falls in love with her. This is his story of his love for her and his search for his parents.

(Current cover art by -Epsilon- from BAu - currently awaiting a new cover)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 5 )

Fireheart is the name of one of the Warriors! (Firestar's Warrior name) :pinkiehappy:

Those darn beautiful mares. They'll mess with our heads every time.

2989699 So it is! What a coincidence! I actually chose that name, because one of my friends told me that I have a fire in my heart because I care about those around me!

2992791 You should have read the previous rewrite! I mean it had my OC falling in love with Princess Luna as well!

Interesting premise, I'll dive it a read.:moustache:

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