A loose tooth has been bothering Apple Bloom for several weeks. Her sister says all she has to do is wait and it will fall out, but she tired of waiting. She wants it out now! And she will do anything to get it out.
I write imaginary stories about cartoon horses.
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What's that face you're making, Colgate? Oh, wait, I recognize that. It's the Liarjack Face. :3
I know that ending was supposed to be funny, but...
Eh, I'll entertain myself with the knowledge that Mister Rich sued Twist's family^^
Good, nice MLP:FiM Hub grade goodness. Have a
Need some cleanup on formatting, mostly indentation, and some spelling/grammar check and a proof read or two. Nothing a little self edit can't fix. (thumbs up).
2 erR iz HoomUn
Keep writing
2909302 Thank you. I do try my best.
2903773 That's okay. As long as you thought the story good.
Love love LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!It was sweet how AppleBloom stood up to her friends. Great story! 5 stars!
What if I told you... Her name is not NOT colgate? Her name is Minuette
Loved the story though I can imagine Minuettes face when she has the drill
2928956 Her name is NOT Colgate?
Hm, the more you know. Thanks, I'll remember that next time.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I think its a fan dubbed name from the youtube video a day at the dentist but its alright though just a nickname
I can only imagine Colgate as being Medic now, thanks to that ending -kero.
I can't really connect to the story, unfortunately. When I was a kid and had loose teeth, i'd just stand in front of the mirror and fight it until I got it out -kero.
A nice and cute story regardless. I noticed some pretty bad spelling mistakes (which is saying something, as i'm usually lenient about that kind of thing). Also, I really suspected Scoots to get DT, but I guess I was in for a wonderful -kero.
I grant this story 5/5 Spikes -kero.
Absolutely wonderful.
Perfect revenge ..... !
Well, this was a cute story. Nothing more to say really.
I’ve been relating to this a lot, recently. I found this while my gums were still recovering from the necessary removal of some stubborn baby teeth, and this little slice-of-life just made me smile. Thanks for making my day.
That's karma for you