Vinyl Scratch's long awaited album is finally going to be released, but she needs somewhere that would fit the darker themes. Somewhere like, say, an abandoned psychiatric hospital rumored to once be the resting place of Nightmare Moon.
Dragging her roommate Octavia along, they soon discover something darker than imaginable has taken up residence in the abandoned corridors. Something that has no plans to let them leave.
Inspired by VinylScratchDjPony and his song/artwork for "Mah Evil Pet" over on YouTube, which he graciously allowed me to use for coverart.
Also, a prereader (ImJustAnotherBrony, who else?) would like to stake the claim that he was first to use the nickname 'Tavi', so I guess due credit to him. Or something.
dat title.
It's from an actual song on YouTube.
whoa. Just looked that up. Loved it. Fav just for the recommendation
2972815 Thanks!
Wub Meh Hard and My Little Pet are my favs of his darker stuff.
2972825 Definitely. Only thing on par, for me at least, is "Mindcrime". Although "Hey Sound" is a good one to get lost in!
He can claim anything he wants. When I get as many followers as him (read: NEVER) then I'll claim bullshit as well.
Ps mine's better
2972854 I accept your obvious compliment and rebuke with a simple "Fuck you", good sir.
I'd assume it was most likely conceived shortly after the appearance of Vinyl Scratch/ Octavia (whichever came last, my mind's a bit fuzzy as I haven't watched the show in ages), and birthed from their pairing together as a sort of slang term/ nickname used within their fanon relationship.
2972851 Have you heard Don't Worry, on the Diverse Ep? It is amazing.
2972924 Yep! Love that guy, and he was totally cool about me using his original artwork as a cover.
Not a bad fic! Had me shaking as soon as they entered the asylum. Nice work!
2972977 Fantastic, thanks! What's your opinion on the end?
2972989 It was really unexpected. At the start when Octavia was running alone from something, I'd thought Vinyl died in the hospital.
2973027 Oh. Didn't even see that way of thinking!
The story isn't finished! The beginning doesn't match up with the end at all. Please tell me you have another chapter planned, this needs more. This is an amazing story. Very well written giver'r take a few errors. Favorited, liked, and following, I expect more from you
P.S I made the mistake of reading this at midnight...
Anyone know where I can find more scary stories like this? I can't find one anywhere.
2973198 Thanks! Like I said in the A/N, plenty of room for story if I got a good response. Which, seemingly, I have!
So... we'll see.
2973199 Try the dark group, or searching the dark tag. As for specific stories, try "Rainbow Factory" and go from there!
I liked it and I'd be interested in seeing more
2973228 We'll see!
Me? A scary story? With a totally scary fucking picture? At night? While listening to "Mah Evil Pet"?
I fully expect to be incarcerated in my nearest insane asylum after this, author!
I've read so many good horror stories, that I thought I'd become desensitized. I haven't. You gave me goosebumps with this, and that's something very hard to do.
This is as far as I got.
Hah, no thnaks! Fuck thiss shit! I'll come back in the daytime!
It's that picture, you know. If I hadn't seen the picture of the face, I would have continued.
2973270 You tell me how it goes, m'kay?
2973272 Awesome! Can I ask specifically where you got the best reactions?
Hah. Ha. The bad part is? It's morning where I am now.
Great story, scared me to death, but great all the same.
2973311 Honestly? I think it was that you built up the suspense as well as you did. I started getting nervous from the moment they entered the asylum, but I got real chills for the first time when the doll came in. Hate those things.
2973312 Then no excuses! Get going, mister!
Also, I'm pretty sure the face is Disturbed's mascot.
2973314 Whoo!
2973325 Real talk? I have to give the credit for that doll to a book called "Project 17". Craziest thing I've ever read, and in it, there was a doll in a patient's room hanging in a noose. When the characters went to cut it down, it started laughing despite having no batteries.
Highly suggest a readthrough!
Yeah, no asylum for me. The real thing is actually a bit worse than in fiction. Well. Most fictions, anyway. But, if it was in... film... form... *cackles madly*
Why don't you ask Jake the Army Guy if you could use his character, Special Agent Bentgrass? It would be fitting. The character he's based on... Special Agent... Investigation... Hee hee...
2973358 Mebbe. I was thinking more along the lines of a certain Princess tracking clues.
2973372Ooh, Twiley? I like it. ANOTHER! *smashes puny mug*
As for when Vinyl was overtaken, it could be any of those times.
My reasoning? It is ancient, possibly ageless. Two, it is extremely influential, maybe able to control the original form AND another, physical host form at the same time. Three: It would seem to be quite intelligent, or at least be an excellent trickster so as to give the impression of being such. Pie: Flying oranges, becasue Scootaloo is chicken. Four: Personally, I think it was in the almost-drowning.
2973354 I looked it up. Might just have to find myself a copy. Is it the one by Laurie Stolarz?
2973375 Maybe Twilight. Maybe not... we'll see!
2973445 Yeppers!
i love it, you should continue it. this is the first thing in a long time that managed to put a chill down my spine... so kudos for that, and this is coming from a guy that laughs in horror movies
2973582 Pssh all horror movies are hilarious!
Well... except Blair Witch Project and Silence of the Lambs. Those are fantastic movies.
but seriously, this was excellent, i loved the intro, when tavi first got to the cafeteria and when the nightmare was stalking them in the halls
this whole fic reminded me of the first F.E.A.R. game (the only game to manage to mindfuck me)
2973601 Never played it, but seriously, thanks for the compliments!
and this brings that back lol
the first game was pure first person psychological terror with shootouts every so often. only game ive ever palyed where you can have a insta death shotgun and still feel powerless and on the brink of pants shitting terror near constantly
my advice, watch a letsplay or walkthrough (without commentary) and you can see how bad i gets some times. or just look up the "scariest moments" montage
Lol gotcha. Again, thanks for reading!
MOAR ... please
Short description says "Ictavia."
2973968 FTFY
Looks like it!
2974197 I have no idea what that acronym stands for.