When Trixie visits you in a dream and tells you that she wants to change places for half a year, you accept thinking its all a silly dream. Little did you know just what you agreed to.
She’s really nothing like you expected, and she seems to think of this in a logical way. Honestly, you expected her to be all in tears should a cat ever kill an animals, even if it was for its own survival, but she seems to be totally fine with it. So, why are you so freaked out about this?
3049812 Hey, nice to see you're liking my story :)
I'll be honest, chapter 7 was hard to make for me. Fluttershy is quite hard to make interesting, since normally she's just that pony that's on the background, not doing much really. I actually rewrote this chapter a few times, and in the end I feel it shows, as it feels this entire chapter was going in circles. So, in the end, I just rushed it to get it out, and that might have been a mistake.
But if people like it, all the better
Everything will be explained in future chapters though, so you just got to be patient until then :)
“Thank you. For everything I mean.” You smile at her before glancing over at Sapphire “Keep that cutie save, ok?” My lack of self confidence is making me think that maybe you really did mean to type save and I'm just stupid in thinking it's suppose to be safe. But just in case...is it suppose to be safe? Also, I love this story. It's cute. Keep it up dude! Looking forward to more!
Whoo! More Trixie :) Loving it so far :)
Someone missed this scene
is that meant to be 'a plate of carrots'
Hey, nice to see you're liking my story :)
I'll be honest, chapter 7 was hard to make for me. Fluttershy is quite hard to make interesting, since normally she's just that pony that's on the background, not doing much really. I actually rewrote this chapter a few times, and in the end I feel it shows, as it feels this entire chapter was going in circles. So, in the end, I just rushed it to get it out, and that might have been a mistake.
But if people like it, all the better
Everything will be explained in future chapters though, so you just got to be patient until then :)
“Thank you. For everything I mean.” You smile at her before glancing over at Sapphire “Keep that cutie save, ok?”
My lack of self confidence is making me think that maybe you really did mean to type save and I'm just stupid in thinking it's suppose to be safe. But just in case...is it suppose to be safe?
Also, I love this story. It's cute. Keep it up dude! Looking forward to more!
Ugh, yeah you're right. Goddamnit, I always typo those two
Got caught up with all the chapters so far I'm loving it!
First we have a truth-restraint spell, and now we're encountering pony instincts. MC... you're bucked.
Though I admit... the bear would have sent me running. The fish I can handle, but this talk of bears?
Yay! A cute chapter!
Not just pony instincts. It sounds like PTSD and a bit of phagophobia.