• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2022



This is a crossover between My Little Pony: FIM and The Lion King.
Set after the end of Season 2, before Simba's pride in alternate universe

This Lion king alternate universe is set in one of my story's that is coming up soon.
In this story Zira is not with Scar, but she still gave birth to Nuka and Vitani with an unknown Lion who was killed by the Hyenas.

The Hyenas mange to escape the fire at Pride Rock and now are planning to take over
the Pride Lands once again.

Plot of the story:

After Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's love spell defeated Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling army.

The spell also caused a rip in space and time that opened a portal to the Lion King world.
Right before this happened there was news of the hyena army encroaching upon the Pride Lands once again.

Hearing this, Simba lead his pride to go and defeat the Hyenas once and for all, but as the battle was about to begin, a portal opened up sending the Lion King cast in to the Pony world.

What will happen when the Lions meets the Pony's when these world's collide?

Main Pairings

LunaxOC, Twilight Sparkle X Princess Celestia

This story will contain death and gore.

I only own Sin and whatever oc's appear in this story.

What Sin looks like-
Cub form
. .html?o=1&newest=1
Adult form
albumview/albums/sindragon1/1307561168sindragon_ .html?o=5&newest=1

Also Thardoc will be Beta this story for me as well,so thank you to him ^.^

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 17 )

Interesting combination :twilightsmile:
I love MLP and the Lion King :pinkiehappy:

A truly bizarre combination. I hope you don't quit.:ajbemused:

Are you not continuing this story or is stuff getting in the way of writing and updating? :applejackunsure: Either way I like the premise and the story so far and am still hoping you will continue it. :pinkiehappy:

2914299 Thank you Im big time Lion king fan,it what made me watch MLP .Since my friends from the main TLK site i go to,were saying how sillmer the two were.

3021873 More coming 2nd chapter is being beta at the moment.

3008249 Nope im not it might take a while to update since it has to be beta,because of my Disblity effects my spelling and grammar.

3251846 It will be updated but it will take time since it has to be beta to what I said before.


Good to see this being continued. :pinkiehappy: I know that you said it was in beta but I was beginning to worry that it had been given up on.


5162694 I will be updated i posted a blog on ifo:scootangel:.

Interesting story so far. Canr wait to read more. But seeing as how this was last updated in 2014. I dought it. But it looks cool. I hope to see more.

Add to the story please

Infant hostages? Good call Luna! Like baby armor!

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