"Dear Princess Celestia... I hate you oh so much. Words cannot even begin to describe my contempt for your very being, but a letter will have to do."
Twilight writes an extra special letter to the princess after binge drinking for hours on end. The letter isn't about a lesson of the true meaning of friendship as the princess had come to expect. Nope, more along the lines of drunkard ranting and a copious amount of angst. Let's read it now, shall we?
Warning: Adult language.
Thanks to TheFIMguru and Mr101 for editing!
I love this already.
Liked before I even read it!
Wow. That was different.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Well, uh... How do I put this...
Edit: Instantly liked and faved. There needs to be a sequel.
I know the secret message...
Short, sweet and made me laugh. Awesome work!
I found your secret message.
Anyway, this was pretty funny. Good job and stuffs.
I'm not sure if Twilight is a happy drunk or a sad drunk, from this letter.
Poor Twilight. Why doesn't Spike actually stop her from doing this to herself? lul
Found the message!
... Eeyup
This was really funny!
I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for saying this (maybe, going on speculation) but I would rather prefer (in my opinion) if you continue Just Joking or All Hail The Dark Lord (just my opinion)
I found the secret message
That was great
Wait.. I can't find it.. WHERE is the secret message!?
To all those who don't know what a harem is... Congrats on having your innocence with you... You just don't wanna know

I'm not too sure why that Chapter 1 is in there. Especially since this story is already marked complete.
Wow. That message lol.
The c word always tends to make things better somehow.
I always put a chapter thing at the beginning of all my stories. Just a thing with me.
I like this letter and its secret message a lot. Go Twilight.
How can anyone not know what a harem is? Its pretty basic information I knew back around first grade. You can't read or watch something set in an 'Arabian' setting without one.
That secret message was amazing!
I figured out the secret message by the psychic power of my left kidney... and knowing how these things in general work.
Also, didn't even noticed you wrote this at first, but then the thought crossed my mind "this sounds a lot like Bob's work." And lo and behold, it was so! 
Bit crass and creepy for my tastes (and outright lying about Celestia's plot, because most gay guys would chase that tail
) but still, have an upvote.

Okay, I believe the secret message is:
Does the whiting-out suffice?
The sequel should be a drunken love letter to Luna.
Well... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Message was great, whole letter was great! I have no idea what was Twi drinking, but probably it should rather be injected with a syringe.
I imagined the secret message would be more elusive, reading the first letter of each paragraph was the first thing I tried and bang, jackpot. And about the fic itself: It was very funny I loved it, a drunkard's letter to Princess Celestia :D Liked and Faved
Ummm... well... I could actually see twilight writing this if she got really, really drunk.
what is it. its midnight, im tired as fuck as I haven't had much sleep at all due to the heat for the last week and my brain isn't functioning fully. what is it please?
The secret message! I found it! On my first try...

So... it's just either Twily being OOC and drunk, or this being set in some AU molestiaverse. Either way, it was a crappy read.
Secret messsage found, copy and paste in web address bar to see it you fucking cunt
If found the message too. It's too vulgar for me to just type out though.
This is comedy gold.
I prefer using the spoiler bbc code, but yeah.
If I can say anything about this fic, it's that I SO GLAD to read a Twilight and Celestia fic that doesn't drown itself in shipping!
loled a ton after discovering the message. not hard to find.
This may sound dumb. But is the secret message a Hangover 2 reference maybe?
Dat secret message xD
Hah! That was fun.
Well... that was amusing.
Definitely the Molestiaverse.
Either that, or Twilight got into the same stuff Celestia did on that night with the miniskirt. Or she's delusional. Or this is an elaborate effort at revenge by Trixie.
Whatever the case, Twilight's got some 'splainin' to do.
Which happens when you're drunk off your ass.
Eh, I won't argue you about that. Read a bad fic that amounted to "when you read this I'm dead" Twilight wrote to Celestia, so my buddy told me to write a parody of that. Which I did. So yeah...
Insert random gif here.