On Nightmare Night Doctor Whooves doesn't celebrate, instead he grieves for his lost home, reminding himself that he is alone in the universe.
Tonight Derpy will remind him that he not as lonely as he thinks.
I live for this! (Profile pic by Wrangle Wolfe)
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Not bad, not bad. Big fan of the DoctorXDerpy shipping and like what you did here.
Very cute story
I know you can't see me, but I'm giving you a standing ovation.

The only problem I have with this story is its not long enough...........
I want more DoctorXDerpy........ 
2939244 I was working on a sequel which I never finished, perhaps I should actually finish the thing and publish that too.

This would be my response...........
2941147 Can't say no to that, I'll find the drafts
I'm so excited
Im terrible at nondescript hints........
And maybe you could make a prequel as well because in this story you hinted many adventuers that could be expounded on............
(Hint hint
I just want to say, I read this once, and then a second time. The second time was more enjoyable because I was listening to a song. A song that fits with this perfectly, and the name of it is "This Is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home". Makes the story ten times better in my opinion.
3042526 That song was what inspired me to write this. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Although not that adorable, it is very sweet
3099061 Thankyou.
Beautiful story! I really enjoyed every word of it!
4034559 Thanks very much, love your profile pic.
What. Happened. To. The. TARDIS?
I still prefer the Docter-being-ponyfied scenario, never the less it was very good, very well written, great idea
5132334 Thank you.
To be honest I am okay with both The Doctor in Equestria and Doctor Whooves as an Equestrian. When I wrote this I saw lots of Doctor in Equestria fics and thought: 'What if he already was an Equestrian?'
5134892 yes I admit it is quite a unique idea that not many people have thought of doing. I still enjoyed it, very much so
Interesting—I haven't really seen a story before where the Doctor was always an Equestrian and his homewold was Gallopfrey in the MLP-verse, it's almost always the Doctor regenerated as a pony (which according to his voice actor is canon, but hey, in fanfic anything goes!). Regardless, it was really sweet. Short, but sweet.
7762908 Thanks, this is one of the first, probably the first, pieces of fan fiction I wrote. Nice to see people still enjoy it.
I have now read a handful of Doctor Whooves fics and I am surprised that no one has made a story where the Doctor remembers and then realizes that because he's going to out live every pony that the more friends he lets close, the more pain he is going to garentee himself. For there life's are but that of a melting candle stick. Even though he isn't immortal, each regeneration can go as long as a few hundred years.
Now you mention it, I havn't seen any like that either.